Just curious
Does anyone still support Communism?
About half my country.
2/3 here
that's a lie and you know it kamen
Not really.
Some support versions of it though.
Mostly old people no?
Fun Fact: The amount of people who unironically and unequivocally subscribe to the principles of Marxist-communism, it exactly that of those in the world possessing an IQ less than that of the average Starbucks manager.
I am majoring electrical engineering and most of my collagues are socialists or communists
Western Marxism =/= Eastern Marxism
Yes, mostly old people but there are a lot of young idiots who support commie and were born after USSR collapse. In fact, Russia still communist country. Same soviet elite who were in the Soviet Union. All the ministers, mayors and governors were in the Communist Party.
My little brother became a communist when he studied in (((Copenhagen university)).
He had a phase where he went full retard
>More equality
>Is there a way we can create more equality!
Is what he literally bursted out at one point.
In fucking STEM? Im amazed they give two fucks about politics in the first place.
Press x to doubt
they don't support the system at all
these people are obviously retards who haven't spoken with any of the old communists
they say that they're communists because they look fondly at times where living meant something
my high school teacher said that when you're standing in a grand festival with your countrymen clutching your red scarf you can't but feel that everything you're doing means something
not because they believed in some jewish hack's theory about economy
but any nu-commie is a literal moron who unironically thinks that he can achieve some jewish delusion
Literally everyone who lived through it misses it here. And you can't really blame them because it was genuinely better than now
you are a literal 60IQ nigger dragane
The only people in STEM who don't care about politics are the stereotypical movie "scientists". I meet them often, they are usually anti-social, borederline sociopath, zero emapthy and only care about the work/science and nothing more. Normal social people, no matter the profession , care about politics since politics shapes their daily lives
A Starbucks manager wouldn't have an osciloscope randomily hanging around |
can confirm
Congratulations you're subscribing to an ideology literally designed to cuck the people and harvest their product for the benefit of the political upper echelons of the system
shit, forgot the photo
>designed to cuck the people and harvest their product for the benefit of the political upper echelons of the system
That sounds familiar, haven't I heard it somehwere before
>kekistan flag
you're a living joke
haha the person that gave you that pity passing grade in highschool is probably kicking himself right now
>pity passing grade in highschool
You can't enroll into EE with a pity passing grade, you can, however become a Starbucks Manager
What do you do for a living Bogdan
>You can't enroll into EE
sure you can
nepotism is a hell of a thing
i bet your dad is kicking himself right in the balls for making a literal glue eating retard
eh, what do I care
Believe what you want to believe, yes Bogdan, you are the intelectually superior and your opinion is the correct one. It doesn't matter that ou work in a Skopje warehouse, those filthy communist professors always hated you. And everyone who differes from your opinion must have got into his position trough nepotism or is a jew. The world is against you
Or you can just face the fact that the intelectual elite in Yugoslavia is and will always be hard left
>t. unironic commieposter
And when you argue that capitalism exploits the people, I agree that it is not a suitable alternative due to it's tendency to create a consumerist materialist existence, communism also exploits the people and is much more effective at doing so. Standards of living during the times of the SSSR are best described in hindsight with the term "second world". Aside from that, you have big brother watching you on everything you do, immeasurably more than now even if you could make that argument.
Who said I was pro-Soviet union ?
>Or you can just face the fact that the intelectual elite in Yugoslavia is and will always be hard left
holy fuck how far has higher education regressed to allow literal 60IQ retards to be enrolled
actually scratch that
can you give your dad's oscilloscope back to him
you'll break it accidentally and get your computer privileges revoked
That's already getting into the "that wasn't real communism" tier arguments.
please stop replying to retarded diaspora
they are mentally ill and very delusional
yugoslavia was legitimately good and the only reason it fell is greed and human nature. nationalists started playing their tricks and ruined everything
EE here in CANADA and I everyone I talk to either doesn't care about politics or are hardcore anti-leftist.
Why would people who are expecting to be earning a high wage support efforts to take away all their hard earned money?
i think he's just making it up famalam
No. Go back to /leftypol/ and wallow in your own shit there.
Western Marxism =/= Eastern Marxism
Orgy tkmr!
Dumb commie nigger. I have an oscilloscope and I don't have a degree in EE. You don't prove anything.
You're right. One starves 10 million, the other starves 65 million
How am I supposed to prove it than ? Any other EE equipment is easaily obtainable, the oscillo is perhaps the only inatrument that you won't have unless you absolutely need it
A random joe won't have ee books next to oscillo either