What if the illuminati isn't the jews but celtic druids going underground after the romans took Anglesey? Think about it, what do you know about ancient celtic culture.
What if the illuminati isn't the jews but celtic druids going underground after the romans took Anglesey...
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We as a global society are not privy to our past. The records were apparently burned in the library of Alexandria fire but there's been evidence leaked that the Vatican vault has or had the scrolls.
Find the scrolls and we may get to see a larger picture of our past that spans far longer than six thousand years
I think so too. But I'm conflicted about if the past could've been horrific or not.
it isn't the jews, and it isn't celtic druids
it is the alemanni
enemies of rome for thousands of years
and still
It's a marketing campaign so you'll click on Katie Perry youtube videos.
It was a Jesuit meme against Nationalism. Then it became a Rothschild "Christian American" meme against Jefferson.
Then it was used by the John Birtch Society so they could spread anti-Communism through the Christian community without naming the Jew (because of muh ebil nazis) post WW2
Then Cooper used it to Christcuck until he was shot and Alex Jones (CIA) took over for him.
Truth is, I explained it all here The Burning Man was the way Druids (Judges and cultural piesthood) would burn criminals alive for everyone to see. That's how you prevent horrible people from doing horrible shit, public executions.
Druidism in the 1800s was kiked by Cromwell and the Rothschilds.
Also, Celts are not Brits. Celtic culture was centered in Germanic lands. Not much different than Odinism
What is some good literature on ancient celtic culture?
first they fought valiantly
then they embedded themselves
then they usurped
and they destroyed everything roman, undermining their every source of power
just think about it
> what do you know about ancient celtic culture
It was pagan shit and could not exist after Christianity coming and making people join their efforts in kingdoms.
OFC anglo created the jew. But they are not druids.
What was considered being a criminal back in the day? Technically muslims only kill "criminals" as well but just eating pork is a crime already.
So I studied the druids and druidism intensely for a while as a teenager. One of the big takeaways is how most of celtic knowledge was oral. There were no books or scrolls or tablets. The tradition was greatly disrupted when the Romans systematically rounded up and killed Druids. We know precious little about Celtic life and the Druids save for a few scraps here and there. You'll have better luck investigating the Vatican. Rome certainly had some shit going on and it didn't just go poof.
"Illuminati" is sort of a misnomer, anyway. There's a 'Gnostic Illuminati' and a 'Bavarian Illuminati' and also a historically well documented 'Illuminati' composed of enlightenment philosophers and scientists who weren't bad. Then there's a whole host of other groups claiming ancient origins who have their established realms of control and want to be at the head of the new world order.
Keep this yam for next year, youve earned it! Lol
It’s the Jews, user.
Who are the Jews though. Ever thought about that?
>What was considered being a criminal back in the day? Technically muslims only kill "criminals" as well but just eating pork is a crime already.
We don't have those records.
But "Common Law" came from Germanic Celt Duid/Godi Law. The rest came from Roman law. Christians claim we are a Christian society but they were very lawless, like Communists, and claim everything good, like Communists.
>So I studied the druids and druidism intensely for a while as a teenager. One of the big takeaways is how most of celtic knowledge was oral. There were no books or scrolls or tablets.
That's because it was like Brahmaism. You have to learn it in the caves, woods, and experience. Also Christians used their books as toilet paper or burned them or scraped them clean to re-write over them like scratch paper.
>the devils symbols!
>the craft!
>Who are the Jews though. Ever thought about that?
Bastardized Zoroastrianism with a touch of Sargon stories. Persia took Egyptian lands, and Babylonians used to move populations around and tell the kids "this is your ancestors land" in order to disconnect them from their heritage after conquering their forefathers. Persians conquered Babylon, and took Egyptian lands which included Cannanite lands. Later Alexander would conquer them and the scrolls of what we call the Bible were written in opposition to being occupied by Greeks.
Christians are a rip-off of Zoroastrianism too.
>Pharisee = Parsie
>Magic = Magi
>3 Kings of baby Jesus = Magi
Found this story while looking up the origin of the name Jew, it discusses the similarities between the moses exusdus story and the hyksos prists and army getting chased out of egypt for being assholes, sound familiar?:
So you think the bible could've been propaganda?
those Roman laws came from Judaic laws that were based on the Code of Hammurabi in Babylon
>So you think the bible could've been propaganda?
Have you read it? When you read zoroastrianism you know how they stole the stories and twisted them for claims to "muh mythical kingdom of Isra-el"
>those Roman laws came from Judaic laws that were based on the Code of Hammurabi in Babylon
No... Roman laws are older than Judiasm and not based on muh 10 commandments. I already mention Sargon.
The Code of Hammurabi was engraved a thousand years before Rome was founded
Judaism is based on the concept of monotheism that Akhenaten attempted in Egypt with the help of the Hyksos priests who were later chased out of Egypt:
i dunno, what was the celtics most powerful moment in history? Jews had the Khazar empire
>The Code of Hammurabi was engraved a thousand years before Rome was founded
Why don't you learn to read you stupid motherfucker?
>muh Aten
OK youtube scholard. Yeah they stole the first chapter but the rest is Zoroastrian. Cannanite lands were Egyptian owned. I said this. LEARN TO FUCKING READ! And stop parroting info
The celts sacked rome once I guess.
The elite are not "jews" jews dont exist
Implying that jews ever existed except fir Abraham who went to gaza and mixed with the people living there. Also moses married an Ethiopian woman from africa.
How dumb are you? They only say that they're "jews" beacuse they want to fool the world you imbecile
Jews dont exist and they are also mixed as well they are not descendants of Abraham. They race mix
Don't let the controllers fool you
Reading is how I learned, why don't you try checking, sweety
>Reading is how I learned, why don't you try checking, sweety
Typical arrogant Commie Christian faggot response. Refusal to experience new info, pride, envy, fear.
In what way? What could've possibly happened that we haven't already seen on the tv/internet, fact/fiction that could possibly be worse?
Take your Meds, Sören.
T. celt/german mutt
it was turks who had the khazar empire. only ruling turkic families larped as a kike, it doesn't connect them to globalist kikes ffs
khazar turks are the only reason europeans are not speaking arabic right now retard
>being this butthurticus
you'll learn to accept being wrong and move on, or not, not my choice to remain stupid but it is yours
they chilled out in europe working bronce and making huts until the romans arrived?
oh you're not gonna learn shit with your limited eurocentric fairy tale history btw
west only became relevant last 2000 years
>Think about it, what do you know about ancient celtic culture.
They really liked fighting and fucking.
You never know. I don't want to go all lovecraft here I imagine there are things we don't really want to know.
Khazars if youre talking the really really evil ones,
semitic middle east mutts if youre talking 08/15 Jew.
>the only reason europeans are not speaking arabic right now retard
You're thinking about the mongols.
>Find the scrolls
Is that a Challenge ?
You tried spouting this dumb shit in another thread already. Fuck off.
>Celtic culture was centered in Germanic lands.
For the Halstatt Celts, yes, but Celtic is a very large descriptor. And yes, very different from Odinism, which invaded later.
Brythonic, Gaulish, Galacian, and Halstatt Celts were from the same people (Indus range, through Anatolia and the Balkans, as well as down through the Levant and round to Carthage), but migrated out.
How is this dumb?
>Find The Scrolls
>Elder Scrolls
name this skill
Odin(Wotan)/Thor, Taranis, and Zeus seem all kinda smilar to be honest.
Cooper hated Jones. Interesting thread you posted.