>fbi finds out about Tory smith in 2015

>3agents investigate
>>> get shot by assistant director by high speed rail underground by dc milab 2
>>>>< high up enough to keep their deaths compartmentalized within agency so no other agents find out

Fast forward 3 months:

>>>> 3 different agents find out about Tory smith and get shot and killed once again by assistant director
>>>>but this time it’s not containable an 14 agents shoot fbi assisyant director and deputy director of fbi mark f jewliano and mueller get justice served.

====== by now shitstorm swirls within the agency and all suspected pedophile agents are arrested/killed by based FBI agents.

>>>>>fast forwRd pedo mike pence gets in office now fbi is fucked because pence controls special ops military personnel to kill all bases FBI agents. Reform happens after based FBI agents are killed and now a massive fbi recruiting class loyal to pence arrive ....

Correct me if I’m wrong fbi

9,000 indictments served include all the individuals involved. Tory smith said about 16,000 were involved
. Based FBI agents band together and work at clearing 1 by 1 until pressure mounts and pence has no more allies.

9,000 indictments are helping be served by ayyy lmaos arresting individuals. Ayyyy lmao arrests have tapered a bit due to fewer prayers for arrests. If fbi cannot arrest and limited prayers come in child traffickers in military Air Force ice seal politicians ayyys cannot intervene for arrests.

Military continues to try and trigger ww3 with nukes but since earth is under quarantine obviously disguised nuclear warheads being sent up by spaceX will continue to be shot down/confiscates disarmed remotely by beautiful blue bird ayyys and other humans.

Bottom line: prayers are needed.

Thank you thank you god for shutting down the milab child trafficking operation and arresting all those involved

m.youtube.com/watch?v=U9nZCRjG1UI [Open]

Other urls found in this thread:


(((They are in this thread)))


>(((77))) agents
op is kike faggot

Where is 77 mentioned???

Keks the bot shills are on duty now is the time to GET IN HERE while they are sleeping

This is an exceptionally well-done shilling attempt.

Note the attention paid to using greentext and spacing in a way that is normally used to show actual happenings.

The total lack of linking or evidence makes it obvious.

But this is a worrisome new development in concern trolling. (((They're))) learning.

kys jewish faggot shill


links or it's bullshit, not watching a Youtube vid - fuck off


Next time you should claim that Mike and his wife are being investigated. Since he's hardly ever out of her sight. That way, it's a tiny bit more believable.

Investigation=nothing will happen

Oh look! Another happening that nothing will ever come of.

(((They are in this thread))) so are the based FBI agents

I'm glad Trump is finally killing the Republican party. It was time for them to go.

>Asked for proof
>Calls people shill instead of providing evidence
>Thread is about ayyyy lmaos.

Karen pence


What proof do you want?

Do you want (((it))) posted here?

where is the ayylmao part retard

Also, I will add to The guy in this video claims that Obongo raped him over 200 times. Recently. But tried to like the 201st time, and was immediately lit on fire by God.
This guy is absolutely fucking insane, and this is proof you boomer faggots will believe literally anything you find on Jootube.

That picture just proves that his values align with that of the USA.

>9,000 indictments are helping be served by ayyy lmaos arresting individuals. Ayyyy lmao arrests have tapered a bit due to fewer prayers for arrests. If fbi cannot arrest and limited prayers come in child traffickers in military Air Force ice seal politicians ayyys cannot intervene for arrests.
>Military continues to try and trigger ww3 with nukes but since earth is under quarantine obviously disguised nuclear warheads being sent up by spaceX will continue to be shot down/confiscates disarmed remotely by beautiful blue bird ayyys and other humans.

Can you not fucking read?

>Still has zero proof
That's generally how this works. You're making claims that are literally batshit crazy, and have provided absolutely zero evidence for it aside from this guy in the video, who is a known pathological liar and possibly a schizo.
Show the proof or gtfo.

>Karen pence
Yes, that's his wife's name.

So, I guess that proves.....what exactly?

Frank, is that you?

>will believe literally anything you find on Jootube
You're stupid.
You think people would go on the internet, and just make stuff up? Why? Who would do that?
That's not at all what Algore invented the internet for.
If i see someone lying online, I assure you, I'll contact the cyber police in an INSTANT.
You hear me? IN A FUCKING INSTANT!!!

you know what ill give you that one, i didnt really read squat besides a few damn lines and the title.

(((they))) have completely destroyed this place. it seems like half of the threads are just shills.

Not really if you believe in clones. Multiple clones multiple rapes it adds up pretty fast user.

Hillary arrested in early 2016. All of a sudden this shit starts happening.
>see pic

Hard to not believe Obama has multiple clones that rape.

Although desu I think Tory was referring to the temporal program where they put themselves in a super soldier like body in the non visible light spectrum and come in and rape. Not really hard to believe.

Alao all the reptilian sightings especially the biebs freaking everyone out in Australia makes sense that the reptilians are here.


>Hard to not believe Obama has multiple clones that rape.
Yeah, since obama is a well known bottom fag.

Wow, they went over from 1 post each, to bumping their own threads


sage in all fields boys

And that's why you boomers are fucking cancer to this board.
Still, zero proof.
I'll say it again,

Kek explain the photo then of Hillary

>Grainy photo
There's literally nothing in the photo of Hillary aside from her ugly ass. I hate the cunt too, but at least I'm rational in my hatred of her. Just because David Icke told you to drink hallucinogens and watch politicians talk doesn't mean there are actual reptilians. You people have lost your fucking minds.

YOu don’t see the eyes? Do you want a better photo?

wtf pol

It's sad that the guy died but you can't link a psychic christian warrior's youtube videos where he describes the pedo/reptilian/alien threat in our government.

Being cross-eyed isn't proof of reptilians. And neither is shitty photography or editing. You boomers are literally the most ignorant group of people on this fucking board.
I can't wait until your generation is fucking dead.






This kills the shill thread.

>49th most important guy in Washington is baking pizza for a living
>in a street fully owned by CIA relatives
>just over the tunnel that connects the White House with one of the many ancient escape routes used by presidents
>which was recently illegally drilled

>apparently somebody from the Internet shows up with a gun
>all the camera of the street change direction before it happened, returned normal after the shooting
>never moved before in years
>the whole story got reported an hour before the shooting took place
>the article got cancelled and reuploaded at the right time

>absolutely nobody finds it strange

Fake news
Fuck off shareblue/JIDF and your disinformation

Cross eyed and

>other eye doing circles

>video of getting carried into van

>Circling your eyes and getting carried into a van
>Somehow proof of reptilians
Still no proof. You sound like you need to be locked away in the nuthouse with all the other delusional idiots.

More info or fuck off.


user, the real "shills" are the ones calling others shills
Pizzagate posters are the fucking worst.

1. They will spam all threads claiming it's a slide thread made by shareblue

2. They will call anyone a shill/shareblue/JIDF who questions pizzagate

3. They don't provide any sources to their bullshit and if they do its irrelevant and doesn't provide any information on anything.

>bumping literally tier garbage

the future proves the past.

>Proof of a clone

Clones break down. Nice try

Happening: Shlomo got a pork pie.

>Vague bullshit
The entire thing is fake and gay. This is literal reptilian shit. It doesn't belong on this board.

It's the late stage Kuru

Are you AI?

schill. I know you just don't care about stopping pedophilia because you are one.

>nukes sent up by spacex
Nope, those were tungsten rods id bet. Kinetic bombardment.

It’s the ones that Don’t add to the discussion they just make “shills are the ones who call other shills. I’m tired of these Jidf pizza fags”. We come to 4cham to discuss not destroy conversation that’s why intel sholls are so easy to spot

And most of the time it’s copypasta

Nice one, boomer.
>Zero proof of anything
>Talks about reptilians
>Ayylmao's in the OP
You boomers need to just drop dead already. You've ruined this board.

>reptilian shit
except it's real

>Literal bullshit

t. uninformed retard



>We come to 4cham to discuss not destroy conversation
Well exactly this but it's hard to have any sort of discussion when the people preaching pizzagate shit calls me a shill for even slightly disagreeing with them on something. They won't even engage in debate. Then what is worse is when half the thread spams your post with shit like
>Fuck off Jew
>Fucking kike
>Shareblue shill
>Fuck off back to reddiit JIDF
Also yea most pizzagate threads are pasta with the exception of them linking up previous pizzagate threads

Bad editing and shiity film equipment is not proof of reptilians. This shit has been debunked even on

You gonna tell us next that child sacrifice and satanism is imaginary?

>Still hasn't provided any evidence of muh Satanism or muh Reptilians
Davidicke.com is not a legitimate website.

>has been debunked

>Posting vague shit from Davidicke.com
Please tell me more about the blood drinking lizard people, grandpa. I love good fiction!

Have you read any of his books?
You are either a fool or a shill.
I'd love to see you try to debunk his mountain of legitimate research.

Lurk Moar. You're ruining this entire board.

The guy literally drinks hallucinogentic cocktails and writes about shit he sees during his trip.
You're a fucking idiot. I dropped acid when I was 17, but that doesn't mean the bathtub I was sitting in literally had skittles in it like I saw.
Your drug fueled days at woodstock don't mean you or David Icke are correct. It just means you've done drugs.

Please debunk it, I'd the one who could use another laugh. Or tell me your a Christian, that would be even funnier.

>Debunk muh reptilians!
Ok. They're a trip from David Icke that he see's while he's tripping on hallucinogens. He's admitted this many times.

I said read, you are aware or libraries and pdf's?
this isn't the 1950's, that shill move doesn't work anymore

It just keeps getting crazier and crazier. Your post, I mean.

He's literally said he does. Ayahuasca to be exact. You're an idiot.

>no blurs

Clear sky distortion

Alefantis is guilty

He's never seen one except for an individuals eyes changing. But when you interview hundreds of people from all over the world who all tell the same story...
And you have never read his material, now I know you are a fool and a shill.

Probably because they heard about the hundreds of other people shilling for the reptilian psyop.
It's a literal social experiment to test people's intelligence. And obviously yours is very low.

Yeah it’s cuz it’s the heart cutting right to the truth they all focus on the pence threads the most

They know exactly who I am and know just about everything in here is very close to the truth

unfortunately Sup Forums's openness lends itself to being visited by every mentally ill freak on the internet.

I can't even humor your schizo ramblings because they don't even make sense.

I don't understand, what is wrong with artwork like this? What do you think this portrays and conveys.

An artist is good if it takes longer to look at a painting than it took to paint it. How long do you feel like looking at artwork like this?

Oh so that disproves thousands of other peoples experiences. Sound logic.
So are you just scared of your bullshit worldview being wrong or is it your job to try and shout down anyone who sways from popular opinion?

Here’re come the ayyyyyyysssssss!!!!!!

>Lurk Moar
No fuck you cunt, i'm seriously pissed with you pizzagate faggots, I have been posting on Sup Forums since early 2014 and IT IS YOU who ruined the entire board with your pizzagate faggotry and calling everyone a shill. NO JUST FUCKING NO, GET THE FUCK OFF OUT OF Sup Forums I AM SO FUCKING TIRED OF IT!!!!
I am so fucking angry because of you cunts, you have ruined Sup Forums and this used to be a great place for all sorts of discussion but since you larping fuckwits have showed up you think that the entire board should be focused on this fucking psychological warfare BULLSHIT like fucking pizzagate.
If you were in front of me, I would fucking curb stomp your STUPID ASS into the fucking ground for just fucking breathing.
I hope you die a painful death .

People use drugs. People lie. People whore for attention. There are hundreds of other explanations. You're choosing the most insane and unlikely one
Gas yourself, kikeboi.

This guy gets it.

The vatican hides the pedos because the reptiles run the vatican


Stop defending children being tied up

>Remember goy, it's NEVER the Jews!
How about a "shower", Chaim?

At Sup Forums we contribute to discussion. Please get off the board if you at not going to contribute


Hardly. I'm defending this board. You LARP boomer cancerfags have single handedly ruined this board with this fairytale REPTILIAN and MUH PIZZAGATE shit, and I'm not the only person whose grown sick of it. Motherfucker I've been on here since 2013, and like the Aussie said, this used to be a great place until you senile old faggots showed up. This is now a redpill thread. Commencing a dump on the JQ.

>We contribute!
>By posting literally the same copypasta horseshit over and over and over spamming the entire board



Get off the reptilian much pedos meme >Literally made a building in the shape of a snake





the harder you schill the more you look like a pedo trying to throw us off the trail, desu.
