"Trump Is a Racist. Period."

eh I'm starting to think the US media is following a narrative. I've never seen anything like this. what the fuck is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:


That narrative being telling the truth? Of course Trump is a racist, that's why Sup Forums voted for him.

Trump has never said or done anything racist though

The sad thing is that the people gleefully going along with it don't realize that one day the pendulum will swing the other way, and they will be subject to their own miserable game rules.


>what the fuck is going on?

Tfw racism against whitez

>Charles M. Blow
sounds like a faggot to me.

keked, its almost like at all times trump is the bad guy, its unlike reality to portray someone as exclusively bad at all times.
shit even hitler liked dogs for example.
meanwhile when trump takes two scoops of ice cream its an complete show of his evilness acording to the media.

Oh what a fucking surprise, Trump hate foreigners, who could have possibly seen that one coming?

He's married to a foreigner you dumb fuck

Nothing is working for them, and most of the general public is either dismissive of Trump's "shithole" comment, or laughing at it, yet both groups agree with it.
The small amount that are actually upset by it are the already indoctrinated.

They are desperate to criticize him but nothing sticks and all he does is win. So they are desperately clinging to unfounded accusations to manipulate identity politics. "Muh feelies" is the only platform Dems have... Cause it sure isn't passing actual legislation. Also... The million page Inspector General report on DoJ/FBI comes out this week so.... Share the blue?

he married an foreigner, quite sure some part of his fortune comes directly fron places out of usa, hes quite an globalist desu.

Sup Forums is a board of peace, bigot.

>has never said anything racist
>is still magically a racist

It's not a coordinated narrative. How this works is that Leftists are engaged in a constant virtue signalling competition. Any deviation from the latest acceptable position is punished by total ostracization, resulting in a huge group of people who not only say the same things but even speak the same way.

If you remember how middle school girls used to compete to be more like each other without any single source telling them what exactly to be, it's basically that.

The Liberal Progressives are eating themselves and lashing out at anyone and everyone now
NYTimes is a Carlos Slim Globalist business now, not a newpsaper

> without any single source telling them what exactly to be
we called the bitch stacy.
why are all stacy's bitch's?

it's amazing how fast you forget the 8 years of obama dicksucking. dems aren't putting forth a candidate in 2020, they'll put forth a virtue signal. make all this fucking hubbub over racism and then ensure they have a president that it's racist to criticize again

Like Richard Head.

>eh I'm starting to think the US media is following a narrative. I've never seen anything like this. what the fuck is going on?

The Jews and the Deep State (ONE AND THE SAME) are pissed off @ President Trump.

Unfortunately he isn't racist, but he's still the best hope we have.

He clearly is racist, and only a racist idiot that is being purposeful ignorant would deny it.

Who did Charles blow?

>I've never seen anything like this. what the fuck is going on?

It was always there but subdued... after 2016 election they lost any and all pretense.

Good hopefully that word is ran into the ground even more than it already has been

Oh, if you're here saying that, it must be because it's true, and not because you're a fucking shill. Because you would never be a fucking shill, an anti-Trump shill, a crumbling-elite-evil-power-structure shill.. No such thing. You're just an honest citizen with a sincere opinion. Period.

coming up in 5 we have a report on how water is wet

I wish liberals could talk about something other than how they lost the election seeing as how it's been an entire fucking year

Actions speak louder that words

Objectively wrong leaf. “Trump is a racist” was the hillary campaign strategy and the media is simply continuing it.

Actual legislation? Nah dude #Resist

They are scared.
They are throwing everything they have now.

The window is about to take a major shift.

Where have you been?

But then why does Sup Forums support him so much?

Trump has been in the public eye for 35+ years and was never once called a racist, until he ran against Democrats.
This has been the DNC tactic since Reagan, just call the GOPers racist and we win, in the internet age where the MSM/Hollywood no longer control the narrative it is no longer effective

How tragic is must be to have that last name.

Hi new friend.

This shit is so great for Trump, us, the right....
Embrace the left losing their minds.
It's beautiful.

Go on...

(((They))) want absolute control of a narrative.
Marxism is such a horrendous thing to be subjected to, because generally a person can not reasonably fight it without being taught how it works.

it's no longer an effortless feat to display an out of context quote on TV and yap about it for 2 hours like it's the end of the world.
people have the internet and are no longer dependent on talking heads for evening entertainment/news. there's about a million aspects of human life that have been irreversibly changed by the popularization of the internet, and most of those aspects REFUSE TO ADAPT

so many businesses closing down because they figured the best bet was to beg customers to stop shopping online rather than make a change themselves.

You're going to see a lot more insistence that people change while businesses attempt to remain the same as they have been for decades. Never allow that shit.

As a proud racist I can confidently say that Trump is not a racist. Which is unfortunate, but he's still a great man who has done wonders for my country and is easily the best President there has been in my 32 years of life.

This. The problem with Trump is that he isn't racist enough.

>period in the title
This guy just /thread his own thread?

i was kinda out of the loop past few days, but Trump allegedly said something right? It's not even proven, somebody just said they heard Trump say shithole countries? How can they even justify this witch hunt based on nothing more than hear-say

>what the fuck is going on?


Bad news ahead, plus Fake News Awards this week.


The dems and MSM claim he called some shithole countries shitholes. Allegedly of course, they have no proof whatsoever.

He also didn't have the enthusiastic support of white supremacists like Sup Forums until he said Obama was born in Africa and Mexico was sending its rapists here

>eh I'm starting to think the US media is following a narrative
Really bjorn?

he speaks the truth?

It's settled

>Sup Forums are white supremacists
Sup Forums is not one person fag

What's the alternative?

my thoughts exactly.period.

Fake news awards soon.

Nothing he didn't expect.

>The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more.


>Trump racist
Against goyim only


It's been a year. When will libtards accept defeat?

Blow is a gay homo degenerate nigger. Period.

My god it's clearly just a distraction from his previous antics he's using to distract from his previous antics. He's a cunt.

They are trying to Roy Moore him in 2020.
They think we have forgotten their fuck white people movement.

>I'm starting to think


>Charles McRay Blow (born August 11, 1970) is an American journalist, commentator, and current visual op-ed columnist for The New York Times.

>Blow was born and raised in Gibsland, Louisiana.[1][2]


>Blow was born and raised in Gibsland, Louisiana.[1][2]
>Gibsland, Louisiana
Gibsland, Louisiana

>Perfect is the Enemy of good
Liberal Progressives like Shawn King demand perfection (aka hiding black supremacy behind "progress") so if the person running isn't a Tranny communist convicted sex offender Muslim then they're not progressive enough.

Shaun King is literally smothering the left.

What are those actions?

Lots of gibs in Gibsland.


>Trump has been in the public eye for 35+ years and was never once called a racist, until he ran against Democrats.

>one day the pendulum will swing the other way

I hope all you faggots plan on buying plenty of guns and ammo over the next few years. It may not be in 2020, it may not even be in 2024, but eventually the left WILL regain power and they WILL be fucking pissed when they do. And will their collective rage about Trump, with the media's backing and all the institutional power it may be necessary to fight to defend ourselves in the future. Not even larping, lefties are fucking psycho.

> states their tactic is calling the GOP racist

Rebuttal: Calls people racists

how fucking stupid are you shareblue faggot?

Fucking kek.


>I've never seen anything like this.
I have. But not outside history books.

When they regain power they're going to squander it over trying to punish white people and take away guns.

When the left regains power the right will have it back before a decade is out.

but haiti is in fact a shithole

It's funny hearing the left say this when you ask any leftist what they think of the South it's going to involve "shithole" and "inbred" and "redneck".

These fuckers are tone deaf.

you can't be racist against whites. They have power and privilege.
>they think this
and so does every darkie


The media has always had a narrative that they have been pushing. The difference now is they are no longer smart and skilled enough to be subtle.

>starting to think
how old are you? youre just realizing?

They've diluted that term beyond repair, it will be their demise.

the irony is, he's not racist - but he's not anti-white, either, which is unbearable for liberals.



I don't doubt for a minute that's what will happen, but they'll have armies of antifa and black footsoldiers ready to do their bidding for them, and will probably order police to ignore their crimes under the guise of "allowing the nation to heal". They'll definitely go to far and lose power again but that doesn't mean they won't gain their power back for at least a little while, and their collective Trump derangement syndrome is probably going to make the next Democrat president at least attempt to go full Jacob Zuma on us

ben shapiro
Born: January 15, 1984 (age 34)

happy birthday, ben shapiro!

Probably related story from the Associated Press today:

>Trust in news media takes a hit during Trump presidency


I don't care if he kills a random black person every morning before breakfast. I didn't vote for him based on his racial preferences. I voted for him to run the fucking country. The greatest rulers of history have all been notorious racists. It has nothing to do with a person's ability to govern.

So :

Trumptards are defending Trump saying he isn't a racist. But at the same time they want him to get all niggers/spics out (not talking about DACA here), and while doing so they don't want the press calling him a racist (unless it's Fox News and in a good way)

What the fuck is going on

Im a racist too. So what? When are people going to stop taking offense to someone calling them racist?

I don't see the point of this though.
Republicans don't like the liberal media and NYT falls into it.

They're only hardening their own viewers, not bringing in anyone new.

top kek

>It's not a coordinated narrative.
Yes it is. They are actually coordinating with each other to set agenda and framing.

Kek. This is why the media is starting to fail. People will see these clickbait headlines and start to get skeptical. They'll think "But he hasn't said anything racist." They'll do their own research and start to lose trust in the MSM. Theyll see it as nothing more than Jews trying to brainwash people into hating their own country and voting for someone who will destroy America.


Crime and race overlap very closely.

A lot of Hispanics in the US are illegal. They broke the law coming here, they join ethnocentric gangs and political blocs (la raza), and they drive down wages for unskilled jobs which leaves poor Americans (all races) with less job prospects which increases welfare consumption, drug abuse, and crime in these populations. Is it racist to be against illegals? Maybe, they're all "brown". But I don't think anyone is really arguing that their brown skin is the problem, the problem is their actions, and the entitlement they feel towards this nation's wealth while verbally and physically trashing it every chance they get.

Similar situation with blacks. People don't hate them because they find their skin color disgusting or something. They resent the double standards and lack of accountability experienced by blacks (actual, legally codified black privilege). Blacks have all the institutional advantages in the world, all whites are extremely nice and try to be very accommodating to them, and whites always downplay themselves and their ancestors achievements in order to boost black self esteem. Yet blacks still engage in violent crime at ridiculous rates, accuse whites of not helping them enough, and generally act like fuckheads who hate this country.

Minorities are doted on and given every institutional advantage in the world. We fave them this to our detriment. Yet they still shit on our mouths every chance they get and demand more. Yes their skin color is different from ours, but they're also objectively shitty people. Is acknowledging this racist? Who gives a fuck at this point, these people need to he fucking muzzled before they turn us into a 3rd world shithole


Wow, you poor bastards really can't meme, can you?