What are the rates for receiving welfare adjusted by racial population?
are pretty much the only ones paying into it either
welfare is the only gibs program
>slide thread
Blacks and Hispanics largely over represented.
>what is per capita?
>Trump thinks only black people are on welfare
What is the basis for this claim? did he say something I missed or is the media just going all in on making up quotes now?
also this
racists much?
what is per capita for 500 alex
>Trump's quote is from an anonymous source.
>Does not control for population size.
>Focuses on SNAP while ignoring section 8 housing where blacks benefit more even without controlling for population size.
>Limits "white" statistics to those without a college degree.
>Admits that blacks are over represented by almost double their population while whites are underrepresented but never addresses this.
>Ignores taxes paid by the racial groups.
Bet it's also considering things like VA benefits and Social Security as welfare.
Statistics kill the leftie.
Ok did anyone actually go to their reported source for the 25% figure?
This clearly shows that approximately 50% of the recipients for SNAP are black?
What the fuck is going on, do their read their sources or am I jumping the gun and I am retarded?
One of the very basics of statistics. "Total of" is not the same as "Percentage of Total"
Why wouldn't they? Whites still make up for the majority of the population. How much is taken up per capita is the real question.
Niggerposter is back making xer Fake News threads again.
Lynch this fucking mutt.
Also sagey mcsage sage this shit thread.
did you read their source? I commented it above, their own source proves ~50% of recipients are Black
Hi nigger
If you actually read the one "source" they give, it only takes into account Mississippi while applying their rhetoric to the country as a whole.
It's clickbait. They found a "source" from which they could squeeze out a statistic that more whites are on welfare than blacks while ignoring per capita, then they made up a fake quote from an anonymous source about Trump.
Fake and gay.
>fake claim
>misleading stats
>50% are black
>12% of the population
Its like liberals don't even math
> ... but, really, whites receive the most benefits
Bullshit. Seen to per capita whites only and shitskins only per capita, the whites are receiving way less than niggers and spics
But hey talk total numbers totally forgetting that niggers are 14% and spics are about 30%.
This is typical (((media))) shilling
Over 60 percent white, only 40% receive federal assistance. Their own story proves blacks disproportionately receive welfare. Sad. Many such cases.
That's only for the first congressional district of Mississippi. If you scroll down you can see the other districts.
The second district blacks account for 85% of SNAP users, while accounting for 64% of the population of that district.
Third district: 63% of those on SNAP are black, overall population is only 33% black
Fourth: 44% of SNAP users are black, overall population is 22% black.
When did he say this?
> The think tank’s 2017 report stated that 6.2 million working-age whites were lifted above the poverty line in 2014 compared to 2.8 million blacks and 2.4 million Hispanics.
you do the math, but it's pretty clear to me
I can't believe people are so stupid as to fall for this shit, and yet liberals are
When everything I see in my daily life is contrary to this fact leftists like to parade out every day I question the statistic. Remember when they used to say immigrants commit less crimes and then were proven wrong this year when an unbiased study came out?
also sage slidethread
You forgot to multiply by three fifths.
Exactly my point - doesn't their source seem to confirm Trump's exact position?
Plus, their article claims only ~25% of recipients are black, clearly erroneous
That's why they are libcucks in the first place.
I can imagine him saying it desu. he lives in my head
the article mixes up stats to deceive, there are 43 million people on SNAP and 25.7% are black
Per capita is RAYYYCIST!!!!!
Don't offend the libcuck, he can get triggered easily with such micro agressions. Or is it already macro?
This thread actually nukes Sup Forums given the other numerous ones about the coons receiving "gibbs".
how can people know what trump is thinking without actually being in the same room as him????
>Exactly my point - doesn't their source seem to confirm Trump's exact position?
Yes, but they know their readers are only looking to feed their confirmation biases and they won't actually attempt to verify anything in the article. It's why they can get away with using an anonymous Black caucus member to smeer Trump.
>50% are black
If only.
Well yes, the use half as much.
They are also 1/8th the population.
>What is the basis for this claim
what kind of question is that? they dont need any kind of proof they just lie through their teetg
you are willing to support giving hundreds of billions to the military complex and their families so they can buy another ivory back scratcher but you are against supporting someone who is hungry
wtf is wrong with you
>1 post by this ID
The left can't math
Because there are more white people in total. But when you do the math something like 30% of all blacks are on welfare while only 10% of all whites are on welfare. So this argument just proves that black people in whole can't take care of themselves.
To this day I still don't know if this was a subtle shitpost made by someone here or if it's a legit OD image.
Either way they're too stupid to stop reposting it themselves.
or meme
Their inability to truth is a much bigger problem.
Under fucking rated
given that there are 5x more whites than blacks, that settles it
Niggers actually can't understand per capita. They think you're lying if you try to explain it to them.
very well, let's end all welfare programs
we shall see whom it will hurt the most
They don't need basis for it, most liberals think that he thinks that so therefore it's true.
>In the spring of 2017, the newly elected president met with members of the Congressional Black Caucus. During that meeting, one of the members mentioned to Trump that welfare reform would be detrimental to her constituents— adding, “Not all of whom are black,” according to NBC News.
>The president was incredulous. “Really? Then what are they?”
This is their evidence. Also sage this shill thread.
Yep, I love nigger logic.
>Whites make up 70% of the country
>Blacks make up 13.4%
>Whites (Including latinos) make up 55% of welfare
>Blacks make up 45% of welfare
Someone really needs to tell these reporters and wanna be think tanks to learn 'how to math'. We do things per 100k ppl in this country. And by those standards blacks make are much much greater with their (((welfare))) and (((programs)))