Could bathhouse culture work in the USA? What's your opinion of it? Do you need a homogeneous society for it to work?

Could bathhouse culture work in the USA? What's your opinion of it? Do you need a homogeneous society for it to work?

That's where gay men go for dates.

We have saunas instead of bathhouses

nah, they've tried stuff like this before in the 70's and 80's and it just never caught on.

It always worked for bathhouse Barry, the former commander in chief. SAGE

Asian culture is different from the ground up
Like says in the west it'd just be used by bum boys

Only if I can bring my kids, so children would have to be allowed in

My city has a few korean type spas. They have baths like this for women and men, and then sauna kind of rooms that you go in dressed. Plus massages and good food. Really fun, but it's mostly just asians inside. I think the average American is just too prude for them to catch on. Plus at least asians are usually skinny or at worst just a little fat. I really don't want to go sit in a big bathtub full of obese lard-asses and soak in their ass juices because we know they can't clean themselves properly...

It seemed really gay when the Romans did it and nothing changes.
>one communal sponge for ass wiping
>epitome of civilization

Unfortunately in the US bathouse culture has become synonymous with gay promiscuity culture

what do you think sunday night football is. we have the same gyms and saunas as everybody else. only thing we need now is trough urinals

What city?

there used to be bathhouses, but as other posters have remarked they were used for gay sex. some eastern european neighborhoods in the states still have them.

We had those in America. Jews turned them into faggot dens.

Seems pretty gay desu

Why the fuck would anyone want to take a bath with over naked men?

seems you smell like a pussy and a masonic jew. your nose is bigger than your manhood


Is there chlorine in that water? Not sure I want to share bath water that has flowed through unwashed crevasses with a bunch of random men.

Too many fat fucks

You can even go to a regular pool in Sweden anymore without getting raped by a sandnig. They don't even like water, but they adapt to new places for potential rapes.

No such thing

>Could bathhouse culture work in the USA?
>What's your opinion of it?
Seems comfy.
>Do you need a homogeneous society for it to work?

because sometimes you play sports and need a shower. or you know. have a physical job. i shower at work. is there a problem officer

This is common at most health clubs.

I'd love a steam, but it's hopelessly associated with 'gay sex den'.

It'll never catch on.

No, it has already been proven not to work here. It was the breeding ground of the AIDS epidemic in the 80s and 90s.

salt works. maybe a few tampons. whichever

That’s a pretty rare flag you got there

How do you think AIDS was spread in the 80s?

why does everyone think this way? just make the bath portion separate from a free swim section. then everyone brings trunks and we have a good time.

Oh. You’re that guy

that was a lab. that shit is all over now. you have the same forms of sex. only with more diseases. youre also outbred

Most Americans don't even bathe
The most clean we get is when it rains outside and our scooter happens to run out of battery at the same time
Americans are disgusting lumps of gangrenous lard that exist purely to turn gallons upon gallons of high fructose corn syrup into watery diarrhea and nothing else
If you put an American in a bath or a pool to clean them off, they'd get dirtier because they'd shit into the water from their muscles relaxing thus becoming covered in watery shit and smelling sightly worse than normal
Fuck America and fuck Americans

Steambaths are the patrician choice for discussing shit with your friends. Saunas are an acceptable alternative.
There's something about the setting that helps ease conversation.

I feel sad for burgers if the gays took it over completely.

the guy who made the comic? hrm

>We had those in America. Jews turned them into faggot dens.

Not with their hygiene and weight.
>What is a bidet?

Apparently it’s all The Jews(tm) fault that men can’t platonically wallow around in each other’s dirty bathwater and talk sports

Poor baby forgot to put his meme flag on

would turn into a complete fag orgy overnight

it is. jews are matrilineal. free masons are pussy worshippers. homophobes invented trannies. start using your brains. come "test my oil" while youre at it. everybody is at least bi

Just stay away from the little ones, rainbow warrior.

What is the point of this? I could understand if there was a hot spring in the middle of a snowy area, but there is nothing this provides tat you can't get in your own bathtub, except the extra naked men.

HIV sure did then.

Bitch I'm married to a man

We just need to take it back like everything else. New spaces. New societal and mental infrastructure.

why do people choose same sex masseuses?

Too many grimy niggers. I wouldnt step foot in an establishment with a nigger in it. You need a homogeneous culture for such a thing, but not homogeneous as in race, but a unified culture.

My undergrad had a pretty huge and high-end natatorium. There was a section with two giant 30 person steel hottubs and two saunas and two steam room, each holding 20 people. It was fucking awesome and popular with people that seriously went to the gym. Bathing suits we're required. I would go in there after a weight hoisting session, slather my self with Vicks and just steam and soak for a while. I used to take girls there on dates because hardly anyone knew about this area because you had to take a separate passage from the locker rooms. Because it was only used by a select few, we we're all fit so it worked out well.

>I hate the truth reeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

Literal shithole country stuff. Asian countries do this shit because utilities are hard when your populace is poor and of peasant genestock whom know no better. I remember hearing some appalling number that around half of Tokyo residents have only access public/shared bathrooms as of 2005. Absolutely pleb. Its like going to the laundromat when you have a washer dryer at home, why use a disgusting public stopgap when you dont have to?

That's gay.

are you a gynecologist

>What my two dad's does to me
Whoever wrote that sentence is pic related

your mom is gay

why would I need to go to a place to have a bath

to not be fat

Your feelings and projection aren't the truth.

2/3 of us are Fats.
Thats the matter.

Look at the triggered buttsexfag.

>tfw no Roman bathhouse

you have anal dont you?

No thanks. I’ll stick to a nice decompressing hot shower in solitude.

I can't believe a fag is pro bath house Haha

>Could bathhouse culture work in the USA?

>What's your opinion of it?
Great with high a high-IQ homogeneous society.

>Do you need a homogeneous society for it to work?

not in USA, it would quickly turn into fag place the same way YMCA showers are known for queer hookups


Degenerate also has low IQ. Not surprising from a Sodomite.

you act like you live on pluto or something. i dont care where you are. men will always say "nothing i havent seen before". that is self explanatory

Thank you for exemplifying why setters should all be dragged behind trucks.

No bcuz when I get done working out I wanna go home see my family and chop wood. Or take care of cows. Or work on a hobby. Or learn something new for work.not sit and hang with naked mannies


Bathroom time is the best part of my day, I get to clean myself, shit my guts clean and just chill surrounded with hot water.

It is absolutely my dream to have a big comfortable luxurious place to do bathe, the idea of a bathhouse is very appealing to me, but I can't stand looking at gay old sweaty homos around me. Hopefully one day I will be able to build a big nice bathroom for my family exclusively.

>a bunch of disgusting mexicans and poor brown people

i think ill fucking pass


I think the Italians continued the tradition, at least in mob movies there's always that one sauna scene.

you look at em on /soc/
manlet detected. ffs. go to europe for once. the place you always larp about

I know right?
All these fucking plebs not knowing about the good life.

you take a shower before you get into the bath...

or you have autogynephilia and a shrimp dick

if we didn't have homosexuals, yes it would work

We have pool/sauna/fitness/sport facilities. It's called the YMCA.
I'd rather be at the pool so I can oogle women.

>tfw we used to have them everywhere in france. Bain public they were called and there was a whole movement with being clean and presentable.

i want out of this ride.

a bath house is basically a woman free zone where men can talk shit and joke around without getting a courtcase. woman free zones arent allowed to exist in the west. at least not until sharia is implemented

and many others. also tits are for kids
you see homos in your cereal. youre freudian

You need a Homogeneous society. Japan & China are 98.5% Asian. America is not. One of the reasons Arcades don't work in America anymore too.

We proud Americans don't want to soak in water, as it removes our protective layer of grease and sweat. Without this our skin dries and cracks under the immense strain of holding in our boundless rolls of freedom. My neighbor took a bath last year, that night he had a blowout in his left love handle. Woke up the whole neighborhood when it went, made a loud bang, shook the windows for a whole block.

I went to high school in America and they had to shut down the school showers forever because the football team raped someone with a banana during a team shower.

America is too degenerate for it to work.

Disgusts me desu. The thought of being naked in a large bath tub with a bunch of men just seems filthy and gay.

I bet there's all kinds of shit germs in that water. Disgusting.

note the keyword. the basedness of the root term of homo. it even names the species

I have 3 bathrooms in my house already faggot.

Niggers would either rape/spy on women or it'd be used by gays

That’s incredibly fucked up but I believe every word of it.


I went to the sauna on saturday. It was nice. Korean one

do you live inside an iron lung by chance? why do you straight to the "eek a penis"? isnt that worse than anything else related to this? why yes it is!

Bath house Barry

He loved that old jewish cock

You need a society where the men are not going to start sexing each other in the ass while in the bath house. Or just anyone really. They can't contain their urge for sex. Most apartments can't even have a hot tub anymore because people have sex in it all the time. Hot tubs used to be a thing in apartment buildings, but not so much anymore, I myself has had to close down apartment hot tubes because there was just too much sex happening in them. And not just any sex, dirty sex where people leave used condoms around and shit. I'm not saying that all the people using them were having sex, but really, it only takes one or 2, and unless you have a 24/7 person standing there making sure no sex is happening, in the states, sex will happen, and these gross fucks will leave used condoms floating in the tub rendering it unusable for anyone else who feels like taking a soak. The only bathhouses you see in the states these days only exist for fags to hook up and cornhole each other in.
Kinda sad, because one of the funnest times I had in my life was when me and a few friends were at the showers in the gym horsing around and bathing. No, we were not busting buttholes, we were taking showers, and goofing around and it was a blast.

Haha so you're telling me guys who love other guys cocks like bath houses Too? haha degenerate aids spreader