Would you rather live in a country without blacks or Muslims?

For everyone still up on Sup Forums at 1 am, would you rather live in a country without blacks or Muslims? Discuss.

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Get rid of blacks.
That already assures our problems mostly go away along with a good number of Muslims.


you need three tears of gassing, first up is blacks, they are the tumor thats giving you cancer, then latinos, fuckem becausew traitors to their homeland, and last is mudlims, they stand out already so it'll be easy to round em up at the end


Our muslims are degenerate and doesn't follow their own beliefs.

Leftist, the other two will go away without them.

>For everyone still up on Sup Forums at 1 am,
hurrr durrrr fucking retard wut are time zones ebin

>still up at 1:00
Thanks user I got a good chuckle over how dull-witted you are

how about white/asian only rule?

segregate the retard shit races into their own designated hell-holes where they are free to murder and rape all they please?

Muslims. Blacks are a pain but they stick to their ghettos and kill each other. So you can leave them there, sprinkle some crack on the ground, and leave them to wallow in their own filth and misery.

Muslims actually organize to try and kill us. They build their mosques and shit up good neighbourhoods by fitting eight families into a house then start making demands about not barbecuing pork or walking your dogs near their homes.

A country without semitism will sort out the black question all by it self.

It's 8pm and if rather live in a country without niggers or sandniggers


I would rather live in Dubai more than any other white country.


Negroes can be civilized with time and effort, muslims are always going to be secret terrorist supporters.

Blacks some muslims are good people

Blacks are self-destructive enough never to gain significant power. Islam is a virus that already runs many countries.

If the demographics of Burgerland are otherwise the same, just without either niggers or Muslims, I would probably get rid of niggers just because they are more numerous.

without blacks.
They are far more complacent and prone to k-type reproduction

>thinks muslim is a race
>white IQ

jew detected

>low IQ stormfag detected

You think persians are arabs?

Muslims try to go to school and have some semblance of values.
>even though this includes killing the infidels
Blacks are just a burden.

Here in America Muslims would not be a problem.

For sure

Your Muslims
are worse than your blacks by far.

I live in a country without both.

I've only had problems with white people in my life. Blacks and Muslims keep to themselves.

Your country is a shithole. thats why so many poles are cleaning the streets in england.

>not a shithole

Pick one

The average IQ of Israel is 97 and Tel Aviv has more gays per 100,000 than San Francisco.

Israel is a high tech country. high GDP, rising
5% each year. high life expectancy. one of the happiest top countries.


The only ones who live a poor shitty life here are arabs and small % of mizrahi jews.

Blacks, it frees up almost a whole continent and kills off most of the welfare recipients.
the next wars would be fought over the resources there.

thats beacuse ashkenazi jews are only 35% of israel population. we have 20% arabs who are real dumbfucks.
Just like if you test IQ in USA only on whites and asians it will be way higher.


I dislike religion a lot, so muslims.

I'm Hispanic, have come across more horrific acting gorillas than I have Muslims. Going with yes, I would rather not have them

mudslimes , all the immigrant blacks are already begin deported

If we get rid of muslims we'd also take out a sizeable chunk of the black pipulation, too so its a win-win situation.
