Is /NoFap/ a meme? How do you feel about the movement? What about /NoPorn/? If MGTOW if political then so is this, fuck off jannies.
Is /NoFap/ a meme? How do you feel about the movement? What about /NoPorn/? If MGTOW if political then so is this...
It is masculine to temper desires and control yourself. /noporn is more important than /nofap
I don't watch porn or jack off at all but I am addicted to prostitutes. I might go to /gif/ once in a blue moon to watch a few vanilla webms for about 15 minutes but beyond that, nope. Like right now it is late at night and I'm off work tomorrow and I have intense cravings for a woman. None of my regular girls or even random BP girls are responding right now so it's pretty bad and I can't sleep.
I have a good paying job, my own place, bills paid, etc but still no woman. It sucks sometimes but it is what it is
Controlling desires increases happiness, the ancient monks understood this, If you aren't attached to your desires you were not liable to suffer from them. Also you will have an increase in testosterone and androgen receptors from no fap.
New /nofap/ and /noporn/. Haven’t masturbated since last year and no porn since a week before that. Haven’t noticed any real difference yet. Doing it for religious reasons.
Also it's probably not the act of paying for sex so much as it is the sex itself and women I am addicted to. I honestly have been with over a 100 women easily just from 2017 alone. I need to get a relationship but I'd still cheat on a gf with my favorite girls
Did it for 40 days and 40 nights once. Now I gained the superpower of being able to cum hands free using kegels alone.
I recommend weaning off by watching "Sexy Aerobics" on YouTube
If you want to be all you can be, don't waste your time doing any fapping.
I tried nofap but the whole community seemed like an autistic cult so i fapped
Keep going only good can come from this.
Nofap has diminishing returns after not fapping for a month, from personal experience
nofap gives you cancer. onanism had nothing to do with fapping. your picture is of the daughter of anton lavey
>tfw no erections
I'll give you my experience. 3 weeks into no fap (from once or twice a day) I've noticed my balls are bigger.
There's no actual benefits from it. I went about 3 months of NoFap and nothing changed except really ugly girls looked like goddesses. Felt like my dick was dying from atrophy too.
No I just do once a week and I'm dandy. Feels so much better than when I wanking daily for 99% of my life.
tfw no 10/10 satan worshiping gf
I never notice this.
I don't condone ejaculation but once a week is better than it could be in pic related.
nofap is miracle-diet woo tier shit for sad boys who think they're redpilled
Its the same magical thinking faux positivity anecdotal bullshit that's infected weak minds since the dawn of time
I still can't believe Sam Hyde was murdered
Nofap doesn’t give you magic powers. You just mess your underoos all the time from nightly emissions. Fapping excessively is more a symptom of a psychological problem and not the other way around.
the only people who don't like krabby patties
>I still can't believe Sam Hyde was murdered
What!? When did this happen!!!??
This is not politics.
Sage and report all off topics and troll threads.