Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Lol that literally made me laugh
He's right because white people enable them
>admitting they never want to improve their situations
The people responding should probably be killed for the good of the species.
All I know is that black people were pissed about some kid wearing a monkey hoodie. Then they preceded to act like monkeys and fuck up a bunch of stores
Day of the rope can't come soon enough.
Death to the white traitors too.
More people are racist towards muslims than they are blacks these days.
Do you guys not realize how beneficial events like this H&M fiasco are for us (when corporations duke it out with nig nogs)?
Blacks are utterly chimping out and destroying stores over total nonsense, which I'm sure is redpilling more and more people by the day. At the same time, they're just destroying some corporate stores and the H&M corporate brand.
It's not like when they riot through a city or attack your nation's history/heritage, which—although it redpills people—requires the public to foot the bill for the destruction (or have it's history/heritage denigrated).
But here, where blacks are going after a corporation, it's the corporation that receives the physical damage, it's the corporation who pays the bill, and it's the corporation whose name/brand is being dragged through the mud.
Takeaway: when blacks attack corporations, we get accelerationism without its downsides.
They're not beneficial for me. I want humanity as a species to not be fucking retarded. Every time they act fucking retarded somewhere I get sad. I don't like being sad. I don't like being disappointed.
>playing oppression olympics with john nigga
haha what did he think would happen
What about spics?
>nigger permanent victim status
>thinking blacks are human
>Your opinion is invalid because of who you are.
Critical thinking: Ad hominems are now valid arguments, no longer fallacies.
I'm going to hold them to the same standards as everyone else. Which is more than the left seems to be capable of.
Is it worth to be an exchange student in Stellenbosch?
Are the students based or is if full of sjws and dindus?
I hope you enjoy not ever having your standards be met until a genocide occurs.
Well, yeah, I'm sad that blacks chimp out, too. But I can be as sad as I'd like, and it wouldn't change the fact that blacks are going to chimp out. So it's better to gauge by sadness based on whether their chimpouts are done in a time, place, and manner that are most beneficial to the society overall.
It's much better for blacks to exert their destructive instincts on international corporations (who can swallow the costs) rather than residential areas, small businesses, or a nation's identity.
This would be the optimal come if you knew your society would have a certain group that periodically destroyed property. Your best hope would be that they would destroy the property of international corporations, whose wealth isn't even properly regarded as being wealth within your nation.
wusup my Nyiggih
They are right. Blacks are completely inferior to white people, and will NEVER have ANY chance of living a successful life without white people taking care of them like little helpless children. I completely agree with what they are saying.
Maybe so, but I refuse to lower the standards.
Most colleges here are obsessed with American culture and politics to the point where college blacks actually sound American and look and act like a fat white girl in an Antifa rally while they talk about "decolonising" African culture and society
This country needs a nuclear barrage, it's not an ideal destination by any stretch of the imagination
That's fine I hold them to same standards too, but they always fail and that's why as a population that are incompatible with the western world, among other reasons.
And dont' get me wrong there are great ones who fit in better than some whites but on population levels and averages they are overall a drain.
>being disappointed in niggers
That's your problem mate.
White traitors get the rope first
Not even worth to come and see how bad it really is for a few months?
>will always be
Turns out black victimhood promotes white superiority, they even admit it.