Other urls found in this thread:
Probably the president.
I don’t know, but he has a YouTube account on which the one anti trump video has comments disabled, but all his other videos including his wedding (mst watch) and others are curiously open for comment.
Reporting some words to the fbi. Is this what Jews do?
Where's the threat?
Hey Krassenstein, whatcha doin?
serves him right
>They are watching everything. Retard >decides to publish it.
Smug fucker eh? Expose his hypocrisy. Feed him to the angry masses.
Jesus, that was a leaf tier get
Ed seems like a real shit hole
Isn't that the guy who spams every Tweet by Trump? Like, Trump tweets and this faggot has to spam 20 messages
Why not make some fun comments on his wedding video then?
Hello "anonymous." I've decided to come out re: Brian Krassenstein. He raped me and my brother when we were 11 and 14, in a garage in Florida.
My brother is now dead (suicide) but something he said left me wondering how many victims there really are of this monster.
They themselves most certainly.
Post something to corroborate. Anything.
typical kike tactic, threatening himself
Yep, him and his brother both. I'm guessing they do it as part of their job. Trump says something nice, and krassenjew finds a way to turn the discussion into something anti trump. He can't not comment.
Idk what he did but he deserves it.
Probably did it themselves. More jewish tricks for sympathy.
For reports of threats on social media, presume they themselves sent them.
Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?
99.999% threats are just that threats, you honestly think a 250lb neck beard frog living Trump supporter will get you?
Reminds of Anita getting all those threats and a TV show even did a "dramatization" of it.
I'd be more worried over swatting, a guy just got killed over that shit.
Hey fuckface no corroboration is needed. All you need is hearsay now you are allowed to accuse random men of rape on twitter. Get with the program
He probably self texted himself to claim Shoah shekels
Karma police inbound
So Krassenstein is an actual person? I always kinda figured it was a shillbot account.
Those are nice sms he send himself.
Totally surprised jews would do that, they never did something like that in thousands of years. OYYYY VEEEEYYYYY SHUT IT DOWN !!!!!!
Some guy named SMSKola from the looks of it
>Posting people's phone numbers publicly
Is doxxing people against twitter's TOS, or does Krassenberg get an exception?
Twitter operates on the 'no bad tactics, only bad targets' philosophy. If you're against the progressive agenda and did the same thing you'd be banned, but if you're a progressive and do it, you're perfectly ok.
They're RAPISTS. They sexually molested another user, he has a thread up.
Who cares about these kike faggots? Because they abuse Twitter algorithms? Grow a brain and stop posting this garbage.
What's his phone number? I'll destroy this fucking faggot. I will comment the fuck outta this faggot.
If he doesn't want threatening texts maybe he shouldn't spend his time spamming Trump
why doesn't trump just block this guy?
Can't find the phone number but here's a head start for you
False flag
Comments added to wedding video and a gaming/ speaker video
Not threatening at all. What a pussy.
Done. He's fucking done for. Replied via Twitter on POTUS's acct.
>work as fbi analyst
>every fucking day slogging through social media accounts of autists and lefties
>have to answer and review every report that comes in
>have to write (((krassenstein))) a letter of apology, saying we'll go tell the bad guys parents and that we'll get him some ice cream on the way home
>want to commit suicide but having other people posthumously move my corpse at work is sexual harassment
Life is suffering
Pic related
I'll text him daily.
Why would Trump deny people from free speech. I notice just as many trolls on Trudeau’s Twitter.
He blocked me on twitter. Need more anons on this.
I’m 100% sure this is him doing it to himself.
Why? Oh well it backfired. We now have his brothers & his personal info.
you think this is a game.
it's not.
Game? Nigga wtf you blathering about?
how's ur minecraft server
Wtf kinda question is that?
Love that file name.
How is that a threat?
Yes it is.
They likely did it to themselves.
another lard not able to read between the lines.
If they can't shut it down themselves, yes.
At least no assault GIFs were used.
All the big gets recently have been absolute shit
obv jew
doesnt matter
i just...don't believe you. somehow, someone...has eroded my trust...now who could that be?
Do any of you retards realize he's lying for attention?
Ed Krassenstein is Trumps number 1 fan.
His life revolves around Trump
Nobody ever believes me until it's too late. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>Be me. Try to warn everyone a year before the election that the Kikes own both Hillary and Trump. No one listens.
sry frens
what does a sensible person do?
My only solution is genocide. Sounds reasonable at this point.
Fucking slimy kike
That kid has downs
every time
Why does Twitter bump up the Krassensteins' hatred on every single Trump tweet? IR.net as well.
I get shit like this all the time. Why do Jews feel the need to immediately start crying and post it everywhere for everyone to see? Everyone gets threats online you aren’t special asshole.
It was me. Come get me Miami Vice faggots.