Is 'shithole countries' our new 'banana republics'?

Is 'shithole countries' our new 'banana republics'?

Also, I am from a shithole country. Ask me anything

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How did you get your vpn to not show up as uk when you selected venezuela?

>Also, I am from a shithole country. Ask me anything

nobody gives a fuck

Every 14 of january we have a ceremy where we walk like 10km following a statue of clay.
It is the biggest of its kind
They call it "Procesión de la divina pastora" to honor Mary, the mother of Jesus

Catholicism is inherently bad?

No VPN provides Venenezuela as a proxy, as far as I know

So an actual Venezuelan posted here this afternoon?

Which country from Latinamerica is the one you (as a Venezuelan) most like and which one is the one you most dislike.


How is Maduro doing?

still waiting for that armed revolution by busting teenagers heads?

See this one

You're going back in time Steven. Also, why do you use a shitty point and click instead of a firefox phone camera like the most basic Pajeet?

I like a lot Argentina

The most I dislike is Colombia

porque no te gusta colombia?

I'm selecting images I took today, not following any order to post them

Why argentina?

Well, you're either piggybacking off of an actual Venezuelan or you're rehashing the thread. Why did you people elect Chavez and then Maduro? You're just reinforcing a stereotype about hispanic intelligence.

single or two-ply?

porque se creyo de que son todos rubios y europeos.

They haven't done anything for us never.

In the 80s and 90s while Colombia was having a bad economic situation and million of them emigrated to Venezuela.
They were benefited with citizenship and voted for Chavez in 1999
They were like parasites to our country and now they have already done a lot of damage, they leave again to Colombia

Try again Paco.

Take a picture if your fridge or fuck off

learn spanish.

For what purpose?

>hurr look guise i can post the same thread 100 times a day

belgians speaks 4 languages, why not?

What is happening in Venezuela is interesting to follow. They are fucking up worse than Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe is already fucked has had a low standard of living, while Venezuela was far far better off so the fall is harder and more entertaining.

I just watched a video of Venezuelas hunting a cow like it's the stoneage, lol.

Colombia is now crowded with beggars and hookers from Venezuela, I guess we're even now.

I like how they are and the potential of their economy


you guys have to use crayons to write now?

Dutch, and it's really only two, English and Dutch.

Nice. You need more mangos and sardines

they are scum, true.

I was attacked by a colombian immigrant here

It is funny that so much of the American South is as bad or worse than supposed shithole countries


if america invaded and hanged maduro then left would you actually care

Mad Max Sudaca edition

I used a green marker with nice smell

I didn't voted for Maduro neither Chávez
Maduro committed fraud in the presidential election back in 2013. He did not win

You are locating the guerrilla into our country and venezuelan capitals are leaving to Colombia
You understand now?

Well now you're reinforcing a stereotype about hispanics and elections and governance.
I think you might be racist against hispanics.

What am I looking at?

You all need to man up and start lynching these oligarchs and then but the socialists in reeducation camps.

Free helicopter rides too

is my country considered a shithole Sup Forums?

dont worry my chamo bro, soon you will be in your dream country.


No one had the bright idea to make a spear. Let's chuck rocks at it.

No, you are the brightest country in this shithole dark region, also, you are 88% white. thats good.

People are desperate for food and supplies.

I always get Paraguay and Uruguay mixed up. Which one has the highest murder rate?



Uruguay is europe 2,0

Why don't you hold the USA responsible for Venezuelan people starving?

Paraguay is filled with terrorists and gangs

Maduro and friends flee to Cuba in May 2018. Screencap it.

Have you guys been rioting or has it quieted down?

USA isn't doing anything to us

Scrambling for paper that is not even worth wiping your ass with.

This is like if some fuck decided to throw a handful of nickel's in the air.

What would happen to the US if our civilization collapsed. 18-wheelers being hijacked for their supplies out of the back and the fuel in their tanks. They never make it to the cities, which are all the more hellish because of it. It's a downward spiral.

Fuck man, sorry you have to live there. Do Venezuelans still believe in communism? What do most people there think is happening?

Rioting isn't a thing anymore
Some weeks ago looting has become very popular
There are places where the militaries themselves started to looting grocery stores

Even muslim refugees don't want to live in Uruguay.
Hey, on the off chance you actually are Venezuelan, I've spent some time in Caracas. It was worse than the time I've spent in West Africa. I have no idea how you make a place with friendly people seem so scary, but don't teach anyone else how to do it.

They are starving due to their on stupidity

>Paraguay is filled with terrorists and gangs
piece of cake compared to Brazil

I doubt it.

These banknotes has a face value of less than $0.0004

How much can you buy with a $100 usd in Venezuela right now?

This scares the gringo.

The Lesson of Haiti

Haha I know bruddah. I mean if he happened here.

A handle of nickel's is probably worth less than $5

A lot of food for a family of 5
If you administer well those $100 you can have enough food for two months

Venezuela is doing better than Brazil then. I wouldn't be able to eat properly living alone with $100 for food

You should elect a blowhard socialist again then. You neglected to ask if that was $100 in the official exchange rate or the black market one.

The thing is your minimum wage in Brazil is a way more than in Venezuela

>military has started to loot
I don't get why they don't join the people and overthrew your shitty government.

Because they can't despite it is known the militaries are mad at the dictatorship.

Militaries are thugs. They aren't real militaries as in Colombia or any other country with a stable democratic republic

At least you can buy food in Brazil without queuing for days on end.

How can I make money shipping food to Venezuela?

How does your mail work? I have a Venezuelan pen pal, I want to send her some stuff. Are courier companies like DHL or FedEx reliable, or will stuff "disappear"?

Live in a border town and send food? I'd imagine all of the smart monkeys have figured that out by now though.

The world bank lied about our economy we are doing better than ever.

I can't blame you for liking them tough.

I had a friend in Sri Lanka. You have to conceal stuff because they open the mail and look for cash. I'd assume it's the same with Venezuela.

You can't sell anything in here.

Months ago there were brazilians doing business with venezuelan stores in Puerto Ordaz and Ciudad Bolìvar and they went bankrupt once they lost everything in a looting. Their business partners were unable to pay for the loses

Only militaries can run business in here and foreigners keep getting scammed by them every time they offer to make business with them

I have known of cases where everything is stolen, however if you are lucky enough your box won't be open.
If I were you, I'd send her money instead of supplies.
And if you aren't sending supplies but other stuff, I wouldn't do it either

So how much would it cost to buy a Venezuelan QT at this point? Needs to have blue eyes and a light complexion.

Yeah but what if it's FedEx or DHL, they do realize that if things go missing, internal investigation will find out and people will get fired, not to mention I will be reimbursed, right?

>potential of their economy
They are going to shift to peronism again, they are so brainwashed like Venezuelans
>I like how they are
Yeah, Argentinians are just like Venezuelans, they feel like they deserve free shit for doing nothing, they are all narcissistic, selfish, and uneducated people

I worked for DHL in the Middle East for a time. The local customs guys do what they want.

>internal investigation will find out and people will get fired

You will be stolen by custom officials. They can't get fired if they get paid to steal other people's property they send by mail. It is their job to search for valuable stuff or even deodorant sell it at the black market

Spics are subhumans that lack the higher brain functions like altruism, foresight, and situational awareness. This is why spics have no qualms with having seventeen children in a two room shit shack while getting obese on welfare.

I feel like this might be jewish propaganda, like the one who says that we all come from Africa therefore we are all niggers

Zero news or awareness of the situation in Venezuela is exactly what (((they))) want. It's not in the news for a reason.

i remember you

were you able to collect the money to travel to argentina?

People helped me a lot, but I'm still $120 short. I already have $330

Thanks for asking

Road pirates


how can we help? Any paypal where i can send you some money?

Many of my bros are doing great in Argentina but only because they were able to graduate uni in time.
It's gonna be difficult but you can pull it off.
This video is my recent favorite

Do you have any other nationalities?

This pic is in every single thread.

I'm stuck in a socialist shithole too. If I give you my paypal will you help me?

What you need to do is pump out Venezuela girls to your fellow hue, buy food and then sell it to Venebros at a marked up price.

You are the Jew now.

Yeah, of course

[email protected]

btc: 1HSgPmrRrXzrSEttHwhVzjBDRPcwvZL9Rq

ether: 0x2b03aC63951eD6a57D9F7412bA35f1831B7A5202

bch: 1NA3S1ZVYkaDgzFXkMoiHwN6s3usTk2sph

Thank you user

It's amazing when socialism collapses it's capitalism that makes a killing off your suffering, but also charity helps you out.

Majority of venezuelans don't believe in communism anymore. However, there is certain part of the population who believe in communism is still supporting the communist dictatorship and I think they aren't more than 5%

People already know what's happening. They know the problem is the economy, the controls over the economy, the spending, and the attacks against private property.
The problem is that we don't have a consensus yet about what should be done about the economy and also about the dictatorship

I was going to send you some cash, but you don't have a litecoin address :(

I'm not exactly sure how I should feel about the Venezuelan situation honestly.

Maduro's grandparents are Jews that hid as Catholics during the expulsion of Jews in Europe. He's a converted Catholic but identifies with Soviet socialism.

Has nationalized the nation's oil and is against world Jewry and has connections with Iran/Russia.

Anyone got anything else to add (with citations plz)?