
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Satanism?

Not the leftycuck kind.

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It’s kinda like Sup Forums it’s your own safe space where you get to jack off to the sound of the very few people who happen to agree with you.


The story of a character k own as now Satan is real, it did its own thing... Lucifer was the good one.

Zoroastrianism created Judaism, created Christianity, created Gnostiism (with a splash of Plato's forms theory), created Freemasons and esoterics, created Crowley (stealing a few Nietzsche memes like everyone ever has done),created "satanism" (with a splash of Epircures).

Satanism could of been awesome. A return to Classic Aristocratic values, like Nietzsche's Superman. Instead it's about Crowlians butt sex pedo shit eating brainwashing demoralization "black magic".
To a Zoroastrian, the guys who invented magic, black magic is better transliterated as retardation, or stupifying (ie, Navy-Jew intelligence brainwashing stupid beet-necks and hippies, and eventually gen-x death metal goth fags and gen-y hipsters)
>nb4 muh rabbi Jesus
Jesus created satan by talking to his shadow-self in the desert.

satan = adversary in Aramiac and stood for any person, angel, or group of people who was an adversary to YHWY. The Roman Church later called everyone, including Christians, they didn't like, and ALL TRADITIONAL FAITHS/GODS "Satan".

George Bush is doing the Long Horns football team symbol there though.

Ronnie James Dio started making that sign because his Italian grandmother used it to ward of evil spirits.

It's all larping

Of course, that depends on which version of things you're looking at. Metaphysical truth is an oxymoron.

Oh look, a gnostic. Kill yourself or learn faggot You're in the info age for fucks sakes

>Satanism could of been awesome. A return to Classic Aristocratic values, like Nietzsche's Superman. Instead it's about Crowlians butt sex pedo shit eating brainwashing demoralization "black magic".

you're not entirely wrong about that.

COS is secular humanism for antisocial snowflake retards

I know, but it's too late now. The meme was DOA thanks to Jewish influence

I certainly wouldn't call the CoS "humanism", but I'm also not CoS.

satanism is the belief that you are the creator, you are god and no other stands above you.
the reason it stands for adversary is because the belief systems have you submit yourself to a higher power, satanists don't
The problem I see with it is the excessive lengths the ritualistic satanists go believing their actions are channeling old static egos for favors, the price is too high and that makes it all a shitty fucking system when applied to its fullest extent

Did the JIDF tell you that?

I've never met a satanist that believed he was the creator, but you're right about believing no other stands above you.

Pride is my sin of choice.

What could possibly be wrong with a bunch of larping faggots that go out of their way to call themselves “satanists” and then never shut the fuck up about how they don’t actually believe in satan.

I'm actually a theist.

Which makes even less sense. So, you’ve just taken out both the Laveyan’s and the Temple of Set...hmmm...ah right: a Luciferian Gnostic. So, not actually a “satanist”, just read too much Ayn Rand and either didn’t get enough attention or were raised by overbearing christian parents.

Temple of Set can count as theistic, but they don't strictly require belief - but no, old school theistic Satanist. Belief in a literal devil and all that.

Didn’t y’all only exist during the Edwardian Era because the “black mass” opened up the field for more affairs?

It was a discussion here, Ecuador flag I recall, could have been (((them))) I guess but it made sense because the context of the discussion was belief systems, also Nimrod thought that of himself and was considered the "founder"

I mean, we've existed a very long time, but that was probably why we were popular and open.

That sounds like some jewshit there, but it's not like we're terribly big on keeping records.

Immoral blasphemy against the Creator.

We've all been jewed for close to six thousand years because mankind is easy to persuade with the illusion of power and monetary reward

>the Creator.
Your rabbi didn't create shit but proto-Communism

>satanism is the belief that you are the creator, you are god and no other stands above you.
False. Learn to read threads plebian >Temple of Set
=Navy Intelligence brainwashing hippies


Did I speak your language right? Autisteese?


Egyptian religion was the original
But poor slaves didn't like a system that was reliant on being able to afford grave goods
So they made a religion centered on 'the invisible God'' that relied solely on individual conduct on threat of collective racial destruction. They called this Judaism.
Then a thousand years later or so someone figured that collective behavior of the group does not have an impact on one's individual connection to God. They called this Christianity.
Then a thousand or so years after that, someone figured that a priestly caste being required to mediate between God and the individual was unnecessary, and they called this Protestantism.

"Satanism" is simply the logical conclusion of Christianity's inherent individualism where even the individual's personal communion and obedience to God is rejected as oppressive; instead opting for a theology that is 100% focused on self-fulfillment

>not the leftycuck kind
What do you not like to fuck and eat children at a pizza shop!?

>'the invisible God''

I know you watch youtube and read blogs and think you're a scholar now but you're not. Jews were created out of Persia. Just because they stole a few lines from the hyme to Aten doesn't mean they are Egyptian in source.

You're spewing Jewish theory so you can justify your Moses (Sargon) lie.

>someone figured that a priestly caste being required to mediate between God and the individual was unnecessary, and they called this Protestantism.
Also "God" is a German word that means Godin (Odin).

>"Satanism" is simply the logical conclusion of Christianity's inherent individualism where even the individual's personal communion and obedience to God is rejected as oppressive; instead opting for a theology that is 100% focused on self-fulfillment
Catholic interpretive retardation. Deity was also an individual experience. The first "priests" were your crazy shaman uncle who kept eating mushrooms and telling fairy tales about the evil bears and wolves you feared as a child.

Satanism isn't a logical conclusion, it's just sexual brainwashing and memes stolen from bad research.... from a religion stolen from Persia.

You need to do better research and stop being so opinionated.

>priestly caste being required to mediate between God and the individual was unnecessary
> they called this Protestantism.

Nihilistic commie-bait. Every Satanist I've ever seen or met are antifa tier soyboys who think edgy goat t shirts and pentagram rings mask their cowardice. Always bullied faggots, always trying to seem 'dangerous'. Kill on sight for abject gayness. One is a literal cuck who shares his gf of many years. He's my DOTR number one.

temporary pseudo victory/power, eternal damnation

don't side with the loser. God wins. Jesus Christ is Lord.

I mean, children are delicious and tight?

that's the leftycuck kind, friend.

Lord of Slaves

>Just because they stole a few lines from the hyme to Aten doesn't mean they are Egyptian in source.
Not just that. Most of what wasn't pulled from the Atra-Hasis was Egyptian in origin.

>Jews were created out of Persia

Phylogenetic and academic research disagrees.

I don't care for what a wannabe mason pretends to know, you're the swine Hermes warned us about giving pearls to

Sure. Freedom of Religion and shit.


An almost interesting side note in an otherwise boring religious superstition.

I, uh, like Behemoth...

I was never a fan.

Ghost is the shit though

All Satanists are soyboys, Luciferians on the other hand rule the world.
Not a fan of either but if you're looking for non LARPing it's Luciferians.

luciferians tend to be SJW cucks.

I actually get good feels from the idea of satanism, probably from the aesthetic, but I don't believe in the supernatural.

That's what lucifer wants...
But what do they care?
Hell is forced on the living because that is what the sinners will endure for eternity.
It's a tragedy which could have been avoided.


I'm talking about theistic Luciferians.

luciferians tend to be SJW cucks.

I'm talking about the 33rd degree Freemasons who have taken the final red pill.

>George W Bush
>Former Governor of Texas
>lives on a ranch in Texas
Satanist, or Longhorn fan?

Please don't associate me with dubya.

why bet on the loosing team?

Typical Austin-lib

Bigger payoff if they win.

typical corporate shill.

Actually yeah, I do work for a megacorp.

is pedo stuff satanic? or is just any sex lust stuff satanic?

goy vey

I mean, depends on who you ask.

Saturn's cult was an interesting Roman cult. Kronus and Maloch were also giant faggots.


>Instead it's about Crowlians butt sex pedo shit eating brainwashing demoralization "black magic".
That's because they brought back that Baal Hammon bullshit like what Carthage.

Btw, there were many Baals, one of which was equated with Zeus, and another with Kronus apparently.
Which is odd.
Another different one was associated with Yahweh, I think that was Baalshamin or something - ironically ISIS destroyed the temple to Baalshamin in Palmyra. Funny old world. All the idols seem to get lost in history and become totally different representations of things, likely due to regime changes demonising the idols and then others bring them back.

Anyway, all those idols have been replace with a more pantheistic view of the world though. Like the ein sof.
Always remember Descartes' "daemon" though.

I think the Egyptians we spot on about Set and Ra though as manifestations of order and chaos.

>"Satanism" is simply the logical conclusion of Christianity's inherent individualism
To be honest, one message that Jesus gave was that he died for your sins.
Essentially saying "look, this is the reality of your world."

He essentially woke up humanity to the horrific possibilities of our existence. How brutal it is. How the weak get devoured.

But we should fight not only our weakness but also the exuberance of strength that impedes on our aesthetic and emotive qualities of our society. There should be balance in forces.

>Jews were created out of Persia
I thought it was the clay of titans.

>don't side with the loser. God wins. Jesus Christ is Lord.
You need to consider the pantheistic interpretation.
Satan is a facet of ourselves and our the fight of God and Satan is a fight within ourselves to make ourselves "stronger people" and a "stronger community". Satan's fight with God recognises humanities longing for passion. One makes the fruit for the other. Both within ourselves.

>Not the leftycuck kind.
What other kind is there? I want the details.

They will go down. On the lower levels of this reality (the hell).
It is their choise.

I perfer to talk to satan directly.
>Instead of having other people hold me back.