Goldstein mining would be my guess.
look at the crane
Is there another kind of suicide?
oh no
where will the priests molest kids now?
Maybe they'll join the nearest mosque.
Those motherfuckers!!!
>Is there another kind of suicide?
Ask Hillary
Hey now, shooting yourself in the back of the head twice is a perfectly normal way to commit suicide.
>w-we need to go green! No more nuclear, we need more green
>GASP green energy is not enough wat to do
>I know! Let's destroy an entire village and its church to mine...... BROWN COAL SO WE CAN USE IT TO MAKE MORE ELECTRICITY
This is America-tier retardedness
I hate G*rms and their """culture""" and am by no means a godfag but this is genuinely upsetting.
Thats normal and many villages already have been removed. Coal keeps the electricity up so it outprioritizes everything-you can see the holes in the landscape from google earth.
Energy gets valued over overaged villages just as wastesiposal gets valued over the holy ganges OP.
There is nothing new about German (and WHite) Suicide
Thats normal and many villages already have been removed. Coal keeps the electricity up so it outprioritizes everything-you can see the holes in the landscape from google earth.
Energy gets valued over overaged villages just as wastedisposal gets valued over the holy ganges in your country OP.
In Germany? I thought they were cool about the climate and environment and shit? The Paris Accords meant nothing?
Thats a french church.
They are 50.000 churches in France and they are doing it sometimes, it's the same thing in other countries.
So this is the power of capitalism, huh...
Germany has to burn the coal one way or the other.
It is ok if they can spend tax money on other churches
yeah 2 hands 2 guns and fucking perfect timing.
Its more like money over faith than anything.
Wasn't there a CF video that used that footage? I was trying to post it in response, but I can't find it.
As opposed to non-self-suicide?
french church and ith ad to be torn down because it was starting to crumble at its core.
oh you don't want it demolished? sorry bro the free market fixed it haha
Isn't all suicide self-induced? Stupid poo, go buy a dictionary and give back Goa.
Oh that's okay then.
This happens all the time near German lignite mines and it has been happening for a century.
>he can't shoot himself twice in the back of the head!
Hahaha, git gud faget
Let me guess, a new mosque will be built in its place.
Germany is dead. Spit on its grave.
>Let me guess, a new mosque will be built in its place.
Who would build a mosque in an open-pit lignite mine?
That makes me so sad.
Na it will be turned into some mining area / transit area. For some reason our politicians love coal. Except the greens those asshole are fainting at the slightest mention of it.
fuck this makes me hurt. this is beyond memes and shit posting.
this hurts.
is that what the loo witch does to you if she catches you?
>For some reason our politicians love coal
It's a real shame Merkel destroyed your Nuclear power plant due to Japan having earth quakes.
I knew immediately that Germany would fart out more brown coal than ever before when she decided to close them.
>19th century
Coal is shit go nuclear
Yeah, whatever happened to the leak in fukushima anyways.
few months back it was still leaking metric tons of radiated water into the ocean.
And they didnt know where the melted core went.
Probably km deep in the sediment.
They can't, because Merkel is a bitch, she used the Fukushima accident as excuse to close they nuclear plants.
Merkel is strictly against it now.
But hey back in 2012 she was strictly contra to muliculti and too much immigration.
Shes a typical women who changes her mind quickly, so fingers crossed for that healthy green glow.
>Implying they wouldn't demolish it regardless of age.
Nice deflection there, Hans.
You can't run industries with that hippie shit, everybody knows that. All that ecolology hodge podge is just virtue signalling.
no it is not
Well for americans it is old.
>few months back it was still leaking metric tons of radiated water into the ocean.
This hasn’t been true since 2015/2016 when they installed a steel sheet wall and a frozen soil wall in the groundwater layer around the 4 damaged reactors. (pic related)
>And they didnt know where the melted core went.
Probably km deep in the sediment.
The China Syndrome is a movie, it has no basis in reality.
The resolidified fuel is at the bottom of the containment vessel.
All three containment vessels are still holding water. That would not be possible if the fuel had indeed burned holes through them.
Sweet, thanks for the informative post Bergjude.
Since you seem knowledgable, whats the predicted outcome for the flora and fauna around fukushima and the ocean?
Anything noticeable already?
Fukushima is just an excuse, nuclear is the safest, cleanest and most economic power and there’s no rational reason for a large nation like Germany not to use it. what’s the real reason she won’t go nuclear? Coal mining companies have to much influence?
Good riddance
Coal lobby is very very powerful here yeah.
basically all big industries tell our gov. what to do to maximize profits.
>whats the predicted outcome for the flora and fauna around fukushima and the ocean?
In radiobiology, predictions are only possible if you know how high the radiation dose that was absorbed actually was.
Since this is impossible to do for wildlife and fauna we can only roughly calculate those absorbed doses by looking at contamination maps etc.
So in short, predictions are not really feasible for wildlife and fauna.
>Anything noticeable already?
The only study that springs to my mind is one that observed a depressed species count in the intertidal zone (the beach area) in the immediate vicinity of the plant (pic related).
No damage was observed in the wider ocean, which is consistent with the very low contamination that is being measured nowadays.
Merkel is a corrupt liar. She talked about green energy and says it's important to the public, but is making shady as fuck deals behind closed doors with coal energy companies.
Merkel is the one who is actively preventing Germany from reducing it's coal usage. Infact, under Merkel Germany is more reliant on coal now than it has ever been and is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) users of Coal in all of Europe.
The Paris Accords mean nothing. They exist purely to make politicians look good to the public but achieve nothing.
>there’s no rational reason for a large nation like Germany not to use it.
The German decision to phase out nuclear was not rational, it was emotional.
>what’s the real reason she won’t go nuclear?
The German anti-nuclear movement was always exceptionally strong, much stronger than comparable movements in France, the UK or the US.
Merkel got rid of nuclear because she was afraid of losing votes not because she thinks that it is a good idea.
Don't worry, once the mine closes, terraforming will happen like in saxony.
also please bob&vagene
A lot of people here are joking about this....but I am legitimately angry. My blood is boiling.
Protection of historic monuments is a pain in the arse in Germany. Everybody who has built something in a city knows that.
But coal mining is king in Germany despite all the climate good-doer talk.
I'd like to have it dismantled and rebuilt somewhere else but it seems there wasn't any money for that. We have to feed sandniggers after all.
older than germany
Parasitic child molestation conspiracy rings form in all sorts of heirarchical power organizations. (Sports, schools, entertainment, religions, etc) if the Christian churches never existed this evil would still exist i'm afraid.
why am i fapping to this
where is the follow-up video where they build a mosque
that's so satisfying to watch, also why enebody care?
I can bet that before demolishing even homeless dog wasn't shitting near that place, and now
"our history, culture ooga booga"
Brown coal is an enemy of civilization.