>Britain must pay more for Calais migrants, says French minister
>Britain must pay more for Calais migrants, says French minister
1. Fuck off, you let them in you keep them.
2. Goto 1
We should pay the French what they ask for
let's not be hotheads and create waves
Why should we?
Sorry Pierre but we dont fucking want them. Ship em back to bongo bongo land where they belong.
You let so many in youre paying them to leave you moron
Did they steal the truck and convert it into a truck of peace?
Fucking animals. All in favour of dropping a nuke on Calais? Probably get a load of Frenchies too.
Less french AND less migrants. Sounds like heaven athought i think we should carpet bomb germany first.
Pay us to build a wall, but a wall to keep them out of our territory, not in.
why us?
just to be safe
that's not my fault though, i never voted for the CDU and merkel
pls no bombs
>that's not my fault though
Your country is not judged by the actions of a a few but rather a majority of the whole. Your country keeps electing the piece of trash who is bringing in the 3rd world vagabonds. Germany is Merkel and Merkel is Germany. Until you faggots vote someone else in to fix the problem you will be a target.
>i never voted for the CDU and merkel
I did lmao
>this kills the Sup Forums
Nobody should pay for these animals. We should give them the following choice :
Leave or be killed.
And we should also start sinking migrant boats. After a few, they will stop coming.
>We should give them the following choice : Leave or be killed.
Israel just gave the African migrants the choice of leaving Israel or going to jail. Did you hear the leftist out screaming about the anti-African agenda in Israel? No. Watch any country in the West pull that and the SJW hordes will fill the streets for weeks.
> UK has to pay France for her not to unleash thousands of muslims in the country
> taxpayers have to pay jail guardians not to unleash thousands of criminal in the country
Can't do the '' send them to Australia '' trick anymore
They will choose jail, go back to shithole or stay in a warm jail with at least 2 meals a day and a bed.
Are you saying being in prison is better than living in Africa?
What do you reckon?
Nice cozy jail cell or be eaten by lions ?
how about we block up the euro tunnel and then sink any french ships that enter our waters. pretty fool proof solution if Australia is off the table.
no pay us
I'll never for the life of me, understand the Frogs asking for more gibs for dealing with this problem.
Process them yourselves, you idiots. They're on French soil. Stop making plans to go on strike with farmers, while burning some old tyres....and do your jobs for once.
SJW have only the power we credit them. They are cowards and 100 men can terrorize 1000 of them by just looking them. If a real pro-european government existed, and acted like the israeli, a few compagnies of riot control police units would solve the problem. And french ones are ver good. What would leftists do ? Cry on twitter ?
I should take bets on who's gonna destroy the chunnel first. Any takers? 3:1, limes to frogs.
why would they block it up, it's not like british are trying to sneak into france, it's undesirables in france sneaking in here. it would always be us sealing it up first.
Because they're French. They're prone to stupid, grandiose gestures that they find symbolic and meaningful but usually just bites them in the ass.
The smart thing to do would be to tell the French to fuck off, but May is such an incompetent retard that she'll agree to this
Err we did not invite them into Europe, we do not want them, we do not need them.. We have paid the French enough, they are Frances problem, send them to Germany.
Also fuck off Germany, you created this mess.