Google Tarl Sargent, what do you think about this sick fuck?
Google Tarl Sargent, what do you think about this sick fuck?
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Only redditors don't want a beautiful sweet young wife.
Stop doxing people you faget
Fucking sick fuck better burn in hell.
I did and nothing came up
He deserves it. Fucking creep molested kids
Try again, says he molests kids and dogs
>Tarl Sargent
In googled it and nothing came up, just post a link OP
I don't know who this Tarl guy pissed off, but you are one hell of a dedicated, assblasted shitposter and 4chna has enough of those. Get banned, motherfucker.
quick rundown
Oh look it's nothing
Besides for you saying he did, what evidence do you have?
Kinda botched that image conversion, half the shit isn't readable.
Here's another
t. Tarl Sargent
Alright, there is zero evidence haha This is a pretty good troll damage wise but im not sure of the reason behind it. did the guy steal your girl?
This.OPs just mad he couldn't get away with blasting boy booty himself.