Experience Redpilling in Real Life

Share your experiences and discuss strategies in redpilling people in real life. Remember that (((they))) can only control media and social media, but is useless against word-of-mouth redpilling.

I will start first

>I'm from an east asian country with near zero immigrants
>with my liberal mom having dinner one night
>told her muslim immigrants are destroying the west
>she said not all immigrants are criminals and need help
>asked her why did western govs not help homeless people first
>asked her why did western govs not accept east asians immigrants but only accept africans and middle easterns
>she said maybe because africans and middle easterns need more help
>told her there are many homeless dying kids in east asians too, why didn't the West accept them
>she couldn't answer
>Asked her why did the West accept muslim refugees if they kept blowing up
>She told me they are just the minority, the majority are peaceful
>Told her does she want to accept refugees in our own country and they blow up right next door to us
>she couldn't answer

Other urls found in this thread:


>One week later
>Discuss with her the actual text in Qu'ran and how it thinks of non-believers

>Two weeks later
>Make her read books about histories of international bankings

>Three weeks later
>Discuss with her the significance of Israel and Jewish people on U.S. foreign policies


Here's a red pill for you:

Most people don't give a single fuck about the actual state of the world. Everyone lives in their own bubble and only care once shit hits the fan.

being a musician naturally redpills you on niggers

You sound like a shitty, problematic and argumentative person in real life. The "OMG REDPILL!" attitude just SCREAMS that you're an asshole.

I hope your 2-cm micropenis gets hard when being racist, because I don't think girls are into bigotry. Sorry, virgin.

Haven't touched on race-mixing stuff since it can seem far-fletched to her, but everything takes time and step-by-step. I found out that the best way to redpill normies is to start with refugee crisis, with asking them if they want to live with potential bombs and rapes one day. Then show them videos of refugee crisis, and actual text from Islam to support. If you jump right in with ((())) they will definitely claim you're conspiracy bullshits.

Hi Shareblue

That's why word-of-mouth is so important. If everyone of us can redpill 2-3 people in our friend or family circle, and they start doing the same, then eventually words will get spread out very fast. They can control the media and digital world,
but they can do nothing against word-of-mouth redpilling. But we need the right strategies.

Why you so mad bro? Haha

Hi another Shareblue

So you sound like a smart person. Can you help me out? What do you know about " THE diary of Anne frank". I've heard some interesting rumors.

Here’s a red pill:
Stick your left finger in your belly button. Then, stick your right finger up your ass. Smell the left finger. Then the right. Do they smell familiar?

The more you know.

Wow. You sound smart too. Can you maybe tell me about the Frankfurt school?

Wow, Shareblue is really trying to shill this thread. Seems like this thread is making them afraid.

No. Let them answer my questions. We will see if they are shills or faggots.

During the mean time, do you have any real life experiences to share with us?

Man you can't answer a simple thing such as this?


Your poor mother is (((brainwashed))) like all the rest. You went the wrong way trying to redpill her. All you did was make her wonder what fucking world you are living in.

More like Sharebrown amirite

>looks matter
>american education is supposed to make you stupid
>theres no honor in the military
>height matters
>if you look asian you cant get dates
>people who had their way without much struggle go on with life, hard work is a meme
>white people set the country backwards with shitty laws
>white people have the least emotional iq of all races
>history is a lie
>science is ruled by dogmatic religion
>money is power
>nationalism is a meme

Ah. Grew up in a poor mexican neighborhood. Pretty much the only white family there. Saw alot of drug deals, gang fights and such. I was a libtard like these shills that are raiding now. Until I started coming here. What really turned me against the progressive way of thinking though, was that no matter how nice I was to my black and Mexican coworkers, they put me down for being white. Not only this, but I see the attitudes of everyday Mexicans and blacks, the entitled,lazy attitude. I live in Cali.

No, we don't live in the West so redpill doesn't matter that much to us as to Western world. And Asian women are much much stronger mentally than Western fragile ones. I just want her to know so that she made the right financial decisions, and also prepared when (((they))) are coming to Asians.

That's great, but how did you transfer that knowledge and redpill people you know in real life? What's their reactions? Did they change their views afterwards? What strategies you use to communicate your information? That's what this thread is about.

user has no need to redpill. The niggers and spics around him do a far better job than he ever could alone.

Wrong. Some people REALLY need to get redpilled, otherwise they'd be dead and raped like in Sweden before they woke up.

>virtuoso trumpet playing
>drumming sheet music
yeah i can see the difference

>was that no matter how nice I was to my black and Mexican coworkers, they put me down for being white.
thats just a taste of your own medicine.

why dont you look at it as a learning experience for all the shit blacks went through when your grand pappy was hosing down blacks for marching towards civil rights.

Nah man, I think jazz and blues were pretty good.

Wow, how many Shareblue shills can this thread get?

you forget to change the name of the picture hebrew shill

How is nationalism a meme? Whites have the highest emotional intelligence, actually. t. 56%

You never show your true power level in real life. Things like race realism, and such is not something that normal people can handle. What you have to do is say things like, "hey, did you know that there are 13 families that own all the the banks?" Or "man taxes are getting really high for welfare, they were not this high five years ago." Do not input race into the conversation, because then they don't listen. Tell them bits and pieces, and hopefully the connect the dots.

Those people that end up dead, were probably going to die anyway. When your that stupid, your not bound to live long.

>Be me
>Born in Chicago
The End.

>Chicago in the 1940s:

>"hey, did you know that there are 13 families that own all the the banks?"

That is exactly what you should avoid within the first stage of redpill, because they would really think you are conspiracy theorists.

As I said, start with refugee crisis and Islam first, because it is very well documented. Start with religion, not with race. But they will bring you and the whole civilizations down with them too. Do you want that?

>virtuoso trumpet playing

how could you tell the bottom portion of the image was sheet music for percussion but couldn't tell Coltrane was holding a fucking saxophone

My grandparents are polish you fucking roastie whore . Did you know that even if my grandparents did own slaves, that I don't owe anyone shit. Anyway, I think the amount of welfare and stolen items they have collected is enough reparations. Keep making excuses for them though, that way their race never gets ahead.

fuck you dub shills; you have been noticed by the digits

For anyone looking to redpill the maximum of people, try to get more visually appealing. You have to be somone admirable in order to give credibility to your words. Either that or try to be in a authority position.

This is the exact reason they are here to virtue signal their stupid libtards views. "Oh look how much of a friend I am to minorities! Look guys, I'm one of the cool whites! Here let me suck your duck tyrone!"

>156789101 get

Perhaps, but there are a few cool people I have gotten through to. On the other thing, well you can only help someone so much. They have to want to help themselves as well. The truth is something most are not ready for. They like their bubble.

Very true. Start by lifting weight and getting more money.

You help yourself by helping them. Otherwise they will drag you down to hell along with Western civilization.

>Friend who is otherwise pretty redpilled thinks BLM is a 'good' movement because he saw a leftie documentary on ABC about police brutality
>Tell him the whole Michael Brown "hands up don't shoot" bullshit was built on a lie
>The chimpout in Ferguson was instigated by violent protesters funded by George Soros
>He already knows about kikes, starts to realise it's just more social engineering
>Tell him a black man will die 0.9% of the time at the hands of police, 99.1% from another nigger
Jews and CIA niggers LOVE moral panic. Whether it be drugs, gun control, anything that can create fear.

The cheap kike didn't even pay many of the protesters funnily enough. Probably why the so-called movement died off. They were promised 5k a month for chimping out. newsmax.com/Newsfront/Ferguson-Missouri-paid-protesters/2015/05/25/id/646587/

Good story bro. Keep redpilling your friends and tell him to do the same to his friends. Teach him the right approach too.