How’s his 2020 run gonna look?

How’s his 2020 run gonna look?

Other urls found in this thread:,expert-trumps-visit-brings-us-polish-relations-to-the-new-level-interview

Absolutely amazing.

Google “Trump prophecies”. he’s going to be fine

Getting BTFO'D hard by Al Franken

as long as he keeps sucking (((their))) dicks he should be fine

Well either An Absolute Success! Or it'll end up like The Alabama Elections which in this case he'll get Screwed over by the lefty's or dems!

@RedEagle1995 at Follow & Have Fun!!

Imagine Trump vs Biden/Warren/Harris/Franken/Chelsea/Tulsi.

When you're done laughing you'll have your answer.

All the Democrats have to do is run a slick white guy with a moderate message and Trump loses bigly.

But they'll run a dindu or a spic, so no worries.

centrist here that is getting progressively pulled further right. didn't vote for trump last cycle but would in 2020.
t. 32 yo nyc white male who cant wait to throw his vote away

If war starts somehow, or the republicans really do have a good turnout at this year at the booths, I'd say he has a pretty good chance of winning. Incumbency is the best thing going for him at this point



>A War Trump Won

>HuffPost: "Trump is Winning"

>In a Win for Trump, Supreme Court Upholds ‘Extreme Vetting’ Travel Ban

>Trump pulls US out of UN global compact on migration

>Trump kills TPP

>The president Monday signed at the White House Space Policy Directive 1, a change in national space policy that provides for a U.S.-led, integrated program with private sector partners for a human return to the Moon, followed by missions to Mars and beyond.

>b-but all he did was bitch about fake news!

>3 CNN journos resigned after their story about Trumps team colluding with Russians was exposed as a complete lie

>CNN being called out by Glenn Greenwald for lying a different time about a Trump/Russian collusion story

>Hillary Clintons team got exposed for paying women to say Trump sexually assaulted them

>Trump begins targeting Taliban druglabs

>Afghan officials praise Trumps strategy

>"Trump gets it right on Afghanistan and Pakistan"

Nah, even though he sucks their dick they still humiliate him at every opportunity.

It's a one way relationship, they fuck Drumpf in the ass and don't even have the courtesy to give him a reach around.

Poor cunt.

>"Trump is better on Cyber security than Obama"-ACLU

>Thriving Labor market under Trump

>"Over that time the stock market has boomed, GDP growth has improved and unemployment is at an almost 17-year low but job gains are running below the average of Obama’s last six years."

>Trumps visit brings US-Polish relations to a new level,expert-trumps-visit-brings-us-polish-relations-to-the-new-level-interview

Do you voted for Hillary? Dear God man, come home already

"The US foreign policy has become so outlandishly stupid that even the most subservient US puppet regimes (say, the UK, Norway, ROK or Japan) or are now forced to condemn it, at least publicly. A lot of credit here goes to Nikki Haley who, following this catastrophic vote, decided to make things even worse by blackmailign the UN and all its member states. Finally, President Trump himself sealed it all by giving Nikki Haley’s speech a very public endorsement.

So stupid as this may have been, and stupid it really was, in this instance the results of this stupid were nothing short of a blessing for the Middle-East: even Hamas is now finally talking again with Hezbollah and Iran!

Just as we can sincerely thank President Obama for pushing Russia and China into each other’s arms, we can now all thank Nikki Haley and Trump for uniting the resistance to the state of Israel and the entire AngloZionist Empire. I can just about imagine the jubilation in Tehran when the Iranians heard the good news!"


protest vote

>half-built wall
>need to finish the wall
>remember when this guy said Trump would imprison all the gays?
>get a load of this guy everyone
>Trump wins

Didn't vote for him last time.
Definitely will 2020

Fluff Blumpf!!!

pretty good, Dems STILL haven;t figured out that people want a progressive & not Hillary

It all depends on who the DNC runs.

Regardless of all the bad press Trump receives, the democrats still don't have a platform or a leader. So it's looking good so far.

What about this recent Oprah meme? Will anything become of it?

According to Jamie Dimon the Dems ain't got shit for 2020.

"Jamie Dimon: Dems don't have a strong candidate for 2020"

"when nobody is in charge then the AngloZionist Empire cannot really bring its full force against one specific target. This of a car or bus in which all the passengers are fighting each other for the control of the steering wheel. This is bad for them, but good for everybody else as the only place this car or bus is headed for is the ditch."

let's make sure it stays that way until they hit the inevitable wall :)

People don’t want a progressive though, in fact progressivism is ridiculed by not only the right but The apolitical, Styx is a retard.

With every democrat in jail the libertarians finally will have a shot.

who the fuck are the dems even gonna run? elizabeth warren?

depends on if he finishes his precious wall and can tout it, and also who the Dems choose to run, but basically this.,

The end game is here and the morons already lost. All that is left are accusations and the inevitable world war

>”Is the media going to remain oblivious to Trump’s popularity?”

>”Has Anyone Noticed That Trump's Economy Keeps Beating Expectations?”

>Trump's Immigration Crackdown Driving Illegal Immigrants To Canada

>Illegal immigration hits 45-year low under Trump


Cory Booker
another (half) nigger

No way we can flip Va and Or. Maybe Mn, Co and NH.

If you didn't catch it, Putin told them they get obliterated. US/Israel he meant, ofc.

So dig your holes, as there will be something breaking this year. It is a matter of hours now, not days weeks or months.

Keep discussing your inlands BS, the world has other plans with you.

Times up

>How Trump pulled off the biggest Upset in Presidential History

he’s gonna have to start on that wall before then or he’s gonna get raked over coals for pussyfooting around

Nah, only regressives get ridiculed. Progressives cause liberals to cry oceans of tears when they improve the world.

Yuge. Near Reagan levels of win.

Two term president. Trump gunna Trump.


>Trumps economic policy causes trillions in debt and another recession
>big swing to the left in polls
>Berny has massive public support
>again takes millions in donations from people
>Oprah announces candidacy
>(((you know who))) uses diversity as an excuse to push her through despite public opinion
>people see through this and don't want her
>trump gets in again
>trillions more onto debt
>another recession

Well, donkeys just have to have a moderate candidate (they should try for a white guy because if they go with a woman or a minority that is what 75% of their message is going to be about.) that espouses patriotic shit but doesn't act like Trump and people will be all aboard that. However they seem to be leaning towards another woman, colored at that, and moderate white voters could see the race baiting and turn out for Trump again. The problem comes down to how other ethnicity will vote. Hispanic woman candidate = certain Donkey win because le 56%ers like Joe Hernandez will go apeshit. Of course they could fuck up again and talk down to people depending on where they live/class status and hand Trump another victory too. Wild ride to say the least.

But the economy is doing better than it has been doing in a long, long time. Dow Jones closed at new record highs almost 100 times under Trump already.

if he performs the same as 2016 then he'll win again

It will go by quick, he will dive in a bit late officialy but his apearences will increase you will see him at work... At work not campagning will be the underlying moto, I am working the campagne will look like it will be short when I have time sor of a deal...

He will llant tons of things in the media, things he can control and prove wrong...