Will your homeland survive climate change?
Will your homeland survive climate change?
Nova scotia here looks like we live boys fuck everyone else.
Looks like the mainland is fucked b’y
See ya later Halifax
Fallacy, the climate has allways been changing.
>plants won’t adapt to slight temperature change
Vancouver here. I've always liked San Francisco weather patterns, so these changes are welcome.
Nova scotia is already uninhabitable because of all of those things nothing is changing.
Source: ASS
How is it possible Australia is so hot despite being next to Antarctica?
(((Climate Change)))) is a cash grab on an extremely different celestial storm we're going through.
The science is there, but since there's no way to stop the celestial storm we're going through and (((they))) can't make shekels on it, Then this narrative was created for normies and socialists.
>talk to an astrophysicist
>get woke
>makes strawman while claiming fallacy
noose yourself hidalgo.
>living in a place called Pans land in ancient speak
>basically a valley surrounded by mountains filled with best land in Europe
We will live
this is bullshit but would be fun living in high tech underwater domes
Looks like I'm going to Antarctica. Fuck off Australia/New Zealand/Angloscum. I hereby claim the Great Lands of the South on the name of all spics.
Maritime state when?
If this happens, chances are America will invade Canada.
Guess the aral seas back eh
>the climate has always changed so that means it's impossible for humans to impact and offset these natural cycles
Are you retarded?
Probably by building an island in the atlantic or creating a massive dyke ring around our country.
America confirmed for Canada's Mexico.
I just noticed something, we all talking about what happens at Antartica, but what exactly is going on at Greenland? huge ice covered land mass as well and gets even less attention than antartca?
'The World: 4C warmer'
'No one knows exactly what this world will look like'
lol, classic man made climate change alarmist guff
This. The biggest climate change researchers all admitted in private enails that got leaked that they had to doctor their findings to support the theory that mankind was affecting the climate. The climate changes we've experienced are all part of the Earth's natural cycle.
1 post by faggot op
slide thread
>white people are mostly fine
wtf i love global warming now
>implying it will get that bad as the pic suggest
>Scandianvia/UK/Northern Russia/Greenland
>Compact high-rise cities would provide shelter for much of the world's population
• Global warming is real, and humans are causing it, but the costs of global warming are not worth the much larger costs of preventing it. Global warming does not affect all countries equally, with poor countries being affected far more negatively than rich countries, and some rich countries being affected positively (more land available for agriculture, new trade routes in the Arctic, etc). Poor countries are the countries least able the afford the cost of not using fossil fuel energy, and they should not be pressured by already developed countries into delaying their industrialization for the sake of countries that have already industrialized.
>1 post by faggot op
Why the homophobia?
>implying shitskins won't migrate to habitable white areas en masse
and diseases have always existed so why invest in medical science at all? Fucking idiot.
We're still alive. Glad to see Northern large lands in Canada and Russia will be arable.
>not moving to the now green arctic
ahahahahaha netherlands btfo
(((climate change)))
in canada is global cooling
temperatures here are going down
Climate change is real, climate change is a natural process that occurs frequently in geological terms but man made global warming is a media love child that blames you and me for said natural process.
You think the sea can beat us?
>talk to an astrophysicist
>get woke
kek, doesn't even try to argue
i bet (((they))) are responsible for your crooked baby dick, too
looks like we're gonna be a desert
>move yanks up to canada
>move euros up into northern europe and russia
>maybe let nips up into siberia
>let everyone else die
>survivors colonize antarctica
perfect world desu
>tfw born too early to see every shithole become literally uninhabitable
LMAO what a joke.
The earth was 20C warmer with like 1200PPM CO2 (its 380 now) and the entire earth flourished, more biomass by far than present day earth in both animals and plants. Everything grew bigger too.
shame it will happen gradually so all the shitskins will get more than enough time to get up here (it's already happening)
>Rainforsts turning to deserts
We actually do. We can look at what the world looks like at various temps by looking at the fossil record. Life of all kinds flourishes the warmer and more CO2 there is. Forests cover every continent, very few deserts of any kinds, far more water and food.
We are literally cominng out of an ice age. If you look at the earths record and tried to make a guess what the optimum levels were for life to thrive it would be much warmer and around 1200PPM CO2 not 380. 150PPM would cause a mass extinction event and we were almost there at the end of the last ice age before whatever happened to bring us out at the younger dryas.
We're good. The Alps might be snow free, but the mountain chain will provide us with enough rain to fill the rivers.
And we're allready stopping them. When disaster happens, walls will be built. Maybe a percent or two might make it North.
here's what you get to deal with naturally, with ice ages coming and going
it means the "oh we're going to spiral out of control and become venus in a week" models that assume 40 times the effect due to water vapor are complete bullshit
Are you retarded? We are heading TOWARDS an ice age, this warm period is already an anomaly in length
I notice Florida is still there which means the ice caps haven't melted
Africa will just literally fucking die. At least most of it will.
Canada fuck yeah. My ancestors moved there 3501 years ago.
It's already extremely hot despite being next to Antarctica. 80% of it is a desert.
>compact high-rise cities repeated multiple times
as if we needed any more proof this global warming hoax is to further Agenda 21. fuck the UN and fuck people who want to live like bugs.
> Canada
> Sharing our food with those fuckers
No shit, because an ice age has been the natural state of the world for like 500,000 years and we came out of it for brief periods every 10-30k years, life expands, flourishes, then contracts again.
We will be eyes deep in the grand solar minimum by 2024 and im guessing by 2019 the world will be asking a lot of questions as all the signs of global warming and greenhouse effect will not be there. They already are grasping at straws with scientists trying to explain how record cold temps and freezes around the world are caused by global warming/CO2 and rising surface/ocean temps.
By 2019 the data will be in and it will be pretty clear that CO2 is not driving our impact on the overall global climate is negligible. When people realize the sun is the climate driver and always has it will be too late.
PRetty sure its a depopulation scheme to get people worried about global warming when we should have been preparing and stockpiling food for the last 30 years.
Why would you give it away? Don’t you sell cereals across the world already?
>Mad Max SE USA
>I stalk the wasteland from solar farm to solar farm
>raising sea level will separate Poland and Germany and give Czechia sea access
world will be finally as it should have been