


All that, and she could have just married young to a good man and have a good life. Instead she fell for the college meme.

Im a HS dropout who just left a 50k a year job to get something better.

>college is a human right!
Hahaha stupid bitch

>homeless on streets for over a year
She must have done something pretty bad if her parents didn't let her live at home at that point. Maybe she dated a black man or something.

That transgender only make $1500/mo at a job? Wtf, why go to school? He should just keep showing his feminine benis

where's sheeple1?

Hahaha, stupid cunt fell for the meme of higher education and now she's a glorified dish washer at a laboratory.

Equality is a bitch, ain't it?


Far from it

Well 2005 is where she fucked up.
>not doing actual research on job feasibility

Based loliposter

Sauce on porn

Name? For reasons

She's trash

>falling for the college meme
>Can't wait for the bubble to come crashing down
Biochem is a pretty niche field too, I'm sure if she had picked up a job in pharmaceuticals or something it would have paid well.

Sage and report like the rest.

Asking the important questions user

Pornstar. Dishwasher and pornstar. One door shuts and another pair of legs open.

>$15k to relocate

Wait I think I paid to fuck a girl like this. She even told me about her debt from college and how she wanted to be a special chemist and cure shit. What the fuck.

Everyone knows you don't just take an undergrad in bio, chem, Biochem, physics, medical science, or math. You need grad school/med school before you actually make serious money in those fields (at least in most cases).

You going to college was a business deal that You made on your own.
Businesses fail everyday.
It is Not my fucking problem.

To be honest, it looks like a laundry list of exceptionally poor life choices.

Gets biochem job yet makes only $1500 per month? That's minimum wage.

huh I guess it sucks that university prices are overinflated and companies just hire pajeets on H1Bs
I'm sure it's not her fault though, she certainly wouldn't vote democrat given how negatively it affects her!

who is she? wanna see that porn

The audactity of this bitch

What the fuck is wrong with these people

>i am le 99%
>Went to high school AND college, let alone a fucking PRIVATE college

Let alone shes fucking attractive which makes her MUCH more privileged than the rest of the people on this planet


I refuse to believe this. I got out of college in 2009 with 2.6 math major, did bland office it development here and there, have been employed for just over 3 months since mid 2016, and still constantly bombarded by recruiters wanting muh React and muh AWS. Finally took a job for 110k because I was running low on funds and got offered a bunch of shit.

These people just have no fucking clue how to write a resume and what jobs to apply to

Maybe stop taking on bad debt. Student loans are the wort kind of debt. This bitch wasn’t smart enough to do the math on her loans and now she’s complaining. Kill yourself cunt.

Huge mistake right there - why not BS?

Sauce on porn PLEASE


>vet bills

>Makes $1,500 at a "biochem job"
>I would make about $1,800 (not including tips) at my job that just pays $1 above minimum if I worked 40 hours
>This bitch took (((Calculus III)))??

Yeah I know, and the "I had to do PORN to make ends meet...", like how many people didn't even have that option? Lol

Wtf, just graduated last year with a Bachelors in MechE and got a job like 4months later. Wasn't even that good of a student. Starting salary is 55k plus benefits...

Are you guys missing the part where she says she got a BA in biochem? Not a BS? She probably took business calc, if any math at all.

Its obvious you the wrong color born at the wrong time into a country that is trying to replace it citizen with a slave..

Seems like she is really bad at life
Fucking porn for years still has not earned $25k
Pays $140k for Biochemistry and earns $1500 a month after spending $15k to recalibrate
Learn some java bitch

F U C K I N G. R E T A R D

>Graduate right after recession
>Has trouble finding job.

>BA in biochem

For unawares thats essentially saying I have a Masters Degree of Music in electrical transmission lines

Deport yourself back to plebbit faggot.

She could have gone to one of those shithole, for profit colleges and gotten a job as a phlebotomist and made way more than 1500 a month AND not taken on six gorillon dollars in school debt.

This. She probably didn't have enough science classes to get a job doing it, BA at my school cuts out like 3-4 upper level courses

college cuck here my second job at 20 yo after fast food pays 50k and helps pay part of my schooling

the hoe in the pic is just a retarded slut

Unmarried and spends all day masturbating and complaining about money.
Broke camwhore.
Poor baby.

Not gonna lie, if I could make a grip of money cranking my hog on cam I'd be doing that right now and not making this worthless fucking post. But I'm ugly so I don't have that option.

Why the fuck was she not working while looking for a job in her field?

They realize you can apply to other jobs while you're still working, right?

Hold a GED, make $2300 a month. Struggling for college seems like something suicidal people would do.

Good catch
Yeah all these paper photo post are wonderful

There is a reason why these people are not valued and it is NOT incorrect

Ignorant and eager for handouts
Fucking commies

I was actually more focused on the porn part, but now that you mention it....

With medical, dental, 401k, and yeah you have to pass a drug test, but that shouldn't be an issue.

I feel like that is what the minimum wage fuss is about, just stop smoking and get a decent job, damn.

I did not even get that fucking far, i stopped at Private College

Bitch is pretty as fucking hell and she went to a private fucking college, let alone college.

That right there automatically shows shes just a greedy and selfish little bitch and thats not even covering the fucking fact god damn 99% is just another decoy for dumb people with mob mentalities.

Shill detected

Requesting Sup Forumslackup

Only fags will want to watch.
If you help a fag cum then that makes you fag too.

Might as well just start sucking dicks for $5

Watching isn't the same as doing anything, and if it makes a dollar for him I don't think you have any space to talk so stfu or feed the man yourself, faggot.

>These people just have no fucking clue how to write a resume and what jobs to apply to
This, and she probably seemed like a pretentious bitch during the interviews.

A long while ago, can't remember whether it was here or some other forum, but I was looking at resumes people were posting. Now I don't consider any of my education on my own resume to be noteworthy at all, much less even satisfactory, but holy fucking christ these resumes were absolute abominations.
>IT "work"
>4 word sentences
>maybe 2 descriptions of job responsibilities each
>included being a mod on a literally who site
>no details on positive personality traits or what you bring to the company

CSUF Chem BA required calc II

Tits or gtfo

>BA in biochemistry
No wonder she couldn't find a job

>requesting Sup Forumslack up
wtf are you?

Going to college wasn't a bad choice.. just the TIMING of her college was where it all went wrong.

This is the main issue. This is why we have a student debt crisis, this is why we have people pushing for $15 minimum wage, this is why we have a socialist having a snowball's chance in hell of being PRESIDENT in a general election (yeah he didn't get elected but if the recession had never happened he'd have been laughed right off the stage at the first debate and wouldn't have been Hillary Clinton's main primary rival, Hillary Clinton wouldn't have even had competition. in the primaries.)
It all comes down to the economy melting down and the difference between this recession and the great depression is that a ton of people have college loans, which didn't exist back in the 1920's.
So instead of just having a shitty job market and taking what you can get and trying to make ends meet, you get a shitty job market and you're starting life out with huge debt.that you're trying to pay off with shitty minimum wage jobs, it just doesn't work.

Even when the economy "recovers" you've now been out of school for several years your education is outdated and any job that'd take inexperienced people in your field will want more recent education credentials.

So anyone graduated between 2007-2014 has pretty shitty job prospects and might never fully recover and get a decent career.

Am I the retarded one here? What the fuck is a art degree in biochem? How's that even work?

>For unawares thats essentially saying I have a Masters Degree of Music in electrical transmission lines

The retardation is uncanny with this one.

It is all disgusting and degenerate I see No Difference

How does the poverty line feel?

lol if her body is any good she can literally cam for a few days a week and make more, otherwise she can hit the gym for a couple months and then cam

Nice to see compassionate burger posters.
>you people are fucking pathetic, no wonder the world hates you.

This. You need a MSc.at the VERY least, but most likely a PhD and postdoc if you want to do anything other than be a lab technician.

fucking this
you simply don't do biochemistry
you either do medicine and specialize in clinical biochemistry or go chemistry / chemical engineering and apply to a hospital laboratory
so even if you don't get to work in biochemistry you're either a doctor or a chemical engineer

Why the fuck would a 25 year old need to pay $15K to relocate?

Good morning son

aren't 40 hr work weeks normal?

Considering I am smarter than most, and can sustain life off the grid as well I think I'm doing fine.

What does it matter? It is not classier to be wealthier if you have no character. I provide well for myself, and community.

Paint pictures of various viruses, perhaps?

Yeah, that's considered fully employed here, versus someone who works part time.

>Sob story
>Parents paid for college

If it was something I had no other option at the moment, then why not. God would forgive you, but if it is out of greed then probably not.

Your understanding of God is your own, but you can't judge others for what they did to survive

She probably does the menial work and yet has the gall to claim its biochem

God does not forgive homosexual behaviour.

Parent's paying for some of their child's tuition isn't a bad thing. The problem I see is highschool kids are driving Mustangs, Chevy, Dodge etc. They are being spoiled from a young age all the way through adult hood.

That doesn't help create a decent member of society.. Unfortunately a lot of idiot are being shoved through our education system as well because their parents are paying for it.

How the fucking hell did it cost $15,000 to move in the US? Did they move across the world or something? It costs less than $4,000 to move from Virginia to Washington state and this unemployed, homeless person somehow spent $15,000 to do so?

Also who has her porn?

>I fucked up my life so you should pay for it waaaaaaaah

> Considering I am smarter than most

I highly doubt that this is true

> I can sustain life off the grid

Yeah, when you're young, healthy, and have no kids. When any of those change, you're fucked. And good luck working until you die.

> What does it matter? It is not classier to be wealthier if you have no character. I provide well for myself, and community.

You don't have to choose between wealth and character. You can choose both.

You're not truly free unless you're financially independent. It sounds like you don't even comprehend that.

Good thing god isn't real.

when I first graduated one of the jobs I got offered was for some small town in Alaska that you had to get in by sea plae or boat only since an earthquake had cut off all the roads that led to the town. They didn't even have a place for me to live (I guess I'd have to couch crash? at a coworker's?) pay was low, and relocation prices were ridiculous because of having to charter a sea plane for your shit. ...

I mean.. I literally could not afford to take that job it was so bad.

Filming yourself jack off is not homosexual behavior. Also I'd note that homosexuality has occurred since the beginning of man.

To claim that homosexuality is an damn-able sin may be incorrect, because that wasn't mentioned in the Old Testament that I read.

I was mentioned in every Bible since the KJV. I'm Catholic, and I don't agree with homosexuality. I just want to be correct when I speak, and in the older translations (the parts I have found on the web) none of them mention homosexuality as a sin.

>spent 165k on a BA
>volunteered while doing 14 hour days
>has a pet for some reason
What the fuck does she mean by "supposed to get a job"? Did she actually line one up or was she just expecting to ride on cruise control from her degree?

The price of college tuition in America is ridiculous along with medical attention. It is literally over priced and needlessly inflated.

Found the cock gobbler

Jews sometimes make some pretty based quotes not even trying to sound like a redditor magapede

BA holding mathematically inept soyos goy detected
go meet your word count for your buzzfeed publication


Found the low-IQ mouthbreather.

>she got a BA in biochem? Not a BS?
How is this possible? What do you do with a BA in STEM?

You just made the assumption that I was insinuating that you had to choose between wealth, or character. How illiterate are you?

I was making the point to you in response to your first reply that having more wealth than me does not mean you are classier, because you are not showing any amount of character through gloating.

I'm 23, and I am going to work until I die. Your idea of a good life may be different than mine.

I do have a good amount of wealth, because I have virtually no debt, and I own everything I have.

I don't think you comprehended fully anything I posted at all towards your first reply, so what the fuck you think about me means nothing boomer. Fucking neck yourself, because you have no good advice to give. Faggot.

While that's all true.. prior to 2007, people got their student aid loans , got through college, even a C student was getting jobs right out of college paying middle class wages, and they paid off their loans no problem. After economy collapse.. now suddenly college is considered a bad idea.

Don't you have AIDS medication to be taking sodomite?

What the fuck is the meaning of this supposed to even be? Look at me I've lived a normal life with hardships life everyone else and I should be celebrated for that?