I am tired of this jewish scum degrading us day by day. Is anyone going to do something about it or do we have to use violence?
When is the nazi revolution taking place?
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stormfags are dumb
The Jews are a meme, shitlord. Nice to know you fall so easily to blatant propaganda.
Hey (((((FBI)))))) wat'cha doin?
We wrecked them once, we'll do it again. No remorse for nazi scum.
It's has and you lose badly
>sage all fields
If you aren’t typing “Sage” in the option field when responding, you’re a bigger faggot than the OP.
>Wrecked them
Oh, ruskies. Never change.
20 million more, Ivan.
Here, I'll bump it just because you told me to sage.
>we'll do it again
it took the US army, British army and the entirety of Russia to defeat a country smaller than Texas. You won't do it again.
nope. you're just going to keep larping behind a screen and play vidya all day while society moves on.
fucking SJWs are already defeating you with trans bathrooms lmao. you people will always be a designated minority. you are contained lol
There wouldn't be a nazi or even a right revolution in Germany. I doubt that Germany even will stay united. Especially if right movement will won in Austria. Former East Germany just wouldn't have a reason to stay in the united country.
Basically, regional identity is just only the way for Germans to become right again.
Soon. Ignore the niggers and kikes in this thread. Join your local NSM and do your part.
This country has russian help since XIX century, when Emperial Russia helped to destroy Poland. It was a big mistake.
Also Germany failed the colonial race, and start a war with country which gave them opportunity to become empire and helped to destoy Napoleon.
People can say degenerate jokes about "french pussies", but French people have a country which used to be comparable, by it's size, with Russia. While Germany failed the next stage.
Because Germans used cheats. They don't play correct.
I'm pro polish, not pro-german. I can like Germany as a language, and culture, automobiles, but politically don't like the state.
Okay, maybe about "cheats" was enought, but, anyway, it's the fact the Germany had a lot of russian help.
There are a lot of ethnical germans in USA which don't know a word in German. But you choiced to become nazi again.
Too late. Try next century.
I think you're assmad that you got the living shit kicked out of you, and barely scraped by with a victory because of the sheer amount of troops and shit weather that you had on your side. The Russian government at the time also tried to fuck NatSoc Germany out of several treaties.
We're going to have an National Socialist state here in the US one day, and I hope you learned your fucking lesson. Do not try to fuck with us again. Vote against politicians that agitate against us. We've learned our lesson, and we're going to bring our jackets so that we'll be nice and cozy while we rip you a new butthole if you ever try something like that again.
>But you choiced to become nazi again
Yep. Some things are genetic, like our need for order and our loyalty to our own kind. There are hundreds of thousands of me, and they're just too afraid to speak up.
Free shekels this way to any kikes lurking.
The whole your country becomed united only with russian help. Czech Empire existed longer than German.
>Jews are a meme
>American flag
pls go back to Tumblr
Retard thinks it's 1933. Easy mode now and barely worth the challenge. There are much more important issues to attend to.
Which are?
lmfao nice try faggot
OP is right
(((THEY))) have to go.
Until then more shilling, degeneracy, bankster schemes and wars will continue
Wouldn't you like to know.
Never you larping faggot. You're not willing to say in public you hate the jews so it's never gonna happen.
Most of the hate is indeed coming from tumbrl soyfags and kike riding transgenders.Everyone who thinks for himself and the community must convert and change his beliefs to nazism or perish from this earth.God is with us. A thousand years Reich.
I will give you one. The boomer problem but that is self correcting.
The US gained independence in 1776 because we said "no" and raised our rifles. We've done this many times before and we'll do it again.
No, nigger, it's politically 1912 with 1920s degeneracy right now. We're maybe a few years away from major political and/or economic instability. You may think that something years away is of no concern to you, but you'd be wrong. We're living in a point in time that's a fucking dust particle on the timeline.
right after you take your medications to manage the schizophrenia
Everyone knows I am a nazi in real life you shithead. I have always had my middle finger ready for anyone who tries to deny the jewish disease.
No,I don't do jewish medications and neither do I take advice from shills,so fuck off pal.
'sup FBI, how's that investigation going? To answer the question, the current most likely cause of civil strife in the US would be anything happening to Donald Trump. You had better learn the Heimlich maneuver because if that man so much as chokes on a Big Mac than his base is going to be fully convinced that it was the Deep State's fault the patty was too dry. And historically speaking, as soon as there's civil unrest, that's when the far right folks are going to start coming out in the open.
The scariest thing about Nazis is they don't need a revolution. People instinctively want Nazism and given the option they would vote the Nazis in.
I know i do. 1488.
when shit hits the fan ofc , i believe that in various goverments and organazations there are remnants of the third reich. Combined with all the antartica shenenigans , it is highly likely that the third reich will influence the modern day “nazis”. Although it is obvious that there arent many nazis around the world to pull of anything but if the left resumes to lump people together they will inevitably create a nazi revolution atleast from their perspective. For us it may not be national socialism at all but i wouldnt be suprised if (((they))) label it so. This is exactly where the remnants of the third reich , the actual nazis come into play. They can be revanchists , they can rally people around them and form a group, if they exist that is.
Wake up …..
Wake up user…..
You are not alone…..
Minerva has you…..
Follow the white owl…..
Never as long as it's called Nazi.