Why is there such a large overlap between anime fans and neon-Nazis?

Why is there such a large overlap between anime fans and neon-Nazis?

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there isn't
there are much bigger communities focused on anime outside of Sup Forums or even all of the smug anime girl shitposters and they are usually extreme left



I'm pretty sure your average natsoc here finds anime to be degenerate garbage.



There isn't, but in the cases where there is overlap is superficial because nazis had a cool fashion sense, like 99% of the imagery anime lifts its entirely aesthetics.

anime site

Mostly this

Mostly just fans of Neon Nazis Evangelion.

Because anime girls are like ideal feminine women, something you also get in real life when you conserve your society with national socialism.

Not IRL, but perhaps on Sup Forums.
That said, japs were an axis power..

SAGE in every field.

Anime is really big on traditional gender roles because thats still very much a thing in Japan. This appeals to right wingers for obvious reasons. Even the "tough women who don't need no man" characters in anime end up turning to jello when they encounter a guy they like.


I guess you could add to this that Nips are really nationalistic and wank their own culture and history pretty hard; something that right wing westerners wish their society would do.

I think it was an accident of history that image board tech turned out to be useful for politics. Moot watched in horror as the shit-posting became literal evil racism to the mainstream. Probably has to do with meme culture (images), but doesn't explain where the nazis came from. Standing against degeneracy is more of an adult thing so perhaps they grew up from the days of Sup Forums, or perhaps they're just a new generation. Btw without enlightenment-marxist doctrine a lot more old texts and perspectives are allowed, so it's decent evidence that the red pill hierarchy has truth to it. Also worth pointing out is that everybody on the chans hates mainstream culture while anime is excellent meme material. There doesn't have to be anything particular about the cartoons to make the images appealing. I'm sure by now there are hordes of t_d tards who are used to anime but never watched the stuff, believing it just to be a part of the meme world. Maybe you're one of them, cause you also treat anime like a meme in itself.

because anime is the last bastion of white identity in terms of media

>Anime is really big on traditional gender roles
than explain the popularization of traps and males being more feminine.

This. They just LARP as Nazi's to be edgy lol

Its treated pretty much universally as a joke. Fag characters are thrown in for comic relief and not to make a social statement. Many of the traps in anime are actually strait and just do it for kicks. Pick related.

Jap media is the only entertainment left not infected with juden.

Another good example is pic related. I liked the scenes when he broke character and slipped into his deep voice.

Anime is for fags. You are a fag. Grow the fuck up.

>Anime is for fags.
Why the homophobia?

The samurai has nothing to do with little girl cartoons you fucking pansy

Oh no, he's triggered!

>Its treated pretty much universally as a joke.
Really? Because I feel like people don't treat it as a joke and find it seriously attractive and support it when done irl.

ugly manface

>support it when done irl.
Fags aren't mainstream in Asia like they are in the west. Your picture is of a westerner, the people who dress up as fag characters in Nipland are almost always women.

this... just read the comments on any anime site that isnt Sup Forums (or Nyaa) and everyone is extremely left... ive even seen a thread the other day complaining because anime had "too many whites"

I've made a handy diagram for you.

I know it's not quite related to the board but does anyone have the meme of Hitler liking the cure and the smiths, I need it.

Neon swastikas look cool with my anime pillow

They are either extreme left or they are total social outcast who deny reality and LARP as cute underage anime girls. They live in denial, they don't want to hear anything about the real world, especially not bad things.

The anime you find on Sup Forums is just by people who enjoy the art or who are fans of a few popular animes. But they are not from """real""" cancerous weebs you would find on anime sites.

Look at there you can find a few of the cancerous weebs, they regularly have "delete Sup Forums" threads and they hate Sup Forums for being too normie.

>Fags aren't mainstream in Asia like they are in the west.
Feminine boys are a thing in asia and fags too.
They are just different from our fags. While our fags like to parade as strong men who fuck each other in the ass, the asian fags try to look as feminine as possible.

Yaoi is popular as fuck.
It is not treated as a joke, they are very serious about that. It is how homosexuality in asia works.

They tried to lock onto anime to push their popularity by association and had marginal success with it.

What really gave them popularity was the left themselves though, the bashing against trump,the classifying normies as nazis, the destruction of video games and movies by hollywood leftists. The destruction of star wars and video games by social justice does more to radicalize men than anything the alt right does itself.

Problem is they don't do anything with this popularity, they achieve nothing and so their support will again soon fall away.

Crunchyroll has been bought by a Jew. It is the major distributor in subs. Netflix is already buying out studios to make original series. Amazon is trying to do the same thing.

Eventually money will talk and anime will become a walled garden with only a few studios truly making anime for domestic viewer ship.

Anime is already in decline with the newer generation not having the same exposure to it as the millennial and the generation that came after them simply because most flagship children's anime don't play on tv anymore and there is no incentive to turn on a tv.

we do, I want it removed from the board

anything Japanese is honorary Nazi since the Japs fought alongside Hitler

Because the jews fear the samurai.


Neon-nazis are the ones gaslighting jews

>Not protecting the smiles of kawaii lolis with grorious Nippon steel folded 1000 times

>neon nazis

>Yaoi is popular as fuck.
With fujos. 99% of yaoi is created by and for fujos. Fags are way less common in the east than the west.

weebs are fucking cringe desu. some pics are cute and cool. but watching such shit is dumb. fuck you leaf shit kys. 下げ

It's feom an Anal Cunt song

Because the neon-Nazis are best bros with xenon-Nazis.

Anime doesn't make money from localization broadcast. Sjw shit doesn't make money. Concern shill.

Over here,
Even blacks watch anime.

Luckily western markets dont drive the anime industry at all, it doesnt really matter how badly they butcher a localization because a large majority of anime fans will never even bother to watch it.




They sound much more fun.

For the same reason Tumblr loves anime. Social outcasts love weird obscure shit

Honestly it's probably just that anime is, on average, a lot less jewish than other forms of media.

Kek. Amazon, Netflix and Hollywood have enough money.
Anime already changed a lot. A decade ago it was about creating an own unique universe, today they appeal to waifu shit, because it is easy to make money with merchandise.
Money already changed them.

You couldn't really sell an anime in cinemas. In TV just the once for children. But you can sell anime on streaming platforms. At least Netflix has a huge interest in anime.

>Luckily western markets dont drive the anime industry at all,
They already do. The waifu shit is created with western markets in mind. Just look at animes from 10 to 20 years ago and look at them now.

I-I thought we were all cute anime girls here

They don't. Nothing in anime is made to cater to western markets. Many distributors actually go through lengths to prevent their media from being being purchased by foreigners.

>guam weeb



You had ONE JOB, you colossal leaf faggot.

