>Right wing retard is voted in
>Things go from bad to worse but because he panders to the emotion of idiots with 0 self awareness and their delusion remains in power
>Left wing candidate is voted in after the disaster of the right wing
>Talks about wanting to improve things for all, including minorities and makes great positive speeches
>Improves the economy, the living standards, protection for minorities while reducing unemployment and hate crimes whilst right wing retards cry "worst politician ever" because he isnt delusional or moronic enough to lie to get the retards to vote for him
>This keeps going and repeating itself
Funny how Sup Forumstards dont realize they are the delusional morons with 0 self awareness, but i guess that is what happens when you are an unsuccessfully lonely loser on the internet :\
Right wing retard is voted in
yeah, no thanks fag
>posts a picture that proves my point
LMAO, Americans truly are the biggest idiots on this globe xd
having full time jobs never recover to meet population growth like it has for the bast 100 years before Obama took office proves your point?
Stop imitating Obama Leaf you queer
don't give a shit lol i hope they all starve to death in the streets
He just saw lines going up and thought they were a good thing because if he could read he might not be so retarded.
Sounds nice until we become Brazil tier
too bad its the exact opposite
That was one of the sharebluest shareblue pasta posts ever shareblued on 4chins
Yeah, they always do things they say they won't, both sides.
Because some of us have brains here and arent brainwased by Sup Forums losers whose entire beliefs are based on emotion and "omg im so special for being racist, it is le other people who are the problem" lol
You haz brains but you posted picture that shows a compleeete lack of understanding about how averages are calculated hurrrr durrrr..
Said the virgin white dude failure from his basement ;^)
look at any formerly white country, things go bad under leftist governments.
Come on your taking the piss right?
Said the user who immediately resorts to le virgin in basement social shaming tactic. 0.001 shekels have been deposited into your account vpn goyim.
>The Walking Debts talking about politics after fucking it up for everyone in europe
No patrick, spoiled yogurt is not a political stance
Sup Forumstard here and this is so true. since first reading this post i have gotten to know myself and can now see how delusional i was. I'm a wtf democrat now.
Holy shit, fellow Greeklet blown the fuck out. You are a disgrace, GTFO.
ειμαι σηγουρος πως δεν ειναι kαν ελληνας
Ειμαι σιγουρος πως πρεπει να σταματησεις να γραφεις Ελληνιkα, αγραμματε.
You have no idea what that graph means, do you?