Why are so many Sup Forums regulars such chickenhawks?

why are so many Sup Forums regulars such chickenhawks?

do they not realize the horrific ramifications of war and how it will change our lives?

do these people seriously think their inner "sociopath" will be a blessing when they are forced into combat?

do they not realize that they will be crying and pissing themselves while crying for mommy when the shit hits the fan?

This is now a Veteran hate thread.

>Begs McDonalds worker for 5% discount
>Goes to fireworks show
>Alcoholic mess
>Thinks opinion is valid because, "I'mma soldier n' shieet"

We're ready to gas the kikes at any cost.

Mr Fuckface, I'm 47 yeArs old and was in the first and second gulf wars, 10th Mountain to be exact.Ain't no chickenhawks here, petunia

as if its just McDonalds

im in the 10th Mountain right now
it's pretty chill actually
get to go skiing every day with the bros

Wtf is a chickenhawk

>find Sup Forums
>experience frequent little endorphin rushes via lulzy threads
>see Happening thread
>massive endorphin rush via breaking news, amusing memes in stickied threads
>Happening ends
>quality of threads decline
>refresh catalog repeatedly looking for news of catastrophic events
Sup Forums is full of strung out Happening junkies and a war is like a massive crack rock.

By skiing, I assume you mean, riding in the middle of a pickup truck and jerking off two dudes.

I hope you kill yourself
Loser. Why are you on Sup Forums you retarded old man?

>reddit spacing

To save you, from your testosterone challenged ways

What the fuck happened to all the happenings?

You single?

Fuck you reddit, war kicks ass.

Married, 24 years

Don't know what a chicken hawk is, but if if potential death means I get to see the world kill some people and potentially fuck qt nork girls. I consider it a worthy gamble.

Despite its horrors war is a gamble and if successful leads to prosperity.

You think the good times of the 1950s were from nowhere? Its because a good chunk of the workforce died in ww2 and those left behind had better pickings and less competition

I always thought chicken hawk was the term for a man that pursues young girls, come to find out it's a man that pursues young boys.

experience it firsthand then come talk

Shucks. Oh well at least you take marriage seriously unlike a lot people these days. Good man yuz iz

Didn't really take it seriously at first, my wife did...and then I followed suit. Shame there aren't more women out there like her.

Sometimes war is neccessary.
I am ready to join with Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, China and Russia to ensure the destruction of Israel and their puppet governments.

first up slide thread!

seriously, WHAT A JOKE!

all you SJW tards are smoked! that keyboard aint gonna save you! how does the saying go again? oh yeah, War is Hell.

without weapons (and your keyboard doesn't count) you are basically at the mercy of the first gun carrying tard to show up! pop your head up in search of food for your family / children and you are just another dead SJW!

really funny cuz most of you larper's will be begging to surender and live. Any occupying force is just gonna vaporize the trash. trash being defined as those who provide nothing useful, whether in goods, services, skills, etc

you get the pic

This leaf gets it

They just happen. It's like fishing. Sometimes you'll fish more than you can carry and other times you'll go completely empty for days on end.

Personally I like the quiet times. Gives me some moments to parse through and review the nonstop barrage of information. Sup Forums archives definitely help.

Leaf, when the time comes, you'll ascend and become a leafblower, similar to the story of a carp that, through perseverance, swims up a waterfall and becomes a dragon.

Lmao lefty fagget intimidated by a text post