Sup Forums if you lose faith in Trump, check out Jimmy Kimmel's new video on Youtube. The comment section is so fucking redpilled. We are winning.
Sup Forums if you lose faith in Trump, check out Jimmy Kimmel's new video on Youtube...
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I forgot the link
>Lose faith in Trump
im not going in there for any kind of pill fucking hate kimmel no talent hack spawned from the spooge of adam corollas genius
bruh, but it's so satisfying to see this fucker get BTFO'd by his fans.
Thought about your post. Opened up youtube and looked at a few shows that talked about “shitholes”. Almost all of them are the same. Trevor Noah’s comments are filled with
>they are shitholes. You’re a racist Noah.
And similar. Kind of funny, all things considered. Funny that Obama called Libya a shit show and nobody freaks out. Trump says something remarkably similar and every one freaks out
Why does everyone respond as if Trump actually said this while CBS reports two members of congress are saying they have no recollection of him saying this?
Seriously, while the "well they are shitholes" response is perfectly valid there is no actual proof of the fact that he even said this yet both sides automatically recognize it as a fact. Am I missing something? Though its inconsequential, it feels like everyone has taken the media bait to incite further division by touting what they say as true.
>I forgot the link
Every fucking time.
You forgot what year it is? Nobody needs proof. I said EXACTLY what you said in an earlier thread. I got ragged on by half the thread. I’m not going to do the same, but I’ll give you the condensed version.
If you can get your political opponent to deny he fucks sheep, all anyone is going to remember is the incident. Not the truth or falsehood. Just sheep fucking.
Shariablue, Reddit, leftypol, faceberg, and every late night show don’t care if it’s TRUE, they’ll just keep repeating it until the gullible BELIEVE it’s true.
Remember when trump had a few accusers of sexual assault represented by Gloria Allred? Few remember that they bailed out of press conferences and never showed their face. Everyone still pushes he’s a “sexual predator”. Look at the other story about him fucking a porn star. Not one source on it, but plenty of news. It makes zero sense until you understand it’s just a mob mentality.
don't forget that jon stewart said it on the daily show
50 second mark
comment section looks pretty blue pilled to me
this country is fucked
Its obviously made up but I wish it wasn't. Doesn't matter either way because now it forces people to acknowledge that these people really ARE shitholes and that we really shouldn't take people from those places. It set the agenda and the left-wing is now in a position where its forced to pretend like the shittiest places in the world are somehow "wonderful"
Adam Corolla >>>>>>>>>>>> Jimmy Kimmel.
Jimmy is nothing more than a left wing globalist shill.
Because it doesn't change anything. Leftist retards assume he said it because he's a bad ebil nazi fascist and those that support him wish he said it because its true and its the kind of shit they voted for him to say and act on. It changes literally nobody's view of him whether he did or didn't say it. If you could somehow prove to leftists he never said it they would simply claim he was thinking it instead and that's just as bad so all their bitching was just as valid.
Welcome to the modern Mass Media age, it's all just propaganda at this point
It's current year +3. No one needs proof anymore
>listen to Andrew Anglin call in show
>everyone calling in is a bunch of 14 year olds
The great race war approaches
what is an exercise a man could never do in a gym?
also pretty dumb exercise
Jimmy Kimmel used to be the unique edgy new school late night guy what happened to him?
They must have dirt on him to make him shill this hard. Pedophile confirmed.
I don't visit YouTube, you'll have to scoop some excerpts for me personally.
The little punk sold out to hollywood for the $$$
Someone needs to drag out the old Man Show episodes and crucify him before the SJW court for his past sins.
>the pole is right
Every fucking time.
Kimmel should fucking kill himself for talking shit about Duterte. He talks like those filthy local media here.
Looks like a dog lifting his leg to take a piss. Lets call the exercise the "Fire Hydrant".
Trump did bring in some good points in the context of political incorrectness but he is not neocon jewish puppet that does what Israel wants and also supports Saudi Arabia.
Still better then Hillary though.
the fuck is she even doing. Why are women so retarded when they workout? i see this kind of thing at the gym i go to all the time, i find myself sitting at the bench wondering what hell they're doing half the time.
YouTube comment sections have always been comprised of the worst that humanity has to offer no matter what video you're on.
Also, barley anyone who watches a video actually engages in the comments
not a good reason to say were fucked
but we are indeed fucked none the less