We killed thousands of these in the korean war

we killed thousands of these in the korean war

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Should have killed their plastic surgeons

Hopefully millions more when kim fucks up

To save millions...

All asians look like little kids. Guys that want an asian wifu are just paedophiles.

& we saved south korea which is a rich democratic society from communism. see north korea. imagine if both north & south korea were totalitarian commie dictatorships. we also resisted the u.s.s.r. & the nazis. in short. we're awesome & america deserves respect.

look how fertile they look


My main problem with Asian girls is that they're huge whores.
They suck so much dick it's like ridiculous.
Why are Asian chicks so easy ?

omg. dude french girls are the most sexualized sluts on the planet.

Define "easy" ?

If easy in the sense that they love white guys, then yes. South Korean women are fucking whores though, that is absolutely true.

koreans are knock off japs

Should've killed more because they're all degenerates.

loona is going to be a good group when they debut. my fav member is Yves she's hot and sexy

Yes, that's what I was saying by "easy"
Yes but we're cucks so that's our fault.

>my grandfather RAPED thousands of these in the korean war

Can we get a single pic of an attractive gook without makeup?
Ask this in every asian gf thread and count responses.

True french Girls are the modern whores or Babylone

Japs are knock off Koreans*

The damn Communist dead is better

Maybe you mutts could just stop killing people in other countries?

>be white
>attracted all the sloots that love white dick
>but why are they attracted to my white dick?

>Yes but we're cucks so that's our fault.

Atleast you're honest. I don't think i've ever seen as many coalburners as i have in Paris.

Back then they had no access to plastic surgery, so you would not have cared about them at all. Don't let your dick run your life. I too admire (fake) Asian beauty, but our women look better naturally. Many Asians really look like they have downs when you think about it, but they can be cute.

Okay? What's your point?

The girl on the right is cuter tbqh

Not really. Sex is starting to happen in their culture, promiscuity and cheating are frowned upon and seen as major problems. It's like the year is perpetually 1960 over there.


Eh, what part of "belongs to White men" don't you get? You're trying to be edgy, but it's kind of like... who cares?

Like there aren't enough autistic pan-faced mongolians on the planet.


anons i just jacked off why do you make me do this again ugh its so sore red and chafed and my cummies towel isnt dry yet

>boomer generation

How is that a good thing?

They are cute but their cuteness isn't about their looks so much as it has to donwith their demeanour. Their faces aren't really all that cute despite all the plastic surgery.

Obviously coming from a guy who has never traveled anywhere. S Korea is a pretty conservative place.


>falling for the plastic surgery jew

reminder that nayeon is best girl

Edgy post

They aren't the boomer generation. And 1960 is really looked at as being the last year the Greatest Generation was in power and the very beginning of the sex revolution. When everything was still cute and hadn't gone to shit yet.

>tfw gonna propose to my 2nd gen Korean gf of four years in spring


Fucking hell, those are some talented surgeons

Different group.


Gooks are genetically inferior to Europeans and there isn't a single good reason not to exterminate all of them from the planet and repopulate Asia with Europeans.


And how long do you think that will last? It's only a matter of time before (((the west))) fucks over S Korea.

Say what you will about Kim, but he knows that western culture is fucking degenerate and 100% kike at this point.


They have very cute faces but no ass and no tits.
So basically a low-T soyboy's dream girl.
Ass and tits and a decent face are all that matters. Not some sub-par wannabe anime chink.


It's honestly just a version of MGTOW that doesn't make me want to blow my brains out.

Nice post copying. Fagboi

Wow I actually like that song.

It helps that every gook woman goes for the same basic template. Easy to perfect.


>hes an ass guy

nigger get out

She's about as Muslim as this nun is a devout Catholic. You probably don't realize it, but you're helping push the meme that women who are encouraged into their traditionally submissive roles are secretly huge sluts, so we might as well just let women be open sluts.

Women who get pushed into traditionally submissive roles are secretly huge sluts.

But not all traditions are created equal. When men had power in the west, women wanted to be sluts for their husbands. Because he was strong AND a provider AND a protector. A woman's husband used to be her everything.

Then the pill let them cheat without fear of repercussion and it all went downhill from there.

>Women who get pushed into traditionally submissive roles are secretly huge sluts.

Nope. That's nothing more than kike propaganda.

>Yes, let your women (((explore their sexuality))) goyim, or else they'll end up worse!




white chad tries to ask one of them out

i bet it's where all their robotics effort is really going desu

plastic surgery meets assembly line as an endless stream of thots pass by robotic surgery stations on a conveyor

deus vult


They're cute but it's an a they look retarded way

koreans are aryan lost tribe.

Yellow Fever should be considered a mental illness.

Oh shit. How am i suppost to not fap and regain my strenght now ?
Women do whatever they please with us ...

>he thinks korean girls looked like this during the korean war
I doubt many koreans had plastic surgery back then

asians literally spread their pussies the second a white man looks at them

our punishment of asia did not end with a nuclear bomb or war

are you being sarcastic?

choerry is fucking hot. i would fuck the shit out of her flat jap face

It was before plastic surgery and widespread makeup use so no we didn't.

it's like they have snapchat-filter tier makeup.
They look stuck up and fake.

I think it's not all of them, just a select few, but since there are so many Asians it seems like a lot. It's the same like when a nigger gets laid a lot in Eastern Europe. It's not that slavs are coalburners (99.9% of them would never look at a nigger) but there's always the select few degenerate whores who want to racemix and when your race is rare there, you will feel popular.

Of couse he is, they dont look fertile at all

What the fuck are you talking about they have the most extremist feminist group in the world.
They stick pussy blood on people's car

It's true, fair few Koreans here

come to california

its still a hole to stick it in. there are still millions of them. and no, they dont want to fuck you, you ugly shit.

Fucking love kpop. It's my favorite non-white activity of the week.

I have fucked six asian girls with absolutely no effort

They are like delicious fast food. I just want to eat 3200 calories in one sitting at 3 A.M. and then lay there in my own filth covered in McDonalds rappers

Except the fast food is asian pussy

Should have killed more.

You never really know how they actually look behind all those layers of makeup and plastic surgeries until you have children that look like Quasimodo.

I love a girl with BIG FUCKING EYEBROWS.
shit like that is what makes me beat my cock 24/7

Well mr reddit-spacer so have I. My point is that you'll only encounter those interested in racemixing. If you walk up to a random girl in the street, she'll probably not be interested.

>Fucking love kpop

When white women behave like this with arabs or niggers, you are disgusted. Women ultimately look to their men to set the example, and it honestly explains a lot.

Look like down syndrome

pic is confirmed fake though

Looks like ugly Asian children and how plastic surgery doesn't change your genome.

It's not my fault you watch the male acts.



proven fake that is a plastic surgery ad

I know it's fake, It's just the fastest pic related I could find on my c/drive.

Degenerate and pervert. I can hardly wait when Jews destroy you completely.

Are traps gay?

look at this lanky motherfucker

As long as the balls don't touch.

And we fucked up by missing the rest of them.

I still don't know if Rose was a man or not.

i need asian pussy. I live for it.
