What will happen to all the thicc mexican slam piggies in America when the wall is built?
GOAT bodytype tbqhfam, shame about the face though
they'll either find a nice american to settle down with or go back
I am very worried
also looking for sauce on this succulent hog
She is popular on Sup Forums, she has a modelling profile somewhere
Google her...
See this:
got any links? is she the one responsible for the whole slam piggy craze?
I don't have links but seriously, go to Sup Forums if you want more, she is quite popular over there - and, yes, she is THE OG slam piggy girl,.She has some Hispanic name, I found her modelling profile using her name (whatever it might have been) as I was interested in the origin of the "slam piggy" meme.
Sup Forums will actually be useful for once...
>that fucking muppet
top jej
It's not fake, I used the Google/Yandex/Iqdb links you get with 4ChanX and Google provided the charming results we see. I never input any text either, it's Google who decided she's "slam piggy" and compared her to Miss Piggy.
You can't make this shit up. What a time to be alive...
thanks m8. theres actually a thread going on for her in Sup Forums right now. good god that pussy is massive. fuck me sideways
I think I will join in for shits'n'giggles... FWIW, I'm sure there is a short vid of her on Motherless
Who cares?
help a man find this video. i cant get enough. sad to think the wall is going to reduce the numbers of slam piggies over time
they'll be slam piggies for the beaners south of the border.
these are typically the piggies we get
>overstuffed burritos
>that pussy
Bullshit slide thread. SAGE
Just input "slam piggy" into Motherless. She has a tattoo on her arm, but I don't think you see her face much... kek
Mexico City is where it's at.
who is that goddess