Am I the only one who hates civic nationalist BoomerPedes more than actual leftists? Reading Breitbart comments makes me want to kill myself every day.
I hate Boomers so goddamn much.
Am I the only one who hates civic nationalist BoomerPedes more than actual leftists? Reading Breitbart comments makes me want to kill myself every day.
I hate Boomers so goddamn much.
civic nationalism is da wae
They lack self awareness and believe black people are all just like the Cosbys
They are old fucks who were redpilled before the easy access to information we have on the internet. Forgive them for being a bit off.
Respect your elders nigger. They are on our side anyways.
begone shareblue faggot
What country are you again?
Some southern african one?
Consider burning in a jungle, retard.
>Civic Nationalist BASED NIGGER cuckservatives
I refuse to respect the generation who destroyed western civilization.
Go fuck yourself old man.
>I hate Boomers so goddamn much.
Fuck off, retard. Boomers are the high water mark of civilization. Gen X and Millenials are the Justin Timberlakes of autotune consumerist society. Consume and keep silent.
Boomers, hippies in particular, were the last gasp of humanity.
I can forgive them to an extent, for things that are understandable, like unfamiliarity with technology or an over-reliance on TV news. I cannot forgive them for buying into obvious retarded scam ideologies like "Christian Zionism," though. That's just an open betrayal of their own nation in favor of another.
Boomers we're the 60's cultural marxists who ruined everything.
I hope you retards die in hospice being abused by your based nigger nurses.
You were the generation that spelled the death of all civilization. You brought about the sexual revolution, which was the final nail in the coffin of wester civilizaion. You and all of your friends will burn in hell forever for the diabolical revolution you brought forth into this world, putrid reprobate.
2016 was the worst thing to happen to Sup Forums
boomers will all burn in hell
Christian Zionism is ok.
The jews having Israel is consitent with nationalism imo. Let they stay there and not come here I say.
And it is strategically advantageous for the US to have a strong military partner in the vicinity of the middle east.
Just try to redpill them on the Jews, it's nearly impossible. They are totally brainwashed automatons.
I hate them because they are willfully fucking stupid in an obvious and retarded way and communicate in a retarded combination of boomer memes and slogans. They are fucking willfully ignorant and not in the way that leftists rationalize and explain away all the contradictions in their worldview Breitbartians are actually fucking retarded in an almost Orwellian fashion which is difficult to explain. Like when Bannon was fired they had a switch in their retarded brain just go off and it was like "WTF I LOVE JARED KUSHNER IVANKA AND GARY KOHN NOW LMAO"
there is zero independent thought or self awareness with these people basically whatever talking points are rolled out from Rush Limbaugh Infowars Drudge and Trump in that order of importance is the absolute gospel to these retards. There is no system, worldview or defined set of beliefs or ideology. Trump can say that he will amnesty all the Mexicans tommorow and that will be a brilliant manouvre that will expose democrats as the real racists. Trump can invade and bomb Iran and they will cheer him on and if he doesn't they will cheer him on that he didn't. He can raise taxes and they will support him lower taxes and they will support him if he begins promoting faggotry and trannies they will support him if he bans them they will support him.
You'll get banned from the comments section if you criticize Zionism like I did.
The synagogue of satan is not the holy place. Christian zionism is literally a contradiction and an antichrist ideology. Accepting the sons of satan that reject christ is antichrist and diabolical heresy.
Die Boomer scum, get the fuck off my board.
I'm close to lumping boomers and christcucks in the leftists basket. They are enablers with their "turn the other cheek/ why bother, jesus is coming soon", bullshit.
All 3 of the violent desert religions are mind control garbage.
1) there's nothing wrong with violence
2) you are a bluepilled cuck that will burn in hell
How can these people be such mental slaves?
I swear to God Sup Forums is the only powerful force on the right that isn't co-opted and brainwashed.
Theres nothing more cringe than a right winger. Right wing boomers are retarded beyond belief, but the millennial right takes the cake. You really should all kill yourselves.
>Am I the only one who hates civic nationalist BoomerPedes more than actual leftists?
Definitely NOT alone in this hatred for them. They disgust us all. T_D needs to fuck off permanently.
I hate 18 year old niggers far more.
I don't mind them, there is enough true evil to hate.
>retarded center right voters are on our side
They're just as dangerous as center and far left voters, and have contributed immensely to our moral/social degradation.
Yeah but being a nigger isn't a political position.
t. Boomer
>They're just as dangerous as center and far left voters
That's a bit hyperbolic m8, they just need help filtering
It's impossible because they developed their political ideas in an era when there simply was no alternative media to get the truth out. The JQ is such an incredible mindfuck to someone whose ideas were entirely formed by (((them))) that it's just too much to take. It's a lot easier for us to accept since we had access to alternatives before our ideas were set
>t. 30 year old who doesn't play into d&c
Not every Christian believes that, it's mostly Protestants, and their religion is dying anyway. The majority of Catholics I've encountered do not like the current Pope's Lefty bullshit at all.
the only thing that has degraded us is late stage capitalism. If everyone was prosperous no one would give a fuck about illegals or leftists or gays or anything.
divide and conquer worked pretty well on (You) huh? how does it feel being played on by spooks?
So you prefer leftists? Beggers can't be choosers, faggot. You're going to need all the help you can get against the left. At least Breitbarters are patriotic as fuck and want to enforce the law equally which would take care of a lot of our issues.
Perfectionism is for losers.
Fuck right off. Civic Nationalist faggots would still have us be a white minority nation which would lead to perpetual leftist dominance.
There's a difference between perfectionism and not compromising on literally the only issue that matters.
ITT: the controlled opposition
>Nice VPN
I was a Chomskyite until the Trayvon case showed me how viscerally antiwhite the left is. Generally speaking, I think it’s easier to find educated whites of quality nordic stock on the gentile left than the right. If there a way to slip IQ and evolution data to a Bernie Sanders rally, we could have a class of Himmlers overnight.
Nothing is worse than a libtard, NOTHING!
>they just need help filtering
There's no hope for the vast majority of them, that I can assure you. They would be glad to have right wing people gunned down if they're called Nazi's by drudge or breitbart.
like 80% of the comments are just shills with israeli ips
>boomer comments on breitbart:
Dems R Real Rayciss (DR3)
We must secure Israel at all costs
Hispanics are Natural Conservatives
Based Zionist Jews
Its mostly evangelicals #notallprotestants go kiss nigger feet
The pators preists and revrends have been compleatly compromised
Listen to weev's 2018 new years resolution video. His understanding of religion's current position is spot on.
>Its mostly evangelicals #notallprotestants go kiss nigger feet
What about kike feet?
>Fuck off, retard. Boomers are the high water mark of civilization
It only appears like that because of the accomplishment of the Greatest Generation. In fact, when it came time for the Boomers to go to war, they spilled into the streets and dragged their feet, ushering in the new era of complacency and dependence on the government.
Without the Boomers, we would be living in a utopia right now. They can't die off fast enough.
Man, it cracks me up when fellow millennial lament about how bad boomers are. Don't any of you fucking understand that future generations will hate our generation exponentially more?
What a load of bullshit. I'm quite well off and there is nothing that I hate more than the lesser races. Kill them all.
I think materialists should be locked up alone in the darkest, filthiest dungeons and have a needle with tons of heroin put into them until they die.