*breathes in*
>conventional measures fail to encapsulate
Other urls found in this thread:
>We are butthurt because Trump beats us every step of the way
They can't handle 7 more years of this, let alone 3.
Trump is a fucking troll monster. I honestly thought he would break from all the stress, but I was wrong he gives no fucks.
hard hitting journalism
I've seen a bulgarian flag posting in favor of Trump for months now. I don't get why. The guy is nothing but bad news for us, with his international policy.
>right side of column
trump = stalin? do what now?
>speech comparing Trump to Stalin
That will upset their antifa foot soldiers.
He is a great shitposter in chief.
BG corrupt government enabled by EU - Trump against corrupt EU
see the logic?
Haiti and Sydney have the same amount of nigger
>Opinion: Trump owns us money
Jesus christ
It's better to support both or more sides than just one.
Mein President
I can see that you are young, and don't remember the utter misery and degeneration we had in the 90s, and how EU money quite literally and without exaggeration saved this country from civil war.
I don't care about what the EU has done. I care what is doing now. You are obviously naive and stupid to give me past achievements as reasons it serves us now.
oy vey
>without exaggeration saved this country from civil war.
A civil war would've kicked the socialists out instead they just assume position of "democratic" power creating the "mafia".
Fucking boomers I swear
>using american generations theory
What the FUCK are you doing, nigger? Boomer? We had no boomers. We don't have the american generation autism. The 90s were all growth and prosperity for them, and all misery and degeneration for us. Stop using absolutely nonsensical theory in absolutely nonsensical context.
>joker memes
Right, right Grandpa tell us again how great socialism was only before falling apart at the end because it was the Soviet Union' or the West's fault and not socialism
We could've lived thousands of times better but instead we let them rob us and turn us into a shithole country and as a cherry on top they still run shit only that the masks are off.
womp womp
We should make a fake news transcript of a conversation between Trump and Paul Ryan where he uses the phrase "They are a shithole people from shithole countries" and tie it into the urban community. "They dont know better "Replies Ryan. "All they know of is to steal and murder". Release the transcript to the fake news outlets and see the black community riot to prove there point.
>Is on Sup Forums
>praises the EU
Does he know where he is?
>strawman + delusion
>haha he doesn't shit on the carpet, doesn't he know how things are done here
I praise my own land not country You suck russian dick others suck brown EU/American
I suck my own dick and would reach around for whoeveer's dick is necessary if it would slow down our inevitable collapse which was planned by foreign powers.
>Gets destroyed with arguments
>Oh he is a delusion, a strawman, A MIRAGE I tell ya!
Doesn't make it less right socialist boomer trash
>call someone old or a newfag
They fucking love it. It's all fake outrage.
Trump get them viewers.
Spreading TDS and making money from it.
Boomer isn't a term you can apply outside of the USA.
Learn what it means and learn your own history, uneducated selyak.
except the Turks
Turks need to be fumigated by bombers equip with Raid canisters
Yeah, I suck russian dick, obviously I made 10 posts in this thread alone talking about how great Russia is
How am I one if I'm writing in English you moronic drone?
In fact our countryside is in such a shitty condition that Africa looks like a paradise.
The fact that you think so shows me you haven't traveled much, uneducated selyak.
Is Bulgarian a new meme flag on Sup Forums? Did I miss something?
Now, it just happened that we got together and started arguing.
Yes, just ignore the fact that our farmers are struggling to compete or the fact that we're shipping out our golds while getting paid peanuts.
"Woohoo let's immigrate east or west or let them annex us economically then maybe physically too"
"CNN is the most unbiased media outlet!"
The EU is a great idea, just a shame it's run by communists
The problem is East Germany's generation are all communism with communist think. Time has to pass for these fuckers to die
We aren't an agrarian economy. We don't have the land for it. It used to be necessary to grow, and communist slogans used to promote how we are the bread basket or how many apples we have, whatever nonsense, all propaganda and we could never produce enough to be worth the manpower investment.
There is no reason to grow shit here, when we can instead develop software and buy from India or wherever. Learn basic economics.
As for the gold, this meme needs to die already. The gold cannot be extracted easily. You need special machinery, technique, knowhow. Basically its either that this gold will not give us anything, zero gain, zero benefit, or that we will get some if we license out the mineral rights. This is how Russia gets some of its oil and gas out as well. This is how most offshore oil rigs work. This is how Iran or Nigeria sell their oil. The government gives mineral rights to private contractors for a fee. Again, learn basic economics.
>boomer kvetching
stupid cake won't think it's so funny when I eat her
When do we make them pay by force? I'm sick of these fucking commie rats.
10/10, get on this autists
Paid Kremlin trolls using a proxy. Hungary is a popular one
This is how I know you're either some spoiled richfag with mutra bloodline connections or a drone.
Need I remind you that during the Ottoman Slavery we used to not just serve as a front at one point but also as a major food/produce exporter? Our lands are fertile. They've always been fertile both in resources and everything. Except cows, durkas only allowed us to have goats but desu goat stuff is more healthy.
Yes, sell off our paradise we inherited from Thracians, then the greeks, then slavs, and final mongol/old bulgarians which shed blood and worked tirelessly on it.
>As for the gold, this meme needs to die already. The gold cannot be extracted easily. You need special machinery, technique, knowhow. Basically its either that this gold will not give us anything, zero gain, zero benefit, or that we will get some if we license out the mineral rights. This is how Russia gets some of its oil and gas out as well. This is how most offshore oil rigs work. This is how Iran or Nigeria sell their oil. The government gives mineral rights to private contractors for a fee. Again, learn basic economics.
You're literally comparing us to Iran and Nigeria you moronic socialist boomer retard. There's nothing stopping us from kicking out these foreign companies, save up the money used to pay them, buy our own equipment and open up jobs and also provide universities with more people who would want to educate themselves how to operate them.
Hello, CNN
>shipping out our golds
Volene, is that you?
Except our corrupted government that is that wants to squeeze whatever it can from the people and land akin to vampires then move the EU, Russia or Turkey themselves
>tell us again how great socialism was
Pretty great
It's not and it's sad as fuck that government sponsored stooge and his cronies are talking about it.
Volen is like the Alex Jones of Bulgaria, all talk, action but no results just to make some oldfags blow steam so they can't redirect it at the source of our problems. That's why they kept him around.
>Need I remind you that during the Ottoman Slavery we used to not just serve as a front at one point but also as a major food/produce exporter?
Need I remind you to educate yourself, you braindead bydlo selyak shit? What you say isn't the case, and was never the case. You care calling me a socialist, while repeating socialist propaganda back at me.
Our fertile lands muh житницaтa нa Бaлкaнитe, muh opaнжepиятa нa Bapшaвcкия пaкт, complete nonsense if you look up and compare actual produce.
>why are you comparing GREAT BULGARIA TRI MORETA FERTILE LAND to Iran?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?1?!?!
Because I am trying to educate you on how mineral extraction is done if you don't have the technology for it. This is how EVERYONE does it. You are just an unwashed selyak mongrel who has nothing in his head but socialist propaganda, that he used to hate socialism on an anime forum. Fuck off, retard.
You forgot to mention the part where he is a Russian shill
He'll suck whichever dick pays him and enables him.
Betcha he'll bend over for the Turks the moment his masters tell him to.
Yup, nothing is below him.
I wonder how many of these books have their countries being shitholes as their subject matter. Heck, I can see Nelson Mandela TWICE in that pile.
This can't be real. Isn't there more to the world than trump?
I love him and all this shit!
Repeating a term that is only used in the USA, to refer to the USA, and using it in the context of Bulgaria, is not an argument and is retarded.
The economic, social and cultural environment in the USA during that period is the opposite of what we had in the same period. Thus the traits of the people from that generation are not going to be similar at all.
Since you continue to insist on it, I can only concluded that you realized you are wrong and are now pretending to have been joking all along, to save face on an anonymous mongolian throat singing assembly.
We use the term too. Only white countries had a baby boom after the war.
Conan Obrien is planning on going to Haiti to prove it's not a shit hole. With all the CGI and editing they'll have to do Trump will just say "great! we can send them all back. looks beautiful"
CNN doesn't care about the children being exposed to these swear words.
'what is not yours is not yours'
they can write a book about it but they don't get the point?
Relevant: youtube.com
Trump: CNN is fake news, they are biased and hate me.
He just keeps growing stronger
Reminder that the fake news awards are coming up
Hosted by trump
>conventional measures
What did they mean by this?
of course
This guy is such a massive fucking faggot. I wish nothing but the most horrific, painful death possible for him, his entire lineage, and that niggerlemon guy.
blocks you period of normalization