at present there were 1.8 billion Muslims in the world and the number is expected to rise to three billion by 2050. “
When the bullets fly, they will die.
Screencap this and put it on faggot dot com
Mash'ALLAH! Kuffar, prepare to convert or die.
>they will die
Indeed, kuffar will die.
>imagine all the starving mudslimes
Ahh brings joy to my mind
Sweden can't support that many!
you realize that your numbers are only there to foster an apocalyptic critical point in the conflict with jews, and the two of you will precipitate an antichrist cataclysm that brings forth the end of the world and the general judgement of man, then you and the jews will be cast into hell forever
>Jews import Muslim to Europe to exterminate white goyim
>Muslims take over turns out there based af
>Rich Jews who are part of MSM corporations start getting executed.
>tfw Jews just kys'd themselves
Feels goodman
I have a fantasy I sometimes play over in my mind. It goes like so: picture something like a potato ricer. Now scale the size up 50 billion times. Then, place every single Muslim inside of it. Then squeeze the handle.
Muslims only exist in the west to radicalize the current weak, praceful and soft westerners so they finally snap and remove kebab for Israel.
1.8 to 3 billion in 32 years sounds like an impossible growth. But we are probably going to exceed 2.4 billion by 2050.
Probably correct.
Well, I'd rather shot myself than became mindless follower of twisted bedouin's sect.
No matter if 3 billion or 2,4 billion, you still won't be of any benefit for the world.
Asians on one side, Russians up north, niggers to the west, Jews among you. Yeah, you animal fucking inbreds should be okay.
we're coming very big
They also tend to clump like cat piss/crap so it will be easier to dispatch you when it is legalized!
But the uk will
Muslims will die, just like they are all dying now thanks to Putin!
"Thanks to Putin" while Islam is growing faster than any other religion in Russia, with many Russian states being completely Muslim, also has over 3000 mosques and plenty more being built. That meme is dead user.
BTW those inbred niglets are sooo fuckign ugly. What's up with the ogre on the bottom left? Geez.
Islam isn't growing in Russia at all. And all those Mudslimes in Russia can't stop Russia slaughtering their brothers anywhere in the world, while Islamic countries have to kiss Putin's ass. Numbers won't save you when Muslim countries can't even feed themselves. Muslims are Russia are literal garbage anyway.
As a capitalist.
How do I profit out of this?
I already sell Quran's online and do Youtube on Quran studies and also teach online Quran to kids for 15-20 dollars per 40 minutes.
>t. ex-muslim, atheist, capitalist
Its muslims that will suffer the most if their numbers double. lmao.
Sup Forums is the biggest contributor to this plan. keep up the good work goy
they look so stupid with those caps on. no individualism what so ever
In any scenario where a groups numbers massively increase, it assumes there is no economic development so that the women never gain access to contraception.
Explosive growth in numbers with no economic growth always leads to war and famine. For example, africa is on course to increase their numbers massively but the continent currently has no fucking extra water. They need huge economic development to support those numbers and economic development leads to reduced fertility as people get access to contraception.
Half of them look Jewish.
Build a mega mosque. Like the mega churches they have in the US and rake in the money.
>no individualism what so ever
You mean like this?
Removing kebab is a good thing, it serves lots of people's interest, not just Jews but Hindus and Buddhists as well.
>quantity beats quality
Won't happen, all the times I've seen a muslim acting cuntish they all displayed the same trait; cowardice. When it comes to any kind of conflict you only ever win if you massively outnumber your rivals. It's fair to conclude that the muslim population couldn't pose a threat even when they make up 50% of the worlds population. Christ, even at 60-70% you'd still get your shit pushed in, you "warriors" only ever attack women, children or those that cant fight back.