What do you think about the relocation of US troops from Germany to Poland?

Germany got 35,000 US occupation troops, but they are about to be relocated to the East to counter Putin's aggressive moves against Europe.

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Not against Putin Hans, against you, haven't you seen the speech Trump made to the Polish people? Time to free Europe of the corrupted EU, your time is coming to an end.

I can only hope they all leave

Trump won't survive the first six months of 2019.

If only.. We can dream

>says increasingly nervous man for the 3rd time this year

Anyone else find it funny that the poles use MG3? It's basically a modernized MG42.

feels good man
Time to prepare for war with Germany again. Dumb fuckers.

>Time to prepare for war with Germany again.
So by deploying your occupation forces out of Germany to the East to the Russian border, you are preparing for war with Germany?

Can you explain a bit further. I am seriously confused.

Whats funny about that?

Those troops weren't there to defend Germans. They were there to defend everyone else against Germans!

>I am seriously confused.

Just as planned.

You'd better oust your leaders soon and end this EU bullshit.

>Putin's aggressive moves against Europe
Like what? Attacking Ukraine? Ukraine is not in EU or NATO. What's the threat for your country personally? Joint Russia-German building North Stream 2 is an aggression, too?

>Forgets poles getting cut down by German machine gun fire
Skip history class?


You're not getting a Wehrmacht again, Hans. Forget it.

where are our bases in Poland? are just adding more to those bases or are we creating brand new ones?

Fuck Germany and fuck German people.


maybe that's plan B on diversifying poland
they rejected the niggers, rejected the moslems... how do we bring diversity? oh i know, let's station a nato nog army there

We don't. I came as a free bonus with the tank. Same NATO ammo so no need to replace it with UKMs

These fuckers keep crashing their shit on our roads. And you are paying for it

We both know the MG3 is better ;)

>Putin's aggressive moves against Europe
what aggressive moves?

>what aggressive moves?
Ukraine, Belarus, Crimea, Baltics, nukes, Kaliningrad not handed back to Germany, sanctions against our agribusiness.

Putin is seriously aggressive.



Never held an MG3, but if it feels the same way as MG42s do, then PKM mods are much lighter and comfier. The MG3 is probably better when it's mounted like the one in OPs pic. If I had to run around with one on my back, I'd pick the UKM


kek. reminds me of the time when a US soldier crashed his car in Bucharest, killing a famous Romanian musician in the process - it was proven that the US soldier was close to being blackout drunk. What happened next? The soldier got sent back to the US almost immediately due to the public outcry in Romania - he didn't even get prosecuted in his homecountry, even tho' he was accused of drunk driving and manslaughter.

There's a recurring joke about the US soldiers doing what they want in the countries they reside in - you'll never see one doing something bad and actually getting prosecuted by the proper nation.

>Belarus, Baltics, nukes
literally what do you think is going on with these that's aggressive towards the West?
>Kaliningrad not handed back to Germany
kek, why should they give it back to you?
>Ukraine, Crimea
Russia is just protecting it's people

OP is retarded. This is not to protect Poland from Russia. Its to protect Poland from you. The EU is the enemy of the world. Not Russia. Not China. Sooner or later this was going to come to a head. I guess Trump decided to move them sooner. That means we have given up on West Europe, and are drawing the line at the V4. Poland is setting up to leave.




Comfy kike propaganda. But still. Comfy


It's just a gun to be honest, it's the man who decides what to do with it. Lot's of German soldiers during WWII were using PPsh's too.


>Kaliningrad not handed back to Germany

kek, you do realize that the Russians offered it back to Germany, but the German government clearly states that it has no claims on it whatsoever, essentially giving up completely on Prussian inheritance.

>The question is mostly hypothetical, as the current German government has stated it has no claim to it

"Gibs us cheap gas, Puti!"

They are just retreating from the caliphate.

i think Poland is going to see a big rise in black infants


They also crash at least once a week.
Americans dont even need an enemy to be defeated.

to further add on the subject

>In 2001 the EU was in talks with Russia to arrange an association agreement with the Kaliningrad oblast, at a time when Russia could not repay £22 billion debt owed to Berlin, which would have given Germany significant influence over the territory
>Germany backed out from the talks, declaring that it has no "claim to the territories"

such levels of stupidity are indeed abysmal


Another crash.


Another crash.

We can always leave you know. Most Americans would rather have our troops home. Should we just pick up our broken vehicles and leave you to the mess of Europe?

>implying he has any part in the decision on where to move US troops

kek, you'll always fight for Israel in the end.

>An army of angry squirrels would be more effective in a war than the american army.

>to counter Putin's aggressive moves against Europe.
Are you fucking stupid? WHAT aggressive moves against Europe?

Talked to a lot of Poles. Never met one like you. Shill on fucker.


Poland is ALWAYS such a good goy for Germans and Americans(or Anglo). Poland is poor mainly because they always steal and sell country to others, they are greedy like Jews. Poland isn't nationalistic, never were, they are just poor and not welcoming to niggers visually, but they will welcome any nigger from far buying Poland.

I talked to a lot of poles too, imagine that, and they all laugh their ass off at the state of the US army.

>What do you think about the relocation of US troops from Germany to Poland?
Geo-political move signaling that the U.S.A. is siding with Nationalistic Poland instead of Germany; effectively switching sides. USA does not want the global-communistic viewpoint that the E.U. Jews are implementing and instead 'putting our chips' with Poland, ready to defend 'Western civilization' [see: White] since Germany is importing millions of INVADERS. Trump is telling Germany to stop inviting the Invasion, or we will side with Poland and prepare for war against YOU.

Russia is non-conforming to the (((globalist)))-agenda, so that's why all the demonization in the (((media))). The Jews know this so that's why they made it out that Trump was "evil" plotting with the Russians. This current move puts Trump further east. Extrapolate from here.

I see someone is jelly.

>How dare he to resist!
Seriously, Putin is a corrupt sicko, but at least he barks back when he is stomped.
Our clay. Was and will ever be.
Putin is doing absolutely nothing there.
Don't be envious
Little whinny bitches with nazi larps. They are NATO now - they get targeted. Simple as that.
Why the fuck should it be handed back to Germany? You started the war, you lost the war, you lost territory. Besides, you were offered to get it back but refused, so not an issue.
They are called counter-sanctions, can you guess why?

Have you seen how close he put his country to all those NATO bases... provocative much

Jealous of that you lick American butt and sell your women to Americans? Also your AIDS rates are due to depression drugs, like in Russia. Poland is begging to sell Poland to Americans, but the only reason why they even want to buy is because you are close to Russia. You are useless even as a little American bitch when Russia is taken over.

Enjoy your niggers, faggot

Post the non photoshopped version

never mind the fact that the amerimutts are literally placing their important army bases close to civilian infrastructure and cities, essentially forcing the Russians to place those areas under nuclear watchdogs and potential targets.

>Putin's aggressive moves
All I see is the Nord Atlantic Terrorist Organisation (NATO) being aggressive.

>poles has no means to take a look at their own army and their ally
Ayy lmao.

You fall for the self hating polak.
You can see how much he hates you, now just imagine how much he hates himself.

F sweet prince


no, seriously, post the non photoshopped photo


>abloo abloo abloo abloo

stay butthurt.

>You fall for the self hating polak.

the what, mustafa?
How is taking the piss out of midgets "self hating?"

>You can see how much he hates you

"muh hate, im so beta, i see hate everywhere"
no, pussy, poking fun at midgets isnt hating.
what are you, a 8 year old girl from facebook?

I am.

Cry more

0 happenings / month
nothing really
> Crimea
happened long time ago
> Baltics
Well, France also has nukes
>Kaliningrad not handed back to Germany
Germany has 0 claims on Królewiec.

Fuck off kraut, in any half decent world all of germany would now exist only as a smouldering, radioactive crater.


I think the remaining 25k mutts may not be enough to defend Germany from ISIS sleeper agents.

Time to liberate any country that denies our request to station troops

fuck i wish we still had the respect we had back them
Gott mitt uns

considering the fact that most US troops in Germany are part of the logistical crew, you're probably right.

thanks, we will actually use them as deterrent against Russians and Ivans
also, if they rape anybody or make any sort of trouble we will dissapear them, make no mistake

poland has always been the cheapest whore in the euorpean block

USA has reacted to Poland's wrong think by deploying the negro hordes to go and do their usual rapine antics. Same thing as in Okinawa.

>you will never see a "Last Stand:Berlin" movie ever being made, in which the protagonists are the French and German SS divisions that held their ground to the last man in front of the advancing Soviet horde

why even live, bros?

The Troops are being moved to justify the EU-Army occupying Poland in 2-3 years time.

Just wait for the news snippet "EU Forces replace 10,000 American Troops to continue counter on Putin's aggressive moves"

Heed my warning.

Germany is such a cuck country now, Poland should have claimed it as it was part of Poland De Jure once

>in any half decent world all of germany would now exist only as a smouldering, radioactive crater.

the jews are keeping the germans alive for the last 1,000 years.
no one else is as effective as destroying europe as the germans.

>thinking he can stand up against Armerican kikes if they misbehave

What does it matter? It's effective gun.

I sincerely hope you will leave NATO. That way we would be free to intervene, overthrow your cuck government and remove all shitskins.

well, it would be pretty fun watching the frenchies and krauts get steamrolled....

Will Burgers help reclaim our eastern clay?

come on now ... those were good men. My grandpa's brother died in the battle for the defense of Berlin.



>good men
>defending berlin

pick one.

>fighting on German side
>good guys
404 not found

These people were the villians of 20th century
You should be glad that the brother of your grandpa died there.

nice propaganda picture gypsy
I hope Hungary annexes you for this affront

they were soldiers, following their orders, regardless on what side they fought for. I'd have the same respect for any soldier that would give his life for honor.

Mine didn't die, but there is a fair chance he was the one to mow down your grandpa's platoon

There is cringe, and there is well... this