Hi there, this is what happened in Czech republic recently. Our president Miloš Zeman got "attacked" by an Ukrainian woman, that called him a "Putin's slut"..
Hi there, this is what happened in Czech republic recently...
She got pretty grounded
Should mention, that our president is a real dick.. Once when being interviewed, he pulled out this AK47 replica and said "Journalists should be dealt with this way".. The replica has a "Becherovka" instead of a magazine, which is his favourite alcoholic drink
He must be really doing things right then.
>Ukrainian woman
>Brown nipples
what the fuck is wrong with her arm
and how the fuck is she "ukrainian" she looks like she's from fucking uganda
Ukraine is in Africa? I learn something everyday man woweee
better than Soros slut I guess
>Czech republic
>Ukrainian woman
A fucking female nigger. What's wrong in based eastern Europe? Get your shit together!
honestly the best indicator to tell if someones white or not.
wtf I love Czechia now
>ukraine woman
so a turkish rape baby?
>Ukrainian woman
she looks african. whats the real story?
Everything about her is brown.
>ukranian woman
lol what is up with eastern europeans and protesting topless? i wish we had more protesters like that here
>aggressively protest half naked knowing physical removal will happen
What? How is she Ukrainian? She is black, she literally have dark nipples.
She looks like a shitskin. Is she really ukrainian.
Thats the blackest Ukrainian woman ive ever seen
look in the face of that soulless chimp it tells you everything you need to know
>$30 ain't worth it, I could've sucked a dick but instead I did this, I hate myself.
Well afaik her mother is from Ukraine n father from Angola. So there ya go.
Her Ukrainian mother got BLACKED of course. She's now the best tool of Soros' propaganda - a mixed, rootless person without identity fighting for globalists' interests. Notice the magnet on her fridge.
paid Soros goons
Well, if you take a look at their GDP and HIV epidemic ... Yes! They're true blue African country in Europe!
Probably a Gypsy
Looks 100% Ukrainian
>replica of ak
Im sure you are not from czech republic, memeflag shill.
Fuck that house looks poor
Ukro mutt!
People don't realise how many mutts lives in the former Soviet Union. Legacy of African students who were coming to study how to build socialism. I guess raging AIDS epidemy also is their contribution.
is it just me or is that bitch's arm fucked up?
The image is correct - It indeed contains /our/ president with his favorite weapon with his favorite beverage as ammo. Also, the scripture on the body says "To be used on journalists" meaning "for fake news"
Dude, there's shit load of mutts like her in Russia. Дeти фecтивaля!
Even your minister of defence is a mutt. Not a black mutt, but still a mutt!
You blessed fuckers, I'm jelly as fuck. Hope he gets re-elected.
You have seen what leftist women look like here, right?
Is he based? Or just seems to be?
Wow. The exact profile of a Soros paid whore.
I know. I just pointed out that it is not a replica of ak, but vz.58
FEMEN were official soros' puppets, he may have pulled out of the project because the cunts decided to have a chapter in Israel out of all places. FEMENS have a "get out of jail" card, no matter the shit they pull up., they'll be free. In France we have several events to prove that fact, that time where they infiltrated an anti-gay marriage march dressing as degenerate nuns (toples and some lingerie) with what looked like pepper gaz but was only water labelled as "God's Jizz" or something like that, they were mauled up by the people in the protest, medias backed their side of the story. There's also that time where they showed up at an appartment windows, right next to a street where a Front National march was passing by, they put a giant sign about FN being fascist while doing nazi salutes (which is illegal here if I'm not mistaken). Interestingly, most of the FEMENS used to work in the sex business in Estern Europe and when they come from the Western side, they're also linked to it. The person in charge of PR for them in France is an ex-camwhore who would sell her panties online.
A woman's power is always, always her body. And she'll use it whenever it's convenient for her.
That depends... He really is a pro-russian shill wit LOADS of problems and shady stuff (mostly from the time he was the prime minister). Given this, he is strongly anti-imigration, anti-eu and pro-weapons which are thinks that matter the most for me. There are rumours though that he is ill, which is understandable after a whole lifetime of heavy drinking. At this point, I wish he wins mostly for the absolute shitshow from our 'city people' retards who will virtue signal until they aren't able to sniff their asses no more
How'd that colored bitch get into Czech Republic?
we have loads of gypsies who look just like her but I guess this cunt's mother got blacked, looking at her nose
>FEMEN were official soros' puppets
Profs? I always think about his foundations , how come jewish billionaire support human rights? Threre is something wrong with him
Angolan father with Ukrainian slut made this. And getting to Czech Republic from Ukraine is nothing hard. She already got her deportation back to that shithole
>Shes ugly
What a surprise.
>It's illegal to do the Roman salute in France
Femen was quite surely intended as a liberal pro-western Europe tool to consolidate support from local EU-minded citizens and politicians, but it got too fierce and radical too fast, and out of control of the hand that feeds them.
They really got into it though and have continued their activism with other sources of income (mostly prostitution, I believe).
and what about a *** behind this all?
I wouldn't trust one of them bitches with my dick in their mouths.
Shit, you're right, I'm retarded. I'm too young to having been in compulsory military so I never held it
makes you think
That looks like a gypsy
That begs some new questions, who is blacker? Her mom, or her father?
Yeah they are a cult. The women surrender their bodies to the leaders. They put them through routines in warehouses, whipping them, walking on them, etc. Basically lesbian femdom. I would not be surprised at all if the leadership pimps them out.
gyps look like indians, this one looks african
I like her cold, dead, and confused eyes haha
She told the truth and she's a problem...I'm missing something
>Ukrainian Woman
Checks out
We have already told you, Americans!
Ukrainians are niggers
Now, will you believe us?
Your country is full of Ukrainian they are very hard workers and play a vital role in your economy
Ukrainians are negros ?! WTF can’t blame us for that
>Your country is full of Ukrainian they are very hard workers and play a vital role in your economy
Ah yes, they clean our toilets
Forgot about that
Didn't know there are niggers allowed in Ukraine
So you clean the Bongs toilets and the Ukrainians your toilet...was a time to be alive
Best Bitter in the world.
Niggers in Czechia? what the fuck has the world come to
But no one cleans Ukrainian toilets
Because Ukrainians are too poor to afford toilets.
>called him a "Putin's slut"..
Well he does suck Putin's dick from what I can see.
He was elected based on pro-european program, but ended up playing the anti Europe card, trying to surf on the current wave.
He does suck Putin's dick, it seems.
So is he Putin's slut?
Most likely imo.
He does look like he craves the big slavic cock
I thought Ukrainians look like this
Wow so she is one of those white europeans I keep hearing about
Someone should make "Chad Zeman vs Virgin Drahoš" meme.
A) that's a gypsy or a nigger, and
B) show flag, shill.