> His name wasn’t Martin Luther. It was Michael. His Dad changed it for reasons
>King also plagiarized some of his work when he was working for his phd. As academic committee later found that over half of King’s work was plagiarized, yet would not revoke his doctrine. King was dead by this time, and the committee ruled that revoking the title would serve no purpose. It was also discovered that King’s famous I HAVE A DREAM speech was also not his own. He stole it from a sermon by Archibald Carey, a popular black preacher in the 1950’s.
>MLK also was a supporter of white reparations “If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas.”
>MLK was also a communist and had a jewish commie write a lot of his famous speeches. Bobby Kennedy had Martian Luther wiretapped because Martian Luther King was suspected to be a communist. MLK have also been spotted in Communist organizations, a couple of times.
>One of King’s closest friends, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, wrote a book in 1989 in which he talked about King’s obsession with white prostitutes. King would often use church donations to have drunken sex parties, where he would hire two to three white prostitutes, occasionally beating them brutally. This has also been reported by the FBI agents who monitored King. King was married with four children.
> There FBI bugs reportedly picked up 14 hours of party chatter, the clinking of glasses and the sounds of illicit sex--including King's cries of "I'm f--ing for God" and "I'm not a Negro tonight!"
Martian Luther Kang Redpills
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Bumping this shit. My college goes all giggity every year devoting days of celebration to this guy. The prostitution shit is eye-dropping. So guys, why did the gov. kill MLK?
I always thought that it was his own people kinda like Malcolm X. I don;t know if I'm the only one, but it feels like there was some Mandela effect shit, because I used to think that it was a negro that shot him. Regardless, his assassination is still fucky.
Is it true that he cheated on his wife and had an illegitimate child
So a nigger had a nightmare once and told a story. Who fucking cares. Niggers are the WORST and he didn’t accomplish SHIT. Niggers are the most hateful, violent, dysfunctional people on the planet.
I too have a dream. A dream when niggers didn’t exist.
because at that time the FBI was still pretty /ourguy-ish/ and MLK was a dirty subversive gommie
>US gov. needing an explanation for killing Marxists
>especially when they threaten the established order dominated by the rich
Yes, he did cheat on his wife. Most people in the White House knew it, even Jackie Kennedy. Wife found out when the FBI decided to be cheeky and play the audio of MLK fucking women on her answering machine while he was away.
As for a illegitimate child, I know nothing about that. Big if true.
>threaten the establish order dominated by the rich
No they threaten a White country's ability to feed itself you dumb nigger. FBI guys don't like breadlines any more than the rest of us.
>Martian Luther Kang
>makes up shit
I expect REAL redpills
>no bread lines in USA
>A line of bums/cheapskates for a food bank is the same as a line of average people for bread rations
Who ties your shoes for you in the morning?
Any questions?
the wall was built to protect the good people of the DDR from fascist infilration
That's an average american, sans 500$.
Read Wages of Destruction, German economic recovery was a meme.
There was no unemployment in the USSR
Any questions?
>be lazy nonwhite/ occasional white trash
>get foodstamps
>get subsidized housing
>get welfare
>have less than $500 in cash-on-hand to blow
Oh how tragic, those poor poor dears!
His dream did not come true.
Well, maybe it did in a way if his dream was cultural marxist subversion.
martin luther coon
>and "I'm not a Negro tonight!"
This explains the beating of white prostitutes. Negroes are so jealous of white people it just leads to physical violence towards them too. Sounds like King had a massive inferiority complex, which even explains his massive will power of trying to uplift the negro and fight for their rights. He hated being one and wanted "equality" with the whites, the closet thing he could get to being white.
>Germany totally didn't go from a destitute nation to a world power! Don't look at what actually happened though, just read this allied propaganda instead
can you post a source on this that isn't stormfront?
>answering machine
Yet somehow they still didn't have enough bread?Wow....that sounds like a shithole system to me
King apparently didn't believe in the Resurrection.
Not that modern day Americans care much about that sort of thing.
It wasn’t our govt that had him killed. It was his Jewish handlers. They were done with him. Might as well make him a martyr lest he get his own ideas. Havent you read the cia papers?
Listen, man. This is all blacks have. He's their hero and the most important figure they've got. He may have been a thief and a fraud, a liar and a whoremonger, but he's their eternal leader.
This is the best they have to offer. Can't you just let them be happy? At this point, knowing that blacks have no historical achievements, no world-changing inventions, no empires, no influence, and absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever, I literally feel too bad for them to keep piling on. They know it, they get it.
It must fucking suck to be black and to know that your entire race is and has always been utterly useless. Let them have this one fantasy the same way they let the retarded kid at school wear his Superman cape. They really need it.
Malcolm X was more based desu.
His thesis was super plagerized, his school let him keep the degree.
Ron Paul is who I learned the stuff about white hookers and MLK's Commie ties. This lead me to researching Jews and Communism, which lead to me changing how I viewed the civil rights movement. It's a real Devil's bargain. Five years ago, I didn't care about gay marriage. But it's observing how Commies use LGBT to weaken and demonize white society, they weaponize all civil rights against the white "patriarchy," and really it's they who want to steamroll individuality, under Communism, while they rule like golden tyrants. I'd love to hear what exactly Bobby Kennedy thought of MLK.
Need to say it right Martin Luther Coon Day.
I unironically semi literally think Louis Farrakhan is the best redpilled speaker in America. His pro-Trump rants on YouTube about kikes trying to flip the prez are pure fiery genius. I don't have an issue with blacks like Farrakhan, sure they talk some shit about whites, as they should, any race should be aware and critical of power structures outside their self. He's not trying to subvert media and movies, they keep to themselves. Malcolm X was very similar. And it was Farrakhan who killed him lol. Blacks getting redpilled and teaming with whites is the true dream.
In away, Martian Lucifer coons dream did come true. Niggers are judged by the context of their character, not by the color of their skin.
Makes sense
Kek is speaking...listening!
>My college
kill yourself
Anyone got some good sources so I can argue with my commie professors in front of everyone? In all seriousness.