Apologize, modern cis scum. Your ancestors would be ashamed of your bigotry.
Apologize, modern cis scum. Your ancestors would be ashamed of your bigotry
Those surgeries 2500-70000 years ago were pretty awesome desu family.
70k year old trannies
really boils my noodles
>eunuchs are considered trans
>one of the worst roman emperors by all metrics
>muh proud trans history.
Sure, no doubt. Other mental illnesses have always existed throughout history as well.
While I can believe the 2,500 one due to the absolute degeneracy of some of those societies, I'm curious how they know some half-Neanderthal was a tranny.
Just call them that when they make that argument.
They wouldn't.
Fags dressed up as chicks isn't new. Pretending it's normal and has to be accepted behavior is what is.
>mental illness has always been around
>1 in 10,000 humans has gender dysphoria and suffers mental anguish because they wish they were the opposite sex
>sometimes these people will try to live as the opposite sex in order to find relief from this feeling
>examples of this have been shown in almost every culture across all of history
Are there people who seriously think that being trans is some kind of new thing?
Gender assumption. Check your privilege.
Yea vikings used to casterate the men to avoid the repopulation of the enemy so what?
It's not, they just want to pretend they're normal.... they're not.
Who the fuck says it's normal
It's true. Primitive cultures were degenerate.
>Who the fuck says it's normal
Have you never actually had an interaction with some LGBTQQIAAP2S fag?
I've never met or seen another transsexual person so no. Until I started using the internet I legitimately thought I was the only person who was like this.
Well just don't try to normalize your deviancy and most people won't care. Do whatever you want, just don't make me a part of it unless I want to be.
they wuz kangs.
Legitimately what the fuck does this even mean
How could that even be possible? Go around shooting testosterone into girls and estrogen into boys by the thousands so that gender dysphoria is common?
no they put the chemicals in the water and food instead
What's the chemical that both causes ftms and mtfs to suddenly exist
>neanderthal tranny burial sites
just when I thought I'd heard it all
Normalize in this context means to pretend it is a normal condition, like as normal as being born a man and identifying as a man.
But how would anyone for even a second think something like that is possible? Trans people are one of the tiniest minorities that exist
What rock have you been living under?
This trans shit has been pushed hardcore for the last 18 months.
Its gone from mentally deranged freaks to a step away from mandatory.
Various insane leftists are writing laws that fine and jail people for 'using wrong pronouns'
>Your ancestors would be ashamed of your bigotry.
My ancestors would nail that thing to a cross.
>What rock have you been living under?
Do you actually take cnn and twitter as indicative of what life is like in the real world
Troll detected, response deleted.
>Go into any major city or establishment of higher education
>hold a sign that says "there are two genders"
>see the kinds of people who interact with you
>But how would anyone for even a second think something like that is possible?
through (((education)))
>With about 20 fidgeting first-graders seated on the carpet in front of her, Kimball Elementary teacher Jacqueline Martinez took an informal poll before reading time.
>Are girls allowed to play with Lego blocks, she asked. Can boys like the color purple? Both questions drew a unanimous thumbs up from her students. But their opinions were a bit more mixed when Martinez asked if dads could cook in the kitchen, or if moms should mow the lawn.
>“Some people think boys should only do some things, and girls should only do other things,” Martinez told the class.
>Over the past month, teachers in a dozen elementary schools in Seattle have piloted similar lessons on gender and self identity that are designed to fulfill new state standards on health education. The standards, adopted last year, require schools to teach students as young as kindergarten about the different ways to express gender, while fifth-graders learn about ways to show respect for all people and how to identify a trusted adult to ask questions about gender identity and sexual orientation.
>The new books include “Introducing Teddy,” a short story Martinez read to her class about a stuffed bear named Teddy who identifies as a girl and wants to be called Tilly.
>“He doesn’t feel right to be a boy,” one student told Martinez.
>Other books in the new set address gender diversity (for second-graders) the negative effects of bullying (for fourth-graders) and, for fifth-graders, how media and culture influence ideas about gender.
>Love plans to collect feedback from teachers at the 12 pilot schools before the district expands the lessons and books in all elementary-school classrooms next year.
Yes, we know of trannies throughout history because their appearance in general society coincides with that society's downfall. Over and over again. While correlation isn't causation, it is a canary in the coalmine of what's to come.
>genetic defects are thousands of years old
>genetic defects are thus normal and should be celebrated
I live in a major city in the US. I have never seen another trans person, ever.
>hold a sign that says "there are two genders"
There ARE only two genders. Who is going to give a shit about a tranny holding up a sign that the vast majority of the earth's population agrees with? Is someone going to walk up to me and call me transphobic? Even if I manage to successfully bait some gender denialist on a university campus, the one place in the entire world where people like that congregate, that does not in any way reflect the opinions of millions of normal people just living their lives.
Is there supposed to be something horrible with anything in that green text?
uh idk maybe teaching first graders about trannies and how normal it is?
maybe teaching second graders about "gender diversity" IOW more than two genders?
Just ask them: what is trans?
Let them come up with a definition, and then apply it to all cultures that ever existed in human history going back X thousand years.
The sheer arrogance required for such an act would be something to behold.
Also Sup Forums is no better than twitter. Just a bunch of dumbass faggots jerking each other's cocks. Why would anyone care about what some tranny cunt named "Crystal" on twitter has to say about anything? It's because Sup Forums is a shit board, and in the long run nobody here is going to accomplish anymore than the people they mock.
I had gender dysphoria well before I ever entered first grade. I would have fucking loved for someone to explain that to me in first grade
Here's how that goes
99.99% of kids response to learning about gender variant humans
>ok great i want to play with legos now
0.01% of kids response to learning about gender variant humans
>that describes me! so it's not bad for me to feel this way?
why can't Sup Forums give a shit about actual problems ruining our society
i'm tired of pointlessly arguing with dummies so I'm going to go cuddle with my gf and watch lotgh, stay dumb Sup Forums
>genetic defects
Mental illness in't it?
Xenoestrogens, Phytoestrogens and Glyphosate
Yes, it is bad for you to feel that way. You have a severe mental illness and high odds of suicide.
They don't.
IIRC that whole argument stemmed from the discovery of an ancient burial where one of the interred was facing west and the rest of the men of the tribe were facing east. Progressive academic types assumed this indicated he was trans.
I lost the article so if anyone has it pls link me.
Eunuchs is actually an acurate term for the desexed.
There are no women on the internet.
Newfags i fucking swear.
No no no no no no
99.99% of kids believe in santa, they are stupid. you will only fuck with their mind.
you will create a fucking false idea of gender and sex in a kid.
Elagabalus wasn't even a tranny, he was a Syrian priest of the Sun and used to oriental customs, which the Roman court disliked, such as prostrating before the monarch and loose sexual habits.
>Little Teddy likes to wear dresses
>That means he's a girl inside.
Ah yes, because dresses are only for girls. In fact, every girl is born with a dress out of her mom's vagina.
These fucks are just reverse conservatives.