Pic related, a job
Post a Sup Forumstards worst nightmare
Human Gf
Wow nice job bro. You’re a corporate slave that is barely scraping by while mr shekelstein just bought his 3rd yacht
Real redpilled
Haha haha thx for my Medicaid and food stamps, wagecuck
Found the commie.
Skilled + experienced = higher pay and power.
Unskilled + inexperienced = work smart to get the above.
America has Africa tier income inequality
Don’t give me that bullshit
You can slave away all you want to make rich kikes even richer, I’m all set
Bitch please I worked 12 hr days at manual labor jobs.
Not everyone here is an Incel neet.
/pop/tards future daughter
I'm happy for you user. It's nice to have an income.
not my daughter if I disown her, set her up for adoption, and cut off all connection/funding for her user
Or you could slave for a local buisness.
Or just slave during an apprenticeship.
Or just slave for a kike while you get a tech associates.
There might be Africa tier income inequality, however you are deluded if you think there is the same upward mobility.
This is why Islam is the only answer
I worked at a Burger King next to Alabama State University. Our customers at night were all either cops or blacks who thought they were intelligent but were just niggers with government grants. It was pretty shitty work, especially the drive thru because they were almost all blazed up. Day shift was mostly the elderly from the nearby country club that was nice fifty years ago.
Using "slave" is hyperbole at its worst and equally disingenuous. Stop being a melodramatic fag.
Again with the butch lesbians at Target
fuck i miss her.
how's she doing? anyone have an update?
I can credibly call myself a "crypto trader" now. I'm still a NEET, but I guess that's my "job." I may start representing myself as a "crypto expert" to Boomers online and do some business that way as well. The same is probably true for at least a few thousand of us NEETs. 2017 really changed things for us.
Im a substitute teacher and I happen to actually enjoy my job
>worse nightmare
Being told I'm fake married and having to pay alimony and child support for the next 20 years of my life. Being 70% after taxation of my earnable income... leaving me homeless with zero social economy.
Are you incorporated/licensed in some way? You're no longer a NEET. Congrats and good luck.
This thread will get replies because it stingingly rings true.
>a Sup Forumstards worst nightmare
stop insulting CIARA you americunt! she won't even stoop to your level
get job (i worked as a barista for a fancy cafe payed good and my boss wasn't some starbucks shill). go to night school / learn to code. start freelancing. transfer to a 4 year. make connections with finance and tech people. land an internship. internship leads to a full time job as a junior analyst. get promoted. get promoted again. get promoted again. congratulations you are now as powerful as robert mercer. it's not easy but it's completely possible. considering you're probably white, as long as you can convince guys that you came from money, they'll like you and help you.
Doesn't change the fact your descendants are half ape
You posted modern slavery, not a job, you cancerous corporate tool.
May your children die young in a corporate gulag.
whom is that cutey
>Choosing to work for money is slavery
Nightmare? That chick looks more like a wet dream desu.
Gimme her number
>being that ignorant on economics and life
I’m at my job
Ask me anything
Going home in 01h20min
What’s your job
BMS Operator
whats a bms
I want to im pregnate ciara and save her from that degenerate lifestyle.
Last I heard she's dating some cy chad with a bowl cut
Building management system. computer based control system that monitors and does shit in buildings.
Theres literally nothing to do on sunday
So i slept the entire work time
Target usually has pretty cute girls working there compared to other stores desu
pic related, a marriage
>implying a woman let's me impregnate her
You should read the pamphlets your government gave refugees
Clinton killed another witness. It's probably on page 8 by now
i trade nadex and futures...
>>i confirm a job is my worst nightmare.
in capitalism, a job.. is where you start.. you don't stay. stop bitching you liberal faggots.
basket weaving is not in demand.. maybe be intelligent and stop
Witness to what?
I have a job
Two in fact
13 year walmart associate reporting in. This Sup Forumsack's worst fear is starvation and homelessness.
that 400 dollar bonus, and no raise tho bro..
I was only getting 2% anyways which isn't enough to keep up with inflation, thought I kind of feel cheated at the upcoming $15/hr wage in 2020.
plz gib
>starvation and homelessness.
Nobody but crazy bums too stupid to go for SSI or whatever starves or is homeless in America. Of course, if your honor stops you from accepting Neetbux there are plenty of bridges to sleep beneath.
what is this girls name already????
asking for a friend
>He can't spell dream
Yeah because we have Africa tier niggers like you who are content with doing the absolute minimum because Uncle Sugar subsidizes your low wages and allows you to be a wage slave cuck.
You can go out and get a real job and quit blaming "income inequality" for the fact that you're an unsuccessful and lazy cunt or you can sit here and bitch and forever be a slave.
>modern society is completely fucked as it is, it needs to collapse
>so let's prop it up as long as we can by dedicating our lives to feeding into the system and keeping it on life support xDDD
"""Redpilled""" wagecucks, ladies and germs.
someone ban this heroin-chan poster
>throwing your time away for a pittance when you can get more by applying for benefits and living as a NEET
Sometimes I think it's whites who are low IQ.