>but it's not natural.
Nice appeal to nature.
There is NO REASON too deny women equal rights.
It's Her turn.
>but it's not natural.
Nice appeal to nature.
There is NO REASON too deny women equal rights.
It's Her turn.
What exactly am I looking at here?
>It's Her turn
So you're going to take estrogen for her?
>What exactly am I looking at here?
The only way to cure White men.
>So you're going to take estrogen for her?
That, and cock
Wow that's fucking hot. How can I help the cause?
Hormone replacement therapy shit. He's a cuck.
Oh god that's a lot of synthetic estrogen, That's enough to make a man grow tits and tit cancer all at once, like your balls will ascend and turn into ovaries, your outie will turn into an innie
What is in those vials? I have a particular brand of autism where I like collecting vials of medicine (prescription shit, not OTC) even if I'll never use it. The prize of my collection is a bottle of morphine from the 1930s (completely unopened, of course). I've also got some cool old glass syringes.
Anyways, the point I'm making is that I see some type of medicine in a glass vial with labels on it and I want it. How much and where can I get it
You should collect as much of it as possible, and use as much of it as possible. I promise you won't regret it
I'm not going to use it but I would like to buy a package of it as shown in your OP. Where can I get it?
In This ITT Thread a person with excellent (read: shit) discernmnet as to the greatest translation of the worst book of the greatest man in the 20th century
I will eat your heart
I visited a friend's house one time and they had cough syrup from 1911 or something and it was still half full. It had fucking heroin in the ingredients list. The label looked as though it was in it's last stages of decomposition.
I took a couple sips and it completely knocked me out. I woke up very late and very tired. I tried to fight it but it was very overwhelming. Can't believe people were getting that whacked off of some "cough syrup"
I'm not OP. But how to get it? Go to a (((psychologist))) and tell him you like wearing panties.
Ohhhhh it's hormone treatments. Yeah that should be pretty easy to get. My main area of collecting is antibiotics but I do have a box of testosterone vials so an estrogen set to match it would be nice.
>I will eat your heart
I'll eat your dick
I doubt OP has lice...
A shower wouldn't hurt ...
It never does. Especially when you shower with a trap.
It would be cooler if that was testosterone enanthate and you were a guy.
It's decided. Free showers for everyone that wants to shower with a trap!
Oh look, Its a leaf and a cuck all rolled into one.
How do I cope with the fact I'll never be a woman?
Buckshot to the temple.
I'd like to keep living if that's alright.
You're pretty enough for me :)
You know that's not a real picture of me right? I could be a 500lb neckbeard sitting in a kiddie pool of cheeto dust. I'm not, but still you don't know me.
I do appreciate it though.
So what, become a power lifting alpha male chad? I don't see the appeal.
I was just trying to be nice, jerkface. I guess I'll go kms now.
Please don't do that. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off as insulting or hostile.
Fucking leafcucks, get out of Sup Forums
Too late, I'm dead now.
I'm gonna haunt you forever
>a fucking leaf
post boipucci
Are you going to haunt me in a good friendly ghost way, or in a bad horror movie way?
I guess it depends how well behaved you've been...
I try to be good. You're not trying to lewd post with me are you? That's degenerate.
OP, I'll say this now. Don't fall for the bullshit hugbox that leads people to get their dicks sliced up and stitched into a frankenhole. Learn to love your anatomy and live with it. Don't project self-hatred onto it. Be a semistable transchick instead of an insane and spiteful transchick.
Not for lifting.
Noooo of course not, user. I don't even know you, it would be totally inappropriate. Besides, I'm a ghost. What am I gonna do?
>it's her turn
Every fucking time.
>cuck removes himself from the gene pool
and nothing of value was lost
I dunno, ghost things.
How do I learn to love my anatomy? I'd never cut my dick off since I'm indifferent to it at worst, but nothing else feels right.
Become a beautiful man. That's all women are anyways; humans who put way too much time into looking beautiful.
>How do I learn to love my anatomy?
I specifically mean don't get into projecting your failings as being due to some part of yourself and then seeking to butcher it as a panacea. That's a very common thing in the trans community and it's utterly bugfuck nuts.
Get out leftypol,it's painful
>Your genes survive a gorillion years, born from either the very first cell or God's Will
>Cuck it because you think you know better
Hey. If OP wants softer skin and boobs then more power to them. So long as they're doing it of their own volition and desire and haven't been brainwashed through exposure to a community or individual trying to self-justify their own decisions or to project their own issues onto other people to normalize their own dilemmas, it's fine.
Are men even allowed to be beautiful? It seems all anyone ever wants them to be is handsome.
Whew I guess I'm safe for now then. Sure I dislike/hate my waist, hips, shoulders, rib cage, and other physical features about myself, but at least I internalize all my self hate to fester in my mind rather than thinking I suck because I'm not a girl or anything.
>There is NO REASON too deny women equal rights.
You've have been having equal rights since Christ. They were simply different rights than men's.
Feminism is anti female.
Feminism is like vegetarianism: It's named after What It eats.
>Sure I dislike/hate my waist, hips, shoulders, rib cage, and other physical features about myself
Not sure what you're going for, but eating right and working out can help a bit to offset proportional issues.
>Not sure what you're going for
More feminine features in general for femboy/trap aesthetic. I'm already skinnyfat, so right now I'm hoping if I get the last bit of fat off my waist I'll be happier, but I doubt it will be enough.
Of course. You just have to subtly enhance your natural aesthetics. Take care of your hair and skin, eat healthy food and excercise regularly.
Aww I really feel bad for you trapnon...I guess maybe just get better with makeup and clothes too...every little bit helps!
Thanks user. I'll try my best
Thanks Leaf friend. Please don't feel too bad, I'm sure I somehow caused this even though I never asked for it.