Why are New Yorkers such sad people?
Why are New Yorkers such sad people?
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They live in New York.
Because the city is literal dystopia. I feel nothing but depression when I see a picture of what it was 150 years ago.
NY is a multicult cesspool
Niggers, Spics and Jews
holy fuck that's depressing
>high stress
>high rent
>everyone is an asshole
>everything smells like shit
>b-but the culture!!
Went to NYU on a full ride scholarship, still regret it
>long day of underpaid work
>crowded, smelly train full of niggers
>forced to sit in meme seat "le really good mood xD"
>have redditers take pics of your tired ass and post it so the whole world can see
But isn't that all American big cities?
All urban populations suffer from this. Living in multimilion groups is something we arent designed for
FTFY you see outside of NYC the Suburbs are 71% White and Upstate is 80% White. NYC is about 20% actually White though so you have a point
>Liberal government has worn them down
>Immigrants everywhere you turn
>Living cost skyrocketing
>Can't even enjoy a large soda
Freedom! But you can change you gender and and you don't need an ID to vote! USA USA USA.
nah I currently live in boston and the environment is way more laid back, mostly because the city itself isn't a fuck-huge hellscape, the infrastructure is well-maintained, and the jobs have pretty good pay
>new Yorker
Pick one
>be me
>1st year investment banker in Manhattan
>$120k salary
>$75k after taxes and shit
>-$35k other expenses
>-$32k annual rent
>$8k left over
What the fuck? They told me investment banking would make me rich.
Good insight. What were the NYU years like?
It had crime and poverty and uneducated people then as well.
>35k other expenses
how does a single spend more than 5k in a year?
you misheard, investing banking is the way to get rich (not you, though)
>implying the crime and poverty back then could be compared to today's multiculti shithole
They had better skyscrapers too.
Get a big bonus retard.
Expenses add up the moment you move out of your mom's basement soyfuhrer.
She’s sitting next to someone with happy hair,
NYU is expensive and fun but there are enough broke meme students to still have apartment parties to go to. You easily get sucked into the "omg i live in new york" culture which has probably gotten worse since I graduated but you're surrounded by rich people, but they are all busy ignoring you and moving on to better things, perpetually
most of the village had been cleaned up but there are still homeless and vermin lying around to remind you that you're a privileged piece of shit by comparison
living in manhattan is stressful
The culture of NYU is somehow a worse, more distilled version of NYC, mainly because only the trust fundies could afford to go without heavy financial aid and very few of them have worked a day in their life.
Tons of jews and asians, not quite as crazy-liberal of a school as you might expect in terms of the professors and the curriculum (although I graduated in 2011, so that may have changed). It's easy enough to get around campus, but rent in the area was pretty fucking insane--I'm talking 900 dollars a person a month--unless you got housing assistance. Because of the retarded new tuition laws, I imagine shit is getting even crazier.
New York is a shitty place to live unless you're at the latter 25% of your money earning years and can clear 500k a year, and even then it's miserable and overpriced
>tfw live in NYC
>tfw suicidal/depressed for years
I know you're right but I don't know why
The Finn got it in one.
They're pawns on a Jewish chessboard, to paraphrase Don DeLillo
>I'm talking 900 dollars a person a month
lmao why are you LARPING
a real new yorker would kill for that kind of rent
i don't live in my mom's basement. He already factored in "taxes and shit" as well as rent. There's not much to add, 300$ a month is more than enough to feed yourself. That leaves 31k in questionable purchases.
Low Trust Society type, its a fucking travesty
Cause its a jewish stronghold
And jews leech off the host nation and implements chaos, until it’s sooo degenerate, they have to flee.
The thing is, these jew parasites have the money to flee.
See : paris jews have to fleee moslem enrichment they have brought to enrich the communities
>1870's new york was a utopia
Look up "How the Other Half lives". 1870's new york was a fucking hellhole.
for student housing cunt, a 9-foot-by-9-foot prison cell, two to a room
>be visiting Jew York in the late 90s on business
>everyone is either angry
>or has dead, soulless stare
>even dogs
>have to dodge stepping in shit when walking on sidewalks
>some doggo, most human
>went to a nightclub
>door charge was $40
>drinks were served in little plastic disposable cups
>chicks in little black dresses puking in the streets outside
>or passed out in the gutter
>people randomly stop walking to scream at each other
>constantly gridlocked traffic
>crossing a street when the signal changed looked like a battle scene from Braveheart
>see drooling tard with cokebottle glasses in a wheelchair
>being pushed by a gangly broad in a Laura Ingalls dress who also has cokebottle glasses
>tard is wearing a t-shirt that says “Eat shit and die”
>niggers openly selling drugs on the street “HEROIN, HEROIN, HEROIN, COKE, COKE, WEED!!”
>by the start of the second week there I’m daydreaming about killing everyone
>feel immediate relief when plane is off the ground at the end of the 2nd week
>never went back
I did get to see Liam Neeson in The Judas Kiss for $8 and the cheap pizza was pretty good, so I guess there’s that.
Also because there is no central campus for students, the parallel societies of international students to American students is pretty dramatic; within classes of the colleges you basically have completely different worlds that never engage with each other (the opposite of all NYU marketing would have you believe). Going to class is like being surrounded thousands of NPCs from a faction you can't communicate with. And that's within the school itself, let alone manhattan which of course has the same problem but amplified across generations that think they are "multicultural" because they ride the same train even though they never engage with eachother.
Lots of Jewish events/activities, which is to be expected, but sort of funny when your "on campus demonstrations" are literally a street full of student Palestinian sympathizers yelling across a barricade at one of the local Israeli student organizations.
Of course, but these are college kids, splitting 2.1k three-ways when you have student loans from one of the most expensive schools in the country adds up
They took all of the old quality infrastructure what was beautiful to look at, and turned into "functional" slab shit. The modern day Penn Station is an ugly disgusting travesty
shortly after that Giulianni came and fixed it all up.
They called him a nazi as thanks and they are doing their best to make it a shithole again.
That's a symptom, not the disease.
Are you kidding? They're living in a multicultural paradise.
>Why are New Yorkers such sad people?
>mrw I pay $900/month and live in NYC
You need to eat more than pop tarts and pizza pockets once your parents stop paying for you soyfuhrer.
Though you're right 35k seems excessive. Investment banking is notorious for long hours and the need for one upmanship.
Likely he eats out all the time and spends on drinking and buying clothes or going to events to show face. These guys work 80-100 hours a week. It leaves very little time to penny pinch.
But again living on $300/month means you live in a shit hole or just eat beans and rice everyday.
Living in a major city in Canada for example can be $1000-1500 of personal monthly expenses including groceries, transit, the weekly visit to a bar eating out a couple times a week for lunch etc.
Cocaine, hookers
Modern architecture is a weapon used to crush the soul.
not all of it
>implying roman catholics should even be in the united states to begin with
>went to NY
>saw a group of blacks throwing shit around and being obnoxiously loud
>forgot I was in cuckland
>told them to stop acting like niggers
>everyone around me shocked and 2 people called the cops on me
probably not gonna go back 2bh
Nah, Reno is great!
N.Z. truly is the better version of Australia.
Grand Central is one of the few standing things from the "old world". Unless you count things like the flat iron and the empire state building etc. But there really aren't many locations like it anymore
>tfw paying 2k/month to rent a shitheap in Brooklyn
>I'm lucky
the fact everyone rents now is a problem too, no-one can afford actual real estate anymore
Jew York smells like shit because just like a suburb that throw their trash to the curb, but unlike a suburb 12 million people’s trash are condensed into one area. Most cities have moved on to something more sophiscsted to keep the smell down (its a big city, you’ll have a few unwanted scents here and there), but NYC never changed. I’m currently living in chicago and the only thing that smells is the Chicago river
Oh I'm sorry, is your meme heresy offended by the 2,000 years of uninterrupted legitimacy of the Church founded by Saint Peter who was ordained as such by Jesus Christ Himself?
they are likely working an average to subpar paying job while also wasting a lot of their lives commuting and paying crazy high rent for the size they get. most people are soulless husks too and being around so many other soulless husks on the subway or in the streets can wear you down even more. it's nothing like the glamorous lifestyle pop culture paints life in new york as - it's about as cold and lifeless an environment as you can get.
That is Saratoga Springs, NY - Not New York City.
Saratoga still basically looks like that. Fewer top-hats though.
seriously 35k a year for a single expense? Do you not make your own meals or something? do you have zero impulse control?
>implying the vatican religion didn't begin at the 16th century council of trent
user., this is Sup Forums so your ignorance is inexcusable.
>I’m currently living in chicago and the only thing that smells is the Chicago river
You're on Sup Forums bro, you can be edgier if you want.
>shortly after that Giulianni came and fixed it all up.
He had already been in office for 5 years.
What I experienced WAS the "fixed up" New York.
I can't begin to imagine what a shithole it had to have been in the 70s/80s.
1400 in the Bronx for a studio.
Because they're told they live in the greatest city in the world but they're not the Eloi they're the Morlocks and they're basically slaving away to make a few people happy whilst everything else just grinds at them endlessly.
But they're told over and over again how great their city is so they think that their problems are impossible because who could be sad in such a great city? It's impossible!
this, I use to live in that shit hole. Now that Im free my bad days are better than my best ones in NY. The place is headache inducing with how overcrowded, unfriendly, noisy, smelly, expensive, run down, and bureaucratic broken it is.
They were told what happiness and fulfillment was and beleived it. Now that the giant billboards and and “limitless opportunities” has worn off they continue to subsist on their parents being wrong and that they enjoy their $2500/month prison cell. But don’t fret, deep down they know they are miserable, reality whiffs up their noses at every sewer grate, it catcalls them as they walk, it makes them feel ugly at every ad, and it will never give them their “big break.” And after they move back to their flyover state and lock up the shame of 270 partners a year in the memory chest to perform succubus entrapment some poor lonely sap who just wanted a family, reality will pat her on the back like an old aquaintance she hated in the form of a doctor and tell her, you have lung cancer.
You'd be sad too If your state senator was destroying the the state
>riding in a fucking underground tin can without seatbelts for the 9000th time in your life
>smile like a goof
Some writer once said about the difference between old and new Penn Station that "you used to enter New York like a god; now you scuttle into it like an ant", or words to that effect
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
being a grabbems. a memeing lying sodomite burning in hell forever
the cops were alright, Interviewed a few people then asked me where the "racist neo nazi skinhead" went, I informed them it was me which they were surprised by then just recited the story pretty much exactly like my previous post except not greentext format
they had a bit of a giggle and pretended to give me a ticket
the only other time I went to america is when I went to LA (yes, I have been to america twice and literally went to the 2 most cucked places)
saw a few of those retard/dog harnesses american parents put on their kids (seriously stop that shit) and a nigger stabbed another nigger on venice beach over an argument about basketball
>Beginning in the 1500's
Holy shit go back to plebbit you fucking imbecile.
You are an embarrassment even toy our protty shitter ancestors. Holy fuck I'm laughin.
I mean seriously,
>this is Sup Forums so your ignorance is inexcusable
like we're some font of blithering immortal wisdom you degenerate fuckface
>about 3/4 of your income goes straight to taxes
Old America used to throw a literal fucking revolution for way less hole lee shite
>Why are New Yorkers such sad people?
Gee user, it's a mystery
The Council of Trent merely clarified doctrine; it didn't create it out of nothing (like the Protestants)
The city is entirely desolate and godless. You'd be hard pressed finding someone that isn't a culturally liberal atheist in the entire city. And, if they do happen to be a Christian, it's almost certain they are not actually practicing. There are nice areas in New York, New England and especially Pennsylvania but the cities are terribly depressing. If you watch MSM American media almost all of them are based in New York City. It explains a lot, really.
>$24k a year in rent
couldnt you just rent a motel room to live in for way cheaper than that?
why not just be homeless for a year and have an extra $24k?
Well written, user. You should really expand that into a short story
>you can get the police called on you for saying a word
Absolute Orwellian nightmare scenario
I mean you can get them called but doubt they're gonna do anything, really. Might tell you to chill out but you didn't break the law.
And why sohuld they smile to strangers? In Poland if somone I dont know would smile to me I would call the cops.
I have a good story about nyc.
I wont share all of it but just a snippit.
Basically, its 6-7 am, I am looking for my way home, I ask this tall arab guy, he says yeah man, come with me...
I got a bad feeling.
Oh, I’ll be okay...
I then see these two small young black guys.
I ask, and they say sure man, come with us we’re going there.
Black guys were okay.
Tall arab, I could not trust.
new york has always been a shithole. get some perspective
>1 in 4 New Yorkers is Jewish
holy fucking shit I knew the city was bad but not THAT bad
would probably be in prison if I was visiting canada or europe
Are you talking about all the women who move here because they watched too much Sex in the City as a teenagers only to find out its not the fantasy they hoped for, or the women who watched GIRLS and thought they could be jsut as shitty as those characters and make it?
Possibly disturbing the peace but it's a stretch
>Might tell you to chill out
Probably this
I guess but I'm already paranoid enough about the boleece and reading horror stories like this just fuels my hysteria
Don't use a twitter account in those places bongs are getting arrested for saying "mean things" about islam. I'm certain once Trump is out of office America is getting doubly cucked to make up for the lost globalist time.
Do you even religion?
>I'm certain once Trump is out of office America is getting doubly cucked to make up for the lost globalist time.
I was saying this to my family earlier in the day.
what the fuck is wrong with you faggots?
i live in a smallish town (nowhere near small enough for everyone to know everyone though) and strangers always smile and say hi or tell you to have a good day or whatever when they bump in to each other
its called being white and not living in a big city and being a lefty faggot that hates everyone
>see: stereotypical 50's smalltown america
New Yorkers appear sad in public because zoning out it's the best way to keep crazy people from bothering you.