AI monitoring, shilling and mapping our homes
>semi sentient AI tracking everything we do
>Leaked by a literal vidya shitposter Deadman switch
Stick along with me here, this is some pretty spooky shit, might just all be a larp, but it's one fucking extensive act in that case. It goes into a lot of detail too.
Deadman's Switch Activated
>Australian government
of fucking course
aight OP, post moar plx
Just decides to throw out a threat that 2 of 2 will be released if you don't enter the code
Sounds like some Taco Bell #Belluminati ad
It says its from an Australian intel service.
Then says the content is video games and you are marked as media receipt.
That's some weird shit where did you get this from?
And then?
here's the first half
last half
also pic related might be a possibility
Its some AI system they are creating that can collect data from other electronic devices and is meant to be integrated into a gaming console to track your moves and behavior
Even intel shitposts.
>it's another larp episode
k keep us all posted.
>rustling from readjusting sitting poistion
ruh roh, looks like a whole new round of class action suits and government crackdowns coming to Silicon Valley
Love how this leak already got buried
KFC tried to warn us
I agree that it's weird. The level of autism that basic encryption is being handled with makes me think it's a government organization or a very convincing LARP. Ordinary /Poltards aren't aware of such concepts though.
LARPs are getting good. Real good.
>he thinks they can't actually do this
Must be nice being so willfully ignorant to the world around you
Lol if you only knew. Keep playing.
t. Larp
This isn't a LARP. This technology already exists, Facebook uses it. They listen through the mic on your phone for keywords to the AI uses to send you targeted ads, and that's only scratching the surface of what they can do
Enlighten us then, oh wise one
It’s like nobody has heard of Snowden.
Read the imgur dumbass. It's an entire presentation on applying this ai of theirs to optimize microtransaction participation in games, but the concept itself applies to other things as well.
The interesting thing is not what they do, but how they get the information to do it. It's pretty much having an AI track customers for ad placement. One of their goals is to make "ad blindness" something that can't happen due to learning algorithms and such. It's pretty fucked.
>They listen through the mic on your phone for keywords to the AI
>still using Android
do iPhones not have microphones now?
answer this, faggot: do you, or do you not have free will ?
> but they knows about where my shitter is inside my house
> but muh privacy
> b..but my sekrit datas and infos
Give up all technology and go live in the mountains, or get used to the world we live in.
Also don't be so egotistical to think that they give a fuck about your personal life/beliefs, they just want some money from you. They don't give a shit what you think about niggers or poofs. The fact that this website exists, and I am able to post about niggers, poofs, deny the holocaust, and shit on jews with nothing happening is proof that nobody really gives a shit about any of this. The principle objective of those in power is to hold on to that power, and making money is an important part of that. They don't care what some loser like you thinks about jews.
All you autistic faggots on Sup Forums think too highly of yourselves.
Metal Gear was right again.
iPhones only expose mic APIs after permissions are explicitly granted.
Has everyone forgotten the insane acceleration of technology? Have we forgotten that the tools we use every day are so much more than the average person can even fathom???
>You now realize Snowden's revelations were made in 2013.
this board is a honeypot, CIA/NSA and such don't even deny that they browse here and keep tabs on us
you know what happened during the communist revolution in Russia? there was a Red List. if your name was on it, you were killed.
what makes you think they aren't making another one today?
oh really? tell that to dailystormer. tell that to seth rich , tell that to every person who died for exposing the pedos. right now they "claim " its for ads, but its to monitor those that will cause problems in the future
Glad somone's here red pillied
barely anyone gave a shit back then, fast forward four years and it's forgotten history now
Fuck you asshole, why should I have to give up my life to become a fucking hermit in the Rockies because I want some goddamn privacy?
You don't fucking account for the fact that computer technology is increasingly being integrated and normalized into everything, everywhere.
A hundred years ago you could live life without such awful fears plaguing you
Why can I not function in a normal society AND have privacy
Why must I give it up
Why are corporations not forbidden from doing this
Why are our rights being stripped away
>he thinks important people post from their own home networks
>believing that for a fucking second
Release Left 4 Dead 2 uncensored OR ELSE
Can they point me to the specific sort of Gimp porn I'm into?
For some people using this technology it's about money, for others it might be something else. If one company can do it, 100 more will be able to soon and maybe their niche will be more nefarious.
I'm sure the government has something even more advanced than this. The most reddit addicted city is elgin air force base and that came out years ago. Tech is going to be scary as fuck in another 10 years. An AI that is nearly all seeing and all knowing, it's like they're trying to build their own God.
I'm an app developer, I think I would know.
what sort of retarded child keeps a microphone and camera plugged into their computer for this aussie merchant rat corporation to listen in on and watch anyways?
>I'm an app developer
>I think I would know
Part 3
Yeah, but every retard gives permissions when they ask. I had a flashlight app ask for access to pretty much my whole phone. Fuck that but how many people just click right through that?
Shit, this has me spooked. I'm gonna delete my centaur porn stash just to be safe.
My point was that iOS has an explicit permissions boundary across all access to the microphone, whereas Android does not.
No wait, make hand-drawn sketches of it all first
Found this pdf in your link. Didnt read yet. But looks juicy.
what in tarnation
>whereas Android does not.
Have you looked at the API since, like 2014?
Burn in hell, kike mongrel.
lmao got eem
What’s the basic gestalt here? I’m sitting on the fence in my opinion here and whether or not I want to dedicate brain power to this particular rabbit hole. How deep does it go? It’s not another QAnon is it?
AI listening to audio from your smartphone learns all sorts of spooky things about you (pets, kids, associates, mood, gender, approximate income, rudimentary 3d map of your house, etc) in order to market shit to you better.
Gubbermints and corporations use AI and other tools to get the best buck and to see whether you're a threat to the society
So... shit we’ve known about for 5 years now?
Yeah, kinda. Its basically just Snowden's nightmare + AI = marketer's wet dream
It's nothing you didn't already know if you're smart. AI has been in development for years, internet advertising techniques have been refined for 2 decades, put two and two together
Gotcha. Carry on.
It's deeper than 5 years ago but yeah. I don't even know how to approach tech today, probably raises red flags if you don't use Windows/goybook/smartphone today
can someone give me a quick run-down on the situation here?