Good job gullible sheep! Duterte now shutting down media organizations. Nothing ever went good after electing politician with authoritarian tendencies.
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Wait.. how is this bad?
we dont want news site that only broadcasts fake news (pro-duterte shit)
(((Media organizations)))
Check their funding and come back.
Can you give an example of some of the fake news pro dutrete media has broadcast?
this desu senpai
we dont want jews AND corrupt politicians messing with media
uh oh
stuff like the pope endorsed duterte
also a little bit recently, a NATIONAL NEWS agency broadcasting that duterte is sick and became a lizard man (the same lizard alex jones is talking about)
well tough luck, those are the only two options
Oh noe mr soros gets kicked out of yet another place omg !
>we dont want jews AND corrupt politicians messing with media
So you're theorizing Duterte wants jew propaganda? Do you know how stupid that sounds?
Well at least you'll have less degeneracy thus enabling your country to survive.
that's not even what i'm talking about, he wants absence of criticism against him. that is unacceptable
Nobody gives a fuck here about that.
look a duterte shitbot
>that's not even what i'm talking about
I know it's not, but I'm showing you the positive side of this. You can have him uncriticized or you can have the jewish competitor uncriticized. The necessary evil has to be placed. He's simply shutting down the jews.
People turn to a dictator in their times of need. If you lefties hadn't pushed 90% of the white population away with your anti white policies and statements; Hillary would be in the Oval Office. But no, having a black man as president wasn't good enough for you. You had to introduce the language of white privileged into modern discourse. You berated whites and actively worked against them. You made policy which hurt the whites and rewarded minoroties simply for being black or brown. You harassed and bullied whites and when they refused to take it anymore you recoiled in horror that your punching bags were not going to take it anymore.
As a non white man now scared for my future in this country. Fuck you.
You got dowvoted on reddit or something?
So what? Rappler is a FOX NEWS/CNN-tier propaganda tool anyway. Good riddance.
Today was a good day.
jews have a negligible effect here in the philippines, corrupt politicians have more sway here in national affairs
Huurrrr so edgy
Let me guess? Daily Inquirer?
if somebody can frame a news organization that way and shut it down and get away with it, then it could happen too to more reliable outlets
At least your people know who control your media.
Americans don't even know about (((them))). You won't be laughed at by your fellow citizen for explaining that the media is pro-Duterte, when it's as plain as day.
cut your wrists live on youtube boy
Well I wish you and your amazing country the best. However, it seems what was shut down was simply a propaganda source of it's own.
it's TV 5, and not just an internet news post, but i saw it on TV
lmao pinalo ka ba ni inday???
Tell that to President Erdogan of Turkey & the king of Thailand
if he becomes a good dictator it will be fine... he should not denie that nor should the people.
bad signs during dictatorships are public cults of personality intermingling of his family in civil politics.
why should i? when it's happening here in the philippines
LOL yellowtards btfo
Reminder that PUP grads are shit tier faggots.
if tv 5 posts their news broadcasts on youtube, then you can find it
You're not very bright are you? You didn't get it.
lmao every PUP student i meet is a squatter
pobre na, tanga pa... tatak PUP
no, you did not get it, my point is that we solve our problems here, you are putting forth an irrelevant situation, who care about turkey and thailand, i dont want the philippine media to be like them
PUP students are scum
Pano, tanda tanda na nutri bun pa din pagkain lmao
Would you rather that or Trudeau's propaganda^
Because I cant open my tv without seeing shitskin ads, shit skin tv hosts, shit skin pro open world everything.
Pick your poison, democracy is a scam and the only thing that can get better is a leader who is at least subtle at what he does.
The pleb is never free, there is no other way.
Shutting down the media is good.
there is a way out there and that is you can tune to other sources, but when you have somebody controlling the media then you have no way out
democracy is messy but that is the best system that exists
My friend from PUP comitted suicied because, as he wrote on his will, he was too ugly
Maria Angelita Ressa
Maria Ressa is CNN's former bureau chief and ABS-CBN News and Current Affairs Head.
She owns 24% of Rappler. It's just a jew CNN type garbage propaganda network.
Poor mans UP
Shes a chink
that's not a good reason to be shutting down news organizations, it should not be the ownership that determines the value but their content, rappler's content is acceptable
She's owned by jews. Are you familiar with the term, GOY?
No you're just a retarded burger nobody understood it the way you did.
It is long gone. Democracies and liberal democracies are not the same.
A liberal democracy could be applied to an empire, not a direct democracy.
UP rejects lmao. Only the dumbest survive.
>news organizations
Well that's the thing. CNN type outlets are not news organizations. They are simply arms of the jews to move a jewish agenda.
You dont even live here dumb burger. Shes a chink asset.
No, there is no other way
CBC = to the state
TVA = in ties with CNN
Same shit for all the others.
We don't even have something similar to FOX news here.
>You dont even live here dumb burger. Shes a chink asset.
Sorry, CNN is owned by jews, and she is that group's asset. China is the manufacturing arm of the global government the jews are trying to set up. You simply don't know how this all works.
They should shut down PUP next
is this the hill he will die on ?
the point is, a system where you can control what your leaders do is better than when you cannot
>mutt thinks mutt knows better
I'm dead serious. Good luck having a discussion about Nietzsche and other nuanced philosophers with a burger, because the things you read he didn't read them like you.
not an argument
I liked this guy when he was killing junkies but then he turned out to be a degenerate who likes poofter marriages so I don't give a fuck what he does now.
Slightly off topic but can you guys and the Czechs fight a war and loser changes his flag?
Do you even have free speech or press freedoms?
Duterte has done a great job with this in getting rid of a jewish propaganda arm as detailed here The kikes in this thread are now trying to slide this information.
t. Mordecai
I just believe everyone should have the right to have a gun for that. But the pleb must be kept away from power.
that exists, even to the most extreme level
but it is hindered through journalist killings
It kind of is one though.
So far the flag I see with the best interpretation of Nietzsche are the ones from Poland.
Then perhaps Germany and french flags.
But burgers...oh lord burgers.
These fucking tards
Remove Jude influence from (((media))) and you will have no problem. Understand?
>hurr nihilist edgelord detected
>muh nietzsche
Case and point.
Sorry but you have no other options.
>has to read other people's thoughts because incapable of his own original ones
>declares self winner when called out on his edgelord nietzsche obsession
Be glad you aren't being sent to the gulags.
>Not knowing about the "Omidyar Network".
nietzsche nihilist wut
>Case and point.
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.
Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Yeah, after ripping off stoicism
My challenge is to convince you that being forced to listen to nietzsche yap on and on about ageism is about as desirable as being flayed alive and rolled in salt. Instead of focusing on why a complete description of the problems with nietzsche's crusades would occupy several volumes, I would like to remind people that nietzsche shouldn't put careless thoughts in our children's minds. That's just plain common sense. Of course, the people who appreciate its activities are those who eagerly root up common sense, prominently hold it out, and decry it as poison with astonishing alacrity.
To believe that nietzsche is an expert on everything from aardvarks to zymurgy is to deceive ourselves. Am I angry? You bet. Nietzsche's ignominious ebullitions are responsible for setting our society onto its current trajectory, spinning it off into darkness along an arc of Tartuffism. To say anything else would be a lie. Nietzsche's pledge not to bring alarmism to this country in the name of anti-alarmism is merely empty rhetoric, invoked on occasion for theatrical effect but otherwise studiously ignored. Now that I've stated that, allow me to say that nietzsche decries or dismisses capitalism, technology, industrialization, and systems of government borne of Enlightenment ideas about the dignity and freedom of human beings. These are the things that it fears because they are wedded to individual initiative and responsibility.
> Overvalues his thoughts because he is a pleb.
You should also read Democracy in america 2 to see how it related to you but you're so good at thinking I doubt you will.
Liberal democracies are to blame for your putrid mindset and America was born right into it.
That's your problem.
You're so easy to predict and read too, there is a reason why I mentioned Nietzsche.
>Overvalues his thoughts
typical leftist
sweet fucking word salad batman
the people are always capable of controlling the leadership
the real choice is between a populace that votes itself hedonistic by obliging the opinion of the lowest common denominator or a society constructed around the same principles of strength, authority, hierarchy, brotherhood and fraternity, masculinity, and aggression that your average military would be
in other words a populace that's been trained to be dependent or one that's build around not suffering bullshit
See. There is nothing I can do with this level of retardation other than posting a 56% meme.
You're so fucking bright I am a leftist for reading books and seeing value in the thoughts of others. Jeez
Have a good day
>I am a leftist for reading books
>being this unable to follow an argument
Your president is a fag lover, fuck off.
Yes he is a Filipino
Enjoy your laid-off CNN Philippines employees.
>Rappler also has an Indonesian division
The media website OP is talking about is called Rappler.
Philippine "local" news media, Rappler, is funded by two foreign companies. See top pic. And they admit it on their own website:
Those companies have ties to billionaire George Soros. See bottom pic.
source of bottom pic, from the man's linkedin itself:
As you know, George Soros is a Jewish billionaire whose hobby is to destabilize countries in his free time:
>"It was Rappler that fabricated the false figure of 7,000 as number of extra-judicial killings under this administration as of September last year. Despite the fact that this figure has been completely debunked, Rappler has refused to apologize for it and correct it. It has been that false figure that the New York Times, BBC, the Guardian and nearly all Western media have quoted as "facts" to condemn this administration as guilty of massive human rights violations."
It was also Rappler and its sister site that leaked the transcript of Donald Trump's phone conversation with Duterte.
Rappler did it in cooperation with The Intercept. The Intercept is Owned by Omidyar, who also funds Rappler. And Omidyar has ties to Soros.
>The Intercept becomes a sell-out sometime after the Snowden leaks
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Reeks of reddit and le randumb reply. Sup Forums used to be good and comfy but it has gone to shit