Why are so many men wasting their lives away playing video games?

Why are so many men wasting their lives away playing video games?

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Because they're fun.

why are so many women wasting their wombs by not having 4+ kids in the span of 6 years???

Because holes cry rape if you try getting laid instead.

Is not wanting to lose an invalid excuse? Does she seriously think coaches are discriminating against women because of their gender? Every esports team would fucking kill to have a woman who could play at a professional level on it because the exposure would be insane.

Why are women so bad at video games anyway? It's not like it requires a lot of physical or mental strength.

In complete honesty, delusions aside, my life would be better if I never touched a video game, regardless of how fun they are.

Maybe If I had self-control and my parents disciplined me instead of letting me play overnight and all day, maybe I wouldn't be hear on the weekend complaining about stuff and doing something productive with my life.

Maybe this doesn't apply to everyone, but I feel as if it does for me, and a lot more other people. I mean I watch streamers and I can see how unhealthy they are or how physically inferior they are. I still play video games, not as much, I put more effort into exercising, but video games have pretty much deterred me in being successful in life, and for many others as well.

I'd like to see Mei's exposure.

>enjoyable hobby
I can do what I want with my spare time, fuck you

>fuck like, deserving things.


Society has peaked, nothing left to do but play vidya until we all die or the Elohim return


I think its time to return back to the fucking kitchen.

Because it requires dedication and commitment where it's only rewarding for the effort you put in.

>I mean I watch streamers

why the fuck do people do this
thats even lower than actually playing video games

Women btfo by meritocracy

When I play games I have twitch or YouTube open on the second monitor

women are significantly worse than men when it comes to a) spatial thinking and b) fast reaction times


>not streaming random shit and not caring if people watch

so Felicia Day went from cutesy mascot to feminazi? Interdasting. Her looks are fading so she's trying to find her niche, I'm guessing

well sometimes you can suck at a game, but people who are good make it look awesome.

it's the same concept as watching NFL or football/soccer

even the most interesting video game is still boring to watch if youre not playing it. an absolute sinkhole of time
on the scale of vices its not really bad at all, just extremely boring and unproductive

They also often arent into games which are competitive. They prefer games which are more comfy and where you can decorate or play dress up. MMOs are also good with cute avatars, housing and stuff for more casual play.
Even in games men and women prefer different aspects.

Pol has a very idealised and romantic view of families. A lot of families are fuckin disgusting. If they're not disgusting they're often nauseatingly hokey, or if they're leftists they're usually sick because they don't want to unload the dishwasher or clean the house because that would be 'the man' oppressing them.

cause I am good at league and college is a pathetic liberal joke, even here

Why do you care how others enjoy their spare time? Don't be some busy body woman.

she missed the boat to show her tits, and reap in all those shameful neatbuxx, so now shes going full angry grandma.

>we need more women in tech
>nah im a woman ill just spend my time bitching on twitter and write some article about it

Women also dont come close in chess

I used to play a raid based game, Rift. We had a highly competitive guild and the core group were able to meet 5 days a week from 10pm-2am to do raids. We had 5 females and 15 males in the clan. I shit you not in every measurable way the females came in last place. Lowest DPS, lowest heals, most frequent deaths, worst attendance. We just needed warm bodies to fill the raids so we could carry them through, but holy fuck they were all terrible. Terrible to the point that one of them flat out refused to use WASD and moved via mouse click. MOUSE FUCKING CLICK.

i agree Felicia, incompetence is sad

its funny how true this is
my wife has been playing candy crush for years. i played for a couple days and was already several levels ahead of her when i stopped because the game sucks
candy crush is the simplest easiest game out there and women are straight terrible even at that

why, should we work to pay for your wifes kids?

Most non-korean men can't even get into the league, and she's worried about women who are less likely to go autist and be a pro OW player?

It's the circle of life

> playing video games is wasting your life
> being on Sup Forums is not

Why are camels wearing red wigs?
Has transgender ism been inflicted on to them too

because they are fun. gonna play Nioh. have fun guys.

agree 100%

It's this more and more everyday desu.

This so fucking much. Whenever I play chess with my mum I'll have my phone on the side when it's her turn. She has beaten me a few times tho.

Only reason I ever watched a stream for was for competitive for the sweet rivalry memes or watch a pro player give commentary and game analysis to better improve my own knowledge of the game.

After years of "research", I have determined that it is because fake conquests are much easier than real ones but provide much of the same happiness. In a game, you can feel most of the joy of crushing your enemies without needing to actually have enemies who you can crush. Those stories people put up about how they outsmarted or outfought people they dislike on principle is the same thing: a fantasy of superiority that can manifest harmlessly.
People are not weak because they play vidya instead of talking to girls, they play vidya because they are too weak to talk to girls.

Being man today is not easy

weeabos are disgusting tho they should unironically be killed, worse than trannies

Maybe because I can spend my goddamn money on whatever the fuck I want. Whether it's a degenerative weebfest shitgame or (in your case) a barge shipment of soylent who gives a fuck. As long as I don't racemix we'll be fine muh nigga

>extremely boring
That is an opinion
>and unproductive
If you're learning from the stream how to play better and playing better is a goal you have this can help you more quickly achieve a personal goal.
For fucks sake it's a hobby. Do you feel this way about board games or reading fiction or watching movies? Do you have a hobby?

Because humans sexuality has be desecrated to the point that its alein to reproduce with the opposite sex now .

I watch games I might be interested in buying to see if the gameplay is shit or not. Saves me the trouble of renting them all.

Because real life has no use for us anymore. Fantasy is more fulfilling

You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums

Crappy reaction time, crappy spatial awareness, too emotional (tilting a woman is basically easier than tilting a 12 yo), no competitive instinct.

>Why are so many men wasting their lives away playing video games?
Because the bottom 30% men will never be attractive to women, and have no possibilities to get a good life.

if i was A chad 8/10+ i would be out fucking every bitch .. since i m not there is nothing else to do , so i guess vydia is the only funny thing to do

those team managers should just cut the shit and say women arent fucking good enough

The Unabomber explained this

This. If a woman could play at the professional level there's NO FUCKING WAY a team wouldn't sign her immediately. She's literally be a walking national star the first second she was confirmed to be playing and get sponsorships out the ass.

But in competitions the ONLY thing that still matters (for now) is winning. Women just don't.

Spatial perception and reaction time.

Same reason there have only been a handful of pro female racing drivers.

Using WASD is for noob you fucking dipshit, every pro use L+R mouse moving in MMO.

t. former S3 gladiator with a mage and a shaman.

Some streamers are insanely entertaining.

Jesus christ look at all those thirsty orbiters

The great thing about games is that there are salient success metrics you can present to demonstrate someone's worthiness to be on one of these teams. If you can put together a pile of women who scored higher but didn't make the cut then you might have a case. When winning is what matters women seem to come up short

There's nothing else for me in the real world. I just want to escape

Is Felicia objectively retarded or is she just pretending?

I only watch speedrun streams of games I have already played to see how I can improve.

She is just the right amount of overweight and she is nerdy. Would bang so hard.

Her career is finally tanking after desperately treading water for so long. Naturally she's ramping up the appeal to the SJW crowd.

Right is how she actually looks like. She photoshops all her images and keeps denying it. Most hated cosplayer in /cgl/

Gearing up to die with her eggs all dried up and 400 cats, shame

no shit its an opinion, the word "boring" is blatantly subjective
and im ok with it, in fact i wouldnt care if you were shooting heroin as a hobby. It just seems to me that watching people play video games for more than about 30 seconds is a bit retarded. Sure if you want to learn how to pass a level thats great but watching people attention whore while playing video games for hours seems silly
>Do you feel this way about board games or reading fiction or watching movies?
watching a video of people playing board games or reading would be pretty fucking dumb, yes

Can she name ten good Overwatch players that are women? Can she name even one?

And by good, I don't mean "has it on while they do a digital stripshow for horny dudes." I mean "can actually play the game well at a competitive level."

Can she name any of the men?

She crossed the realm of thicc into the realm of permafat type 2 diabetes

My god she is hot.. im diamonds.

>and she is nerdy

if by nerdy you mean wears glasses when she doesnt need them and drinks starbucks 3 times a week while spending 99% of her life on social media on her iphone

Why not talk about the differences between brains, lower iq and everything? Check out Jayman's blog, and the book "smart and sexy"

Who cares? All women need are looks anyway. She is 250% boneable

There seems to be some sort of hidden correlation, user.

This ass is amazing! But still prefer the thicc er images above. This picture this woman is quite lean just has a great thicc ass in spite of being quite in shape. I think if she started packing away the food she would make an amazing super plus size model with a humongous hot ass.

Yeah. Runescape took a lot of time out of my life.
Still does.

>play video games in my youth
>lol user you don't play video games do you?
>20 years later, why aren't enough women playing games reeeeee

I like her pic on the right much hotter than the left.

Why not? The world goes to bright dystopian future and you can't do anything to prevent it, can as well waste lives doing nothing. It's like having brain cancer - just get your opiates and relax.

>yfw even female gamers are getting tired of the sexism card
We won.

Agreed. It could have been worse though, at least you can recover from vidya in a few months and it’s not social suicide, drugs and porn are what you really need to watch out for.

That 99 fishing though

please stop samefagging and idolizing obese women
>b-but muh dick
thats fine nigger just stop fawning over fatasses in multiple posts, its fucking retarded

I strongly want to bite that ass.

People who donate/do it for entertainment are plebs.
Going for memes or seeking to improve skill is respectable.

>Play games
Choose one and only one

The last half of the last sentence is the most important part of that whole excerpt.



Just as watching any sport in TV. There is literally no difference watching a football game than an (((esport))) game

>All these faggots explaining away their streamer watching habits
I watch streamers because they're ENTERTAINING. Fuck off with your boomer gamer hate, nigger

this so fucking much. I was so pissed when I saw the ENTIRE New York team plays the game IN FUCKING KOREAN
They're not even from the US, let alone NY

Escapism and consequence free conflict

she could have become a cool aunt instead. Everyone would love her

I'm replaying the mgs series right now. It's awesome.