Could sex be used to counter the declining birth rates?
Could sex be used to counter the declining birth rates?
No, Holocaust will
Holocaust plus sex is the right answer.
no that's degenerate
we need the stork to deliver more white babies
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
Kek wills it at this point.
What? No, that's stupid. How the fuck is fucking going to counter declining birth rates? Just import more retards from shithole countries, they're not running out of them anytime soon, we'll be fine.
sex isn't real it's a lie made up by Chad and Stacies to make us feel bad
Nigga stop posting and do some work it's 10AM
sex without the holocaust is like a black guy at work
it doesn't get the job done.
Where do you think you are? Most people here are unemployed. And yes I am unemployed myself but I live in a big city that likes to hire niggers rather than an autist who is willing to work.
>t. doesn't have a comfy office job where he can shitpost
U havin' a giggle there m8? Are you trying to tell me that having sex, will increase birth rates? Fucking genius there lad, you've saved us all.
I made this autism counter for self improvement, autists can use it if need be
>Could sex be used to counter the declining birth rates?
Never thought of that.
I sense sarcasm
Not the way you do it, faggot.
Huh? No lad, people can't use sarcasm on the internet it isn't possible. Might I suggest that it's probably the increasingly coalburning-inclined white women that are the real problem, and are why less whites are having sex with white women in the first place right now? Just a theory.
I thought babies came from kisses and cabbages.
You dirty slut, you stole my bait :^)
get a load of this casual
yeah. you teach men to be sex-worthy, thereby demanding more from themselves. You obtain self-control, thereby you create control over women.
Men need to learn how to game (learn social skills), and also be involved in communities that have a sense of development, responsibility and longevity.
For fuck's sake, we all know women are by-and-large incapable of responsible behaviour. Only men can do that. You can't put that type of male virtue on women.
It's possible.
I thought liberalism was all about sex you backward bigot.
>It's possible.
Not for poltards
Remember when virginity till marriage was valued?
t. Gronkowski
Remember when people thought the earth was flat?
>people prefer hiring niggers over me
What does that say about you friend ? Go sort yourself out
Remember when false equivalency was named as a logical fallacy a thousand years ago?
Remember when misdiagnosing alleged fallacies resulted in an automatic death sentence?
>higher morals are a thing of the past xd
Yea, that's kinda sad isn't it?
"If I don't get laid until I'm 40 and let my sperm quality deteriorate, I'm a good boy and sky daddy will love me forever"
Good argument, how about we remember when faggots like you were burned at the stake?
>Good argument
Thank you
I need to fap.
You will die miserable. Stop being a liberal kraut.
>You will die miserable
Hi Nostradamus :^)
7 years of thoughtful solitude to plan end game. You won't see it coming.
Well, shit.
As if anyone will take advice from a fucking kraut.
Your people are the worst of the white race and have ruined everything since the dawn of time.
First the roman empire. Then nationalism. Every time you threaten yourself with annihilation while making the world a worse place for white people, and we are supposed to fucking take your advice?
Well, at the very least you're finally following through this time with removing yourself from the world. Your undesirable kind will not be missed.
>making the world a worse place for white people
That means you're save, so cheer up :^)
Don't be fooled by the flag he is a jew.
Uhm sweetie, if I really am a Jew, why hasn't Trump offered my a position in his cabinet yet?
Checkmate, poltard
Nah man, this is YOUTUBE™ CELEBRITY™
If it can't, I don't know what else can.
Obvious Kike in training. Your infiltration won't work here. Fucking Shia Lajew lab rat.
note his reddit spacing
Sorry, sweeties, there will be no new Holocaust on my watch.
I'm really sorry, better luck next time :^)
Correlation does not equal causation.
I have a family to feed
>he doesn't know that Anne Frank and the Holocoaster were just a fetish fantasy about being exterminated
But to be frank it's not a good idea to try and kill off the jews.
I mean look what happened to Jesus, got crucified by a few roman centurions and blam whole Rome converted to his religion which is still around today.
Imagine if one jew can do that...
well in order to have sex you need a huge dick
in order to have a huge dick you need surgery that makes you infertile
They keep sending them to Sup Forums younger and younger. Joos are getting desperate.
It doesn't need to be huge, just average, 7 inches or more.
>marry white woman and have 3-4 children with them
>we gas the kikes and communists and niggers
it's not difficult to understand
Good man
All these neets have no fucking excuse not to have a wife and children at home who depend on him to be a man and do some work
average ain't seven inches
true, it's far below average
>t.fellow dicklet
Try having your mom massage it so it will grow.
why don't we just stop pushing satanism and porn?
>They keep sending them to Sup Forums younger and younger.
That's how we like em
>Joos are getting desperate.
Not really, each side is flinging shit at each other while giggling like a little girl meanwhile both don't notice they're equally swimming in shit.
You might belong in reddit.
Or possibly coloring books to keep your mind off the small penis.
Who the hell even watches porn in 2017? It's better to just edge and convert sexual energy into mundane ones if there's nobody to have sex with. Not talking about nofap but its similar.
btw I'll probably be doing this for a long time
I'm certain you're talking about modern society.
So yea, we should kill off the normie Chad and Staceys
Am I cuck if that picture arouses me.i want to see him breed her with huge cock, and make white babies
Why would you be a cuck? If it does not arouse you, you might be impotent.
it governs our society
my dick's 6.5 and it reaches the uterus. I just notice that women only care about unrealistic expectations because we put them so high on a pedestal because we're horny men.
We need to stop being so horny and start being in love.
But it's impossible to love a whore.
It just feels like the end lads, no one can get a gf anymore.
It's over.
>it governs our society
I know they do. They take sex for granted leaving us to rot.
Why would any female or even male turn down a sophisticated person such as most of the people on this site?
It's not fair damn it and it they know it. This is all a conspiracy which may or may not be enabled by the jew.
You can always get a roastie wife and put up with her for the sake of your children
>t. amerimutt
I've been engaging with a nice(5/10) girl who lives 100 miles away, but I'm just so horny that every girl appeals to me and they know it.
The fact that I don't appeal to them and they treat me negatively for it really hurts me inside. All women care about is sex, we shouldn't allow them to have any sort of power because of this, because they make life hell.
I mean, I appeal to plenty of women, but not the ones who appeal to me. I try flirting with hot women(and I'm quite attractive myself) but my injuries(that I can do nothing about) lead them to think I'm weak and useless to them. Isn't being in agony 24/7 and having a nightmarish life enough? Do sexy women really have to fucking make me suffer, for suffering?
>All women care about is sex
Erhh. ain't that a good thing, chief?
It's the redistribution of sex that matters.
> we shouldn't allow them to have any sort of power because of this
What're you talkin'about? Women have always ran shit from the shadows. People just never noticed it.
>because they make life hell.
Chop your dick and balls off and all your worries will go away
Women are just a wild fire that you're supposed to use masonry to build stone walls around them to contain it in a fire place of sorts
They're always shit because that's their duty in nature
>death increases birthrates
>sex doesn't
But still think there's a need for a good bleaching of the kitchen.
There are no declining birth rates. There are by 99% too many Africans.
>Sup Forums
>not Sup Forums
Yeah 2015. Bad year.
I turn my statement around. You make a valid point.
Not sure if all women are like that, or if we subconsciously go for the easier ones.
Thus making it seem like all women are whores.
Then we think love doesn't exist.
We stay horny and fuck easy whores.
Cycle repeats.
>I'm just so horny
>All women care about is sex
Artificial wombs can be used to counter the declining birth rates.
I'm horny for a gf but I won't take a whore
Haven't seen that pic in a while.
She's curvy
He has been waiting to post that pic for probably a week.
sounds like a trick question
I love your pasta
This is the weirdest slide thread I've seen recently
White genocide will simply cease if Sup Forumstards decided to work the shitty jobs
>This is the weirdest slide thread I've seen recently
Fuck off, it's literally a stroke of genius and whoever came up with it deserves a million blowjobs.
Is it a slide thread? OP posted replies.
Still... awful thread.
sex used to boost reproduction?
Why would you connect sex with reproduction OP? HURRRR