>MGTOW absolutely btfo
permavirgins literally can't refute this.
MGTOW absolutely btfo
It's mother nature's way of preventing unfit humans(you) from reproducing.
Give her a house and she'll fuck off with it
Even by that crazy fuck's ramblings, women need to be given shit to make anything.
Furthermore, women give nothing and produce nothing in the modern age. They are fucking vultures.
He also wrote Lord of the Flies.
That dumb old man learned NOTHING what a waste of a life.
Makes sense
>He also wrote Lord of the Flies.
Is he trying to say that women overcompensate in what they give so a man will love her? It sounds as if though women understand that man is inherently better and have to compete by giving them everything they can.
Holy fucking cringe
>implying she's only good for baby making and cooking
Making feminists use this argument could work I guess
Well at least you have to give them something first? Women are the chalice of life etc.
Give a woman a nation...
No wonder we are forced to read that trash.
"... be ready to receive a lot of shit!"
>implying women can cook now days
>implying they want children
In the EU its basically:
Give women the right to vote and they vote based on their rape fantasies.
If you give her an inch she will take a mile
Give White men a backwards continent (America), and they will give you the greatest country on Earth--at least, they used to be able to. Just like how women used to do what Golding said. Now they just abort the child, take your house in the divorce, refuse to cook because it's sexist to expect them to, and make videos about how men were "catcalling" them for trying to be sociable just because the women may not find the men attractive. On the other hand, modern "men" would rather check out of society and be beta MGTOW's than grow out of their prolonged adolescence. They would rather play video games, fap to traps and cuck porn, etc.
I would say it's time for both genders of the White race to grow up, but I'm too blackpilled for that. Honestly, this generation has to die. Hopefully, the next generation, if there is one, does it better.
> she multiplies and enlarges what is given to her
He’s actually talking about sluts, isn’t he? Lowkey based
Give her an inch and she'll take a mile
Actually a very smart observation. Pity modern feminists don't want to be mothers or housewives tho.