Can any Germans/Italians share their family experiences of these periods? What was it like? I've never heard testimonies from Germans at all. (French/Dutch & Norwegian welcome)
>inb4 holocaust survivor
PS: americans abstain from posting I dont want LARPers.....
Life in 3rd Reich/Fascist Italy
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My grandpa said it was fine. Not like hell, not like paradise. Just life as it goes on normally. The only thing he noticed during the war was that there were soldiers patroling the street. Now mind you, my grandfather was like 10 or something during the war and we live in the north where there are mostly farmers so don't take this story to be your main source of info about life during the war.
riveting, every experience counts!
I have a greek story if anyone wants it
life during the fascist regime here in sicily was fucking paradise
no mafiosi because they got killed by the squadristi
economy doing just fine
no one committing crimes because they knew that jail was very harsh
everything was okay really
>Obligatory Post
Tell me
my grandma was hitler youth but she died before i really had any interest in ww2 so i never got ask her any questions
No one cared too much. Depending on who they were asked by, the support/''allegiance'' of whomever was asked would change. The idea that 95 % of the population was involved in some sort of resistance activity is a meme created in the 1945 world championship of having been treated the worst by the germans. Like a dutch said up there, most people in (germanic) occupied countries honestly didn't notice it too much, except for anglo bombs and germans in the streets. I know some people even felt safer back then than now.
gramps didn't wanna live in fascist italy so he moved to leafland. he said the police were very brutal and there was heavy reminders on the control of what they say
>my grandma was hitler
No she wasn't
My family lives on the coast so there were a lot of soldiers, it was ok up to the last months of occupation, when the Germans where replaced by Ost-bataillons (chechens, Georgians, Ukrainian...) That was bad and even more after the normandy landing and the augmentation of resistance actions.
That's when people got killed.
My grandpop fought in northafrica and his Brother in Russia, Sadly dying, he always said what fucking paradise it was before the war, there was peace, a lot of jobs, a lot of richness, health. My grandmother is slightly younger so she was too Young, but I remember how she tells me everytime how germans always behaved like gentlemen being extremely polite when they were in italy, but americans instead Not, she hates them with a Passion. She always tells me how once The germans retreated from their village The partisans came out of the Mountains and started to act like bosses, they murdered 2 Girls who slept with german soldiers cutting off their breasts and hair and then hanging them in the Square with a sign. Worst part? The Americans saw everything and did nothing, they just watched. She always ends this story by saying here’s your liberators.
>The Americans saw everything and did nothing, they just watched.
They always do that lol
I also have plenty of letters and Documents from the period My grandfather left us
That's pretty cool, post more.
This is a gem, thank you
It’s Either stuff with names on it or Old letters so Not now, take an Old italian kingdom gun lycence and passport in The meanwhile
Was it really that bad before Mussolini? Were mafiosi as violent as they are today? (or were in the 70s.etc)
Very interesting to read this, I knew the Resistance was silly, but I'm glad to know it was a meme as well
hehe Canadas the perfect place for him then ;)
I see
Very redpilling, im tired of all these fucking "americans were the good guys with the moral highground liberators", theres nothing I like more than shutting them up, its a known fact americans are pigs but everyone seems to turn a blind eye to that and portray them as heroes in ww2, americans were always fat dishonoured pigs. The other day I had a teacher tell me how americans were AMAZING (at everything they do) and Germans meanwhile killed children for sport, lmao what a fucking retard.... the amount of people who believe is way too high
>she tells me everytime how germans always behaved like gentlemen being extremely polite when they were in italy
Well, my literature teacher tells us the same thing, even though she is pro soviet. Her greatgranny used to be a prisoner in a concentration camp somewhere in Ukraine(don't really remember, but probably in Ukraine) and german soldiers always fed her with their own chocolate when it were starvation times. German captives have built good roads and houses here in Russia though, and a lot of them are still better than modern ones...
I asked my grandmother who lived under Slovak fascist regime what was life like and she basically said that it was overall good, everyone has enough and she also remembers one time when 2 HG (Hlinka's Guard) members and one German soldier who were looking for partisans. They gave them a bunch of candies and chocolates and sat down for tea I think.
After the communists came, they took cows, hens and horses from their farm and when they came later to seize things from him again, he pulled out an axe and threatened to kill them if they stepped near his property one more time. They left him alone after that, magically.
Here’s your liberators user, my family was Lucky to live further north, compare this to The germans. I’m tired of this fucking meme of The allies being all good people and germans being child killers as well it’s disgusting.
France under the occupation was hell. Most people had barely anything to eat since the Germans stole everything, only rich people could live somewhat decently.
this is beautiful user, thank you!
>he pulled out an axe and threatened to kill them if they stepped near his property one more time.
he had some fucking HUGE balls, is anyone ever happy around communists?
>africans acting as subhumans
nothing new here sadly, but I hate americans more now and official propaganda even more so, at times i feel like im gonna explode tbqh
yet you still managed to escape rabbi......
Your cuck grandfather should of just killed them the first time.
I've read scattered testimonies of old germans, austrians, yugoslavians (et. al) and even some Vichy French that confessed the Nazi State was, at worst, cool and at best, awesome.
Sometimes people who spoke about the state disappeared--but this was no different from the norm, generally. People disappeared before Nazi Gestapo's were around for talking shit on powerful elite/heads of state/the state.
Several of them recanted earlier statements that the Third Reich was horrible, now that they're old and so close to death nothing can be done to them.
Take it as truth or don't, these are just stories I've read over the past few years (and they NEVER make it to mainstream media).
Everyone from my family that lived back then is long dead
Almost all the men from my family that fought back then died in the war, except two of my great grandfathers and one great uncle that survived and died of old age 20+ years ago, and all of the women also died of old age by now
Yes nothing new but it Shows you what an Army of Savages The allies were
I am italian and my grandfather mentioned something similar as >he always said what fucking paradise it was before the war, there was peace, a lot of jobs, a lot of richness, health.
while his family was not particularly pro-fascism, in particular grandpa used to say that during the height of fascism, the cleanliness of everywhere was stunning, as well as people's discipline everywhere. italy had never been safer and they literally did not even lock their houses doors as nobody would dare trespass or steal property.
historical reports seem to agree with that. it seems that mussolini became hated, and italy when truly to shit, only when he prioritized foreign policy above home affairs. and worse was his unconditioned pants dropping to hitler.
It was when the war started to go shit that the balancee tipped, they loved him until then. And when the war ended they started to regret and miss him. Majourity of old people do not do anything but say how it was better with fascism. Only partisans say the opposite but they were beasts fleeing and living in the woods to escape the army conscription, cowards and animals fighting against their own people and country, disgusting,
Fascismo was in the process of making italy great again back then.
Aside for a few economic sector screw ups due to Mussolini's own stubbornness against his own more technical staff, society must have been at a golden age of its value, similar to nazi germany.
however, it was exactly when mussolini stopped doing the italian people's and italy's interests and took the extra mile bootlicking hitler's ass, thats when it all fell to pieces. that story has repeated again through the western world multiple times, and that's precisely what's going on now too.
Other stuff you anons might find interesting, old touristic guidebook on visiting the new colonies in africa printed in 1938, I have a copy but i saw the book in many museums
Inside of The book
Couple of Old books, copy of The urban Plan of Rome 1931 sent from the Governor to my Great grandfather since he was part of papal nobility, knighted and involved in the discussion, guide of Rome, book issued by The state with national songs, inside Old classics like leggenda del piave, giovinezza ecc
Oma from Austria said Nazis bothered them once in a while but they also felt more protected because of armed military in their village
Grandfather lived in Italian occupied Albania. Soldiers walking around the streets and stuff taking down communist and nationalist posters. He was a Balli Kombëtar (nationalist group) so naturally he hated the Italian occupation but he did say they really 'cleaned the country up'. Eventually Italians left and Germans came in which continued building oil pumps and improving infrastructure while respecting the nationalist movement. The elderly that I've spoken to will agree that the Nazi government was the most prosperous time (unless you're a communist). Really redpilled me when I was younger as I thought the Nazis would kill every non-aryan but why would they help a country with so many dark haired, tanned Muslims?
>gun lycence
Didn't Mussolinni b& all da gunz?
>he pulled out an axe and threatened to kill them if they stepped near his property one more time. They left him alone after that, magically.
Nice. Cheers to your granddad, Slovakbro
I think only for little not too much threatening handguns. My grandfather though operated with big guns and rifles both to hunt and because he was in the army so yea, you needed special lycence for those.
Also I forgot to say a very interesting thing about the identity document. It was originally printed during the fascist period, Rome was considered a region on its own and that's why it was written on the document "governatorato di Roma". After the war, they did not reprint documents from scratch, but just corrected with writing machine on the document writing on the old name "comune di Roma", which means city of Rome. This is why it is written in that way although being an official document.
My grandpa said when German troops entered Sweden they hailed them as liberators
grandchild of the zombie anglo horde here
>our house was bombed
>germans are ze supreme evil
>oy vey
what was their role? they did not invade sweden what were they doing there besides maybe transiting to norway?
my greatgrandfather was the mayor of our town during that time so in 33 both of him and my greatgrandmother joined the Nsdap. He wasnt drafted for military service since worked in R&D and was deemed too important for the war effort. During the war we also had three french pow´s who lived with us and helped in the husbandry. One of them was a priest who even spoke german and who became close friends with us. My Grandparents often came to visit him after the war. During the war an allied plane crashed into our house and destroyed it but thankfully nobody died after that we lived with our neighbours. There was also another air raid on a nearby railroad where the allies bombed a train transporting troops after the raid was over he gathered all the people to go help the survivours. Later in the war he went into a fight with a younger army officer when allied troops were arriving at our town. The officer wanted to defend the town to the last man even tho they were only arround 50 soldiers left most of whom were wounded and underequiped while. In the end the soldiers withdraw further into the country and the town fell into american occupation. A few weeks after the war ended the americans went away and got replaced by soviet soldiers. Since the americans didnt want the rescearch of my greatgrandfather to fall into soviet hands they took him and my family with them. 1 year later my family came back from the us and restarted theri lives
Isn't that basically the same as today then lol.
old people dont like to talk about this time, my grandparents just told me it was good until the start of the war. In their eyes the nazis are criminals since then.
Kinda same in Italy for many people, not the start but more like since 1942 on, not my family though considering they enrolled in RSI and kept on until 1945
family is too young to have fought (my grandgrandparents weren't but i never spoke with them about that before they died, have to ask grandparents sometimes)
My grandma was born in '45 while fleeing berlin.
my granddad was 8 and living in the ruhrarea, almost got killed by bombs. they seeked shelter in the coal mines but the brits dropped the bombs at the entrance to the mines so the shockwaves will fuck everyone up majorly.
other grandparents fled to ruhrarea too, from what's now czechia. they were incredibly afraid of the russians.
not really the post you were looking for i guess, but idk
very interesting replies so far, the user who has the Italian-Africa booklets, holy shit that must cost a fortune!
Nice, I take it R&D = Research&Development?
Interesting nonetheless
>Italian-Africa booklets, holy shit that must cost a fortune!
Not sure about that one, it was very common and issued by the state itself to everybody. The reason is that they wanted people to visit and colonize those places with the ultimate intent of replacing the native african population through immigration. It is stated in the very beginning of the book. Also laws were made to prevent contact between africans and italians in order to keep the european race pure, in a similar fashion to apartheid.
can you post the page where it say that we wanted to replace them?
I am interessed
wait a sec user I gotta take the book and search the page, hope the thread doesn't get archived in the meanwhile
Just dropping this off
yeah he was was working on more effective ways of drilling for oil he even went a few months in libya
My Great-Grandfather died in Tunisia probably under General Messe or Marshal Rommel
My Grandma was born in 1930 and she talked about the war sometimes
Before the war she said that life was good and there were no criminals because the regime would shot them,also sometime they had to go out with black skirt for parade,nothing really bad because they were together with other friend
While during the war her family went to hide in the caves because the Allies bombed our town in night,she never talked about German soldier because they allowed civilian to escape the town knowing about the incoming battle while she said that American soldier were nice and gave food to them
no problem senpai i will try to keep it alive
Read this user
Sweden was calm as fuck.
My granfather used to say how fascists were arrogant, they used to come to his farm and expect him to give them a lamb whenever they wanted. I don't see how people never started a revolution in 20 years.
interessing thank user
Can you post other part from the book too?
i guess you can't find it on PDF
And The first part of this on The various populations, couldn’t find the other parts the book is too big, but there was a section that clearly States one of The objectives was slowly replace The natives
What other part?
Holy shit, I just said this to my Norwegian gf and she went completely berserk. Apparently her grandfathers house got burnt down by ebil nadzis :((((
any part senpai that is interessing
also i straightened your pic for easier reading
If you weren't a fascist and openly admitted it you could end up in trouble,
but my grandparent told me multiple times that "you were safe, and felt safe, you could leave the key in your car unlike today..."
>americans abstain from posting I dont want LARPers
About 360,000 Germans, Austrians, and Italians migrated to the US between 1945 and 1960, you dumb black ape.
Anyway, my grandmother Bettina (die mich Deutsch gelehrt hat) came here from Austria in 1950. I never asked her anything about the war or her childhood, but she did once remark:
>the americans and the british were perfect gentlemen, which is why i went to salzburg from vienna. the soviets were rapists who stole everything that wasn't nailed down
sorry it's phone posted it automatically straightened it.
What I always find interesting about that part is how they described the division of class even between native tribes, and specified clear measures were taken to avoid in any way race mixing
don't worry i realized that
Had a french nan who lived through the occupation. She said it was alright, but then again she was in a pretty small village. That said, it went to shit afterward with all the "new faces" and moved here in the late 40's.
*die mich deustch gelernt hat?
Americans were not dissimilar, normal troops were k but they carried behind them on second line niggers and colonial divisions who were beasts. In a similar fashion who made the rapes were the eastern slavs and mongolians not the european russians. Also the americans did not meddle with local poulations allowing partisans to do whatever they wanted. I remember that scene in band of brothers where resistance in holland comes in the village as soon as the germans go away to mark women and cut their hair. Reality was even worse they raped and killed extremely brutally with the americans watching without doing nothing.
All in all 1000 times better with Italians and Germans, cannot speak for occupied countries like poland or russia though.
>Life in 3rd Reich/Fascist Italy
>Can any Germans/Italians share their family experiences of these periods? What was it like? I've never heard testimonies from Germans at all. (French/Dutch & Norwegian welcome)
Of course. What would you like to know specifically?
Neither of the branch were fascists, but both were patriots and none were commies. So the italian 'average'.
Grandpa 1 was born a poor orphan who had become an army officer, Grandma 1 was the youngest child of a small landowner-farmer, Grandpa 2 was a very smalltime trader, Grandma 2 was a poor town girl.
I've also known well several other relatives and friends relatives involved.
The war was obviously hell, and Mussolini's popularity dropped like a stone, although most people hated the Nazis, and Hitler (not necessarily the germans) far more than him. Especially after 8 september 1943. The King as well, became unpopular overnight after his flight from Rome. All my relatives hated the partisans for their brutality, only worse were the SS (of which they told me a couple of chilling, horrifying stories of terror).
Nobody really had issues with the Brits or the Yanks, but most loathed the French.
Before? Everyone I've spoken to who was not an active regime opponent was very happy. Fascism in Italy modernized and enriched the country a lot, gave them pensions, social security, public health, and so on.
There was a LOT of social mobility, much more than now, and far better seriousness in fighting against crime. Same nepotism, though.
Had Benito died in 1938, he would be still revered.
This, my grandmother keeps telling me it was cleaner and safer while the Germans were here. She seemed terrified of the bombs though, refusing to talk about it apart from mentioning that she was on the train when bombs started falling. I assume there's more to the story, but she won't tell anyone.
She told me she lost a family member in the war too, connecting the dots leads me to believe Allied bombing killed someone she was close to.
She never speaks nicely of US troops, apart from when she talks about the chocolate they handed out.
I just read this book.
It's about life in Germany during the war from the perspective of the conscripts, their wives, teachers, shopkeepers and factory workers.
Highly recommended.
No, gelehrt means to have taught, and gelernt means to have learned. I was correct and you are not.
You're also simply flat-out wrong and lying about the second part, you dirty, hairy Arab animal.
My grandma is from Allenstein (East Prussia), she is one of the youngest siblings (she has 9 other brothers/sisters). They lived on a farm and had everything, normal farm life. When the war began 3 of her siblings and her father had to serve in the army. I think her father came into a hospital, her sister helped as a medical support in a camp for wounded soldiers. One of her brothers fighted at the westfront in France. After the war he was kept in an allied prisonerscamp, my grandma was really crying there and said the soldiers had no food and no belongings and when they were freed, they were kicked on the street. Somehow her brother managed it to austria where he worked in a small store for the next 3 years until his other brother that fighted in the war used the Red-Cross to find the missing siblings. They could live in Rheine (also a garnison-town) and the brother that was in Austria came back to germany then. My grandma and her other younger siblings were taxed heavily and they couldnt take much with them, not the livestock, not much belongings, they didnt had that much money, just clothes and what fills in a bag. Then they needed to report in warsaw and were resettled in Rheine where 3 other siblings were already. Their big farm, their land, everything was stolen from the poles. The 10 siblings drived there one more time 15 years after the war, there wasnt much left, because the poles build buildings everywhere where they lived.
great uncle started his own fascist party, but didn't like the nazi's because he couldn't join the forces under the dutch flag.
Bump for Evropa
Sorry I am learning german just asking
Also shut up amerimutt, pic related is literally a pic of my phenotype the only stinking arab monkeys on /Pol Are amerimutts.
Maybe you don’t Want to admit it but it is The truth, amerimutts came to european ancestral homes to allow foreigners to kill and destroy and make the West slave of israel, good job.
also my grandma is ALWAYS telling me this:
Dont talk bad about Israel or Jews.
She is paranoid as fuck like she thinks everything in her house is controlled and wired.
What if she's right?
The only threat my family ever experienced was allied bombing
you people truly are niggers
I'll add a couple of thing, then if there's any questions I'll answer.
The fascist regime created a very close-knit society, there was a lot of emphasis on removing obstacles slowing down people work and will to create and do stuff.
The thing that worried the most the smallfolk was it was very dangerous to cross the wrong high-ranked person, as you could get in a lot of troubles if you made the wrong enemy. This is partially true even now, but not to the same extent. There wasn't a REAL due process, if you had made the wrong enemy.
Contrary to popular belief, you didn't need to get in the PNF to succeed and live well. Only if you wanted to become a Politician. Most people were not members of the party.
There was a lot of incompetence and immobilism in the higher echelon of scoiety, like now. However, the middle class was very dynamic, like it has never been in Italy with the exception of the 50s-60s.
yeah sometimes I think maybe... but she is throwing like 10 stories in each other, she talkes about israel/jews, but never connects it to her "surveillance"
The Mafia wasn't treated very well under the fascist regime, right? Would it not had been best if they had all been purged, considering that they are making a lot of money from the migrant/shitskin crisis right now?
they got shot in the main squares, they got purged. This lead a huge amount to either hide or flee to the US. It is for example known that many mobsters helped the allies in invading sicily and used their connections to smooth their advance, they didn't want mussolini it was the end of their activity for them. I support this type of act even nowadays, we should march the army south and stop everybody even remotely suspected.
The fascist regime absolutely shitstomped the Mafia and almost eradicated it in Sicily. Especially under the 'Iron Prefect' Cesare Mori.
Unfortunately, americans seized this fact and cooperated with italo-american Mafia to leverage the criminal network help during and after their landing, in exchange of them acting asanti-communist watchmen and ended up liberating most of the Mafiosi from jail.
Gee, thanks FDR.
Tfw I learned all this from playing Mafia 2 and watching the Godfather. I should read more books. I hope they get purged again, my grandfather lived 30 years of his life in Castelrotto in the northern part of your country, although he was a Swede. He told me many stories
> I support this type of act even nowadays, we should march the army south and stop everybody even remotely suspected.
Vespri Siciliani was a good idea. We should do it again, but with far easier ROEs. Throw them all in the sea.
>Vespri Siciliani
we should repeat it and possibly even make it harsher, only soldiers coming from the north not tied to the land, armed surveillance in every village. Don't understand why they don't repeat
Honestly its american culture to pretty much say not my problem
He literally gave you no information and you are telling him it was rivetting wtf? i'm literally crying olive oil tears
wtf i love soviet union now
I totally believe it, I'd much rather have this than have nigger paraded with full ride scholarships and unlimited social benefits
I have the same
My grandparents are to this day nazis.
One grandma went to the Hitlerschool for aryan well performing children and got best grades. She once placed some rocks on the train tracks to see them get crushed and next day the gestapo was in her class if anyone saw someone sabotage the tracks. My grandma stood up and said she did it. She had to cut potatoes and onions the whole week after school. But she had the best grades in class so they ignored her misbehaving. As the U.S. Army arrived in Neukirchen in Hessen they hid the lamb fillys so the soldier wont take them away and eat them. They had to hold their mouthes shut so they dont go "bäääää" while they searched their hours for weapons and nazisoldiers. She also saw the V2 flying in the sky and cheered that they could still win the war. But of cause that was not the case.
My other grandma saw the city of Giessen burning from 40km away.
The grandma of a friend of mine was in Giessen while it got bombed. Everyone lost their home and they had to move to farmers and work there to be able to feed themselves.
One grandpa served at an anti air gun in Berling during the last days of the war. He was only 14.
My great great grandpa survived WW1 but got insane afterwards and an alcoholic he died several years later at a young age.
They all were farmers btw.
I am a farmer too now.
God i wish Hitler won.
Is... is this a feels thread?
Also Libya