Is he finished?
Nick Fuentes is over
Other urls found in this thread:
hi nick
It's JIDF, Nick.
If you attack their e-celebs they'll attack you cuz you didn't take the money.
James is a faggot TRS wannabe.
TRS is part of the group of kikes that JIDF defends.
Like his ex is finished shiting on the street.
1. Bannon is a traitor
2. Bannon was the leaker
3. Bannon works in online media and politics
4. Bannon works for the Chinese Commies and with Kissanger
5. Bannon claims to be leader of Alt-Right
6. Bannon is ruthlessly defended on here and infinity, thread after thread. Even a sticky on how he never said those things.
7. Bannon defenders post in the same idiotic manner as the Spencer defenders.
8. Bannon had bad intentions from the start.
9. Bannon worked for Navy Intel and Hollywood
10. Bannon believes he masterminded the meme war.
11. Spencer has ties to Dugin through his wife.
12. Dugin calls Bannon soul mate
See the pattern yet????
All of these people need to grow up. This sort of shit is so womanly and childish.
The 8k youtube sub chad Vs the virgin 200k sub
Can I get a rundown of what's going on with Nick and James?
James Allsup is talking through some sweet new deals with Lauren Southern and the gang! Millennial Woes knows all about it.
I love Nick but he's gotta get past this childish habit of getting into fights with people on our side every few weeks.
>people on our side
Hey, how about you stop being an alt-right faggot. It's a jewish psy op.
>alt right faggot
>jewish psy op
Not sure what you mean in this incoherent post, but chances are you don't either.
the alt-right is a jewish controlled op, especially Spencer
>alt right
>jewish controlled psy op
>no further explanation
yeah man you guys are definitely not shilling. Everyone knows Posobiec and Milo and other zionist shills are zionist shills, you're not spreading any new information when you say that
I'll also unironically say Nick never did anything wrong.
There've been a few disputes, but in every case the other parties were behaving irrationally.
He never even began.
>nick never did anything wrong
This is some serious fanboy shit. I mean I watch AmFirst 3-5 times a week and follow his twitter but this is still bullshit to me. The dude is constantly dredging up old drama to get epic internet points on his super funny tweets.
He's usually right and overall has a good head on his shoulders, but "never did anything wrong" is a massive stretch.
>not realizing everyone on Sup Forums is paid to be here except you
Who bumpfires content the most, in a consistent disciplined schedule?
hi rabbi
kill yourself shill rat
>Nicks causing drama like a literal highschool girl because james doesn't want to do their shitty podcast anymore.
>People get annoyed with nick being a whiny spic and expose him as a race mixer along with his leftist sister
>Nick crys some more on twitter and starts doing trump style tweets like a sperg to pretend he's not buthurt
>Nazibol larpers and irony sperg twitter suck his balls and pretend he has a following, with his tiny 7k youtube subs
>Nick's house gets broken into and he gets raped to death by his sisters nigger friends.
Send a vocaroo of you saying a full sentence, I want to hear how high pitched and nasally your gay little voice is jewboy
Fuck off with your eceleb shit you stupid fucking children. In a natsoc world little mongrels like you wouldnt have made it to birth
>kike getting butthurt hes been found out
Once a Mexican, always a Mexican.
>in a natsoc world there would be abortions
christcucks like fuentes can fuck off
Only if they are disabled.
>This is some serious fanboy shit.
I'm no fanboy, pretty much the only content I care to consume lately is from Enoch.
Everyone always wildly overreacted to Nick. Who gives ANY fucks if he's big on optics?
He criticized Spencer? JFC, why would this be taboo?
He's friends with the WRONG crowd on twitter dot com! FUCKING FAGGOTS WOW JUST WOW
but but but MUH WAIFUS! Tara personally reached out to him with an ultimatum. It was retarded and he was right to call her out.
What else have I missed, because I'm not a fucking fanboy that follows the day-to-day?
>what is eugenics
To be considered /ourguy/ you must:
# Be a guy (no traps!)
# Be white (*European* white, not middle-Eastern or Jew)
# Be heterosexual
# If dating or married, partner must be white too
# If you raise children they must be your own
# You must not support Israel
Everything else is negotiable. You can be a manlet like Andrew Anglin or even a soyboy. But you can't be a Jew, an Israel supporter, a faggot or a non-white.
he only pretends
Is he gonna rebrand as Mexico First with Nicholas J. Fuentes?
Allsup is another Spencer socialist.
Fuentes is a comfy pre-1965 paleoconservative.
Fuentes > Allsup
Fuentes need to learn how to not distance himself from everyone though...
>skeptics ruined
>kraut and team destroyed
>racewarski emerged
>biology king of the alt-right announced
>Nick had nothing to do with any of it
This bothers me
nick is a child, there's no point listening to him any more than tara or lauren
I've been saying for ages that the alt right would end badly for Nick. He is a btight young man with the potential for a bright future and by making common cause with this disparate group of losers, pagans and low level vermin he would squander his many God given talents. He should move on and away from this ship of fools and build his brand without the excess baggage...
>Laura Loomer over Lauren Simonsen
this is just retarded ironybro signalling at this point
I knew when Nick took the side of Shawn last month he was going to betray James.
if you attack pro-whites for "socialism" you are a boomer kike
>Muh based 1960s GOP.
You're deluded if you think that's going to save the white race.
Oh yes and Loomer tried to dox Jame's gf at one point and Nick had no problem with it apparently.
I hope he has fun setting up NazBol First Media
Literally who?
For all of their thots, the eThots have found a consistent way to generate very large viewerships depite having little other than recycled content from other, farther right, figures. This is an asset. Attacking them when they don't pretend to offer leadership (they're all "commentators" or "reporters") is not a productive use of time.
Nick, on the other hand, does nothing but attack other people on the right while putting forward nothing in the ways of IRL organizing and activism.
Who? If it's so obvious how come it's the first time I hear of this guy? Maybe because I never go past 5th page?
Quick Rundown
> James and Nick have co-ownership of a media company with Matt, a previously unknown, undoxxed, person who was Nick's childhood friend
> James is very sucessful at networking IRL, has established strong connections to several different personalities in the alt-right including Spencer, the TRS crew, McFeels, the ethots, and even alt-lite people like Lauren Southern
> Nick does no IRL networking, instead produces bi-weekly, semi-autistic videos where he attacks other figures on the alt-right
> Matt works behind-the-scenes organizing things and managing the business
> Nick grows resentful of James, who has numerous side projects while falling behind on his supposed responsibilities to the media channel
> James has managed to secure a potentially lucrative deal with TRS (i.e. they both would get modest salaries as opposed to being dependent soley on patreon bux) for the three of them that Nick opposes
> Nick names the Jew in one of their shared video's title and James changes the title during the night without notifying him first in order to avoid a ban from Youtube
> Nick throws temper trantrum because (in his own words) other people were touching his things
> Matt takes James' side
> the pair ignore Nick's increasingly frantic communications for a week or so before hashing out their differences
> immidiately after that, Nick requests $500 extra so he can buy a new computer
> Matt says that he's never seen someone go from throwing a tantrum to asking for money that quickly
> Nick gets firmly triggered, locks others out of Youtube page
> James and Matt fire Nick offline and then announce it via twitter without giving any details and adding that they wished him well
> Nick gives 20 minute periscope where he airs all of the company's internal issues and then doxxes Matt
Kike thread.
Nick has a following of catholics, ironybros, and minecrafters. In chat they are bored when he discusses politics or culture, they love him when he is larping as a crusader or shitting on alt-right and "thots", or spouting memes
I have to give it to them, they manipulated the boy into being a useful tool for them to inflict harm on the alt right
He's attacked the alt-right from pretty much day one. So many already established fiures were nice to him, but he sperged out every other week with some new petty drama.
He ruined himself with his own ego and toxic personality.
Lol more like James Allsup is over
Nicholas has his own brand that is way bigger than any of these other faggots
Never heard of him
Fuck off idiot. Nick has only ever attacked the two dollar whores who parade in front of a camer with out a single meaningful thing to say for scum like you to lap up as well as exposing Dicky boy Spencer as the effeminate, Duganist poser that he is. Keep following the alt right all the way to irrelevancy moron, afterall losers tend to gather together.
Dreaming about muh white Shinto and national socialism definitely won't.
The only way to save the white race is through the GOP and by turning it into a pro-white party. Which will be possible with people like Paul Nehlen, Steve king and Donald Trump.
Eugenics is foetal abortions, now? Kill yourself.
found a kool aid drinker
Reminder that Richard Spencer is
Pro abortion
Pro gay marrige
Pro welfare
Pro European union (as long as its racist)
Roman Catholic mestizo is all you need to know. He also calls himself Mexican, but you probably already figured that out.
A few keywords I've picked up is when people bring up either Spencer or TRS when they're not involved at all, they're not to be taken seriously. Spencer and TRS are not nearly as influential as these shills are trying to imply. They're also not nearly as negative as they try to imply.
Just an FYI to anyone. Spencer in particular is pretty much universally considered a joke.
Seeing the Right tear each other apart. These are the people who claim they are the future of politics
Swede, I don't know if you're aware of this, but 2020 is the last year where a GOP candidate even has the potential to win the presedency.
Our demographic timebomb has exploded. Obviously we can't ignore elections, but we're never going to reverse the tide through them. IRL networking and organizing - consolidating the white minority - is our only way forward.
I don't think Fuentes will recover from this desu
this could have been dramatic breakup with a lot of shit flung, but ya don't simply dox an associate
Bill Mitchell or Shapiro might take him on if he tones down the rhetoric, they have nothing to lose and he could be their ex-alt-rite specialist insider
I agree with Allsup on this, Fuentes is a drama junkie
>pro abortion
You want another 50 million niggers in this country you retard?
Who are these people you keep talking about
All sane pro-whites are pro-abortion. As disgusting as the practice itself is, the net result is a literal nigger genocide.
Fuentes spergout is proving to be lies
unironically this
Not true. James has a big channel. Nick is a boomer tier papist faggot. He can't even afford a new computer. Nick is also lying about his family being doxed. His sister's pics have been on here since early December.
To be fair, Nick is bumpfiring more content then James. He brings in the cheddar with the superchats.
Im saying the spic fuentes would have been aborted or never even conceived in the first place along with the sub 80 iq mongrels who spam Sup Forums with their stupid eceleb bullshit
Why is he trying so hard to tweet like Trump?
*spencer is pro abortion in a white ethnostate.
Listen to between two lampshades with anglin spencer and enoch.
The only thing bad on that list is gay marriage, and Spencer doesn't even support that. Spencer just thinks that even though gay marriage, adoption, and propaganda should be banned its not productive to prosecute individual gay people for consensual sex. There's no need to hunt down gay people (a naturally occuring genetic disorder) when they lose their ability to propagandize their abnormal lifestyle.
Nick always does that, he loves Trump even more than he lets on
Birth defects will be deported in the white ethnostate.
tl;dr don't care. Stop mentioning Sup Forums I the normie sphere.
You have alot of time. If Trump builds the wall and opens up immigration from Europe then you're set. Both of which are possible. Spencer European styled socialism will never happen in the US. Return to paleoconservative pro-white politics is highly possible, you already have politicians in somewhat high places and you have the philosophy and literature.
Fuentes knows the way.
> decries doxxing
> doxxes Matt at the end of the video
Why do you know this? Why is this Trump twitter wannabe clogging up space on Sup Forums? Why is there a new alt-right e-celeb drama every week?
Its not about birth defects, it is about spencer being a liberal that does not like niggers.
We don’t like niggers either. What’s your point?
Who cares about this e-celeb drama shit. All it does is slide of better threads.
> If Trump builds the wall and opens up immigration from Europe then you're set.
Neither of these things are going to happen. But even if they did, a Democratic regime (i.e. something to expect within 10 years) would quickly undo them. You have no idea how bad it is here.
He makes good content 5 days a week and I check twitter 2-3 times a day. Why do you feel a need to sit in this thread just to say "hahaha i don't caaaaare," does it give you a sense of superiority or something? You don't have to deny it, I understand, but try to be more self aware in the future.
Why is the little Mexican freaking out so hard? His sister was doxxed on Sup Forums like a month ago. Why is this all coming out now and why is Allsup being blamed?
>People keep saying this Matt guy got doxed.
>Not a single person has posted these dox on Sup Forums.
Where is the proof?
Democrats have no ideology left except for tranny bathroom rights.
Trump is Nick's biggest influence.
Bannon rekt himself, but traitor? No evidence of that. It's a retarded exaggeration.
The point is that spencer is pro abortion in all white countries regardless if the baby is retarded or not. He baby her choice and all that.
Is Fuentes actually capping and photoshopping chan posts in his favor? Lmao.