What caused destruction of Soviet Union?

What caused destruction of Soviet Union?

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the CIA

Faulty economic ideas, corruption, delegation of power to the republics, Gorbachevs attempt to reform the society and economy at the same time.

Soviet Union

excessive drinking



The White People tried Communism. It was a cataclysmic disaster. A hundred million dead later, they have found Jews to be at the head of operations. They have Noticed.

Economics and a failing of the essentials of being an actual Superpower.

They overreached and collapsed in on themselves. They had no cultural output, only political.

To dumb it down, a superpower has a range of powers. It has military might and projection capabilities. It has cultural influence. It has political influence. It has economic influence. These are hard and soft powers.

Soviet Russia only has political and military power. It has no economics to back it up with nor did it have the cultural sway to induce the economy.

tl;dr - Large country got powerful but had no money and little way of making money. Tried to compete with a country that fulfilled every superpower requirement and lost. Hard.

They're all poor, live in apartment buildings, love rap music, and wear sports apparel exclusively.

by the end of the 80s we were out of potatos

They spent all their resources in subverting the US


gorbachev was a cia asset




>implying there is more than one potato

1 corruption
2 nepotism
3 overspending on military for no apparent reason
4 lack of freedoms
5 poor civil infrastructure
6 toxic masculinity
7 spergy tryhard ideology instead of focusing on people
8 inflexibility versus real social change

same bullshit as with the tsars

Elites. Too uneducated, too disconnected from reality, too slow, too coward, too unwilling to change, with no political ground except for KGB. They postponed unevadable reforms until any of them would cause a crisis. So it happened, and they turned out to be unable to handle it. It was possible to keep white, or at least slavic republics and to soften the losses, but...

>toxic masculinity

this :DDD

>7 spergy tryhard ideology instead of focusing on people
The late USSR was the least ideological place on the planet.

unironically this

>toxic masculinity

Nationalism in satellite states and Soviet leadership being pussy about instead of rolling in the tanks.

the internet

Gorbachev was a fucking idiot who ruined all of Eastern Europe, not just Russia.

Going the Chink route would've been better.

Communism is a system designed to destroy nations, not sustain them. How people do not learn this over the course of history is beyond me.

you,soumi binland,you did this and I eternally love you for this

This. Bump.

>3 overspending on military for no apparent reason
>for no apparent reason

You're essentially retarded and talking out of your ass. The Soviet Union had the material capabilities to go on until this day. I know how much libertardians like to pretend that it's a system doomed to fail, but it was a move by the political elite that had catastrophic consequences.

threads done lads


You can't plan an economy. Period.


Kikes pulled the pin and decided the US was the better horse to back

its that simple

That describes the US as well

I can read you a lecture about CIA perfect infiltration in soviet leadership, about canceled reforms and the most retarded decisions by Gorbachev.
As soon as pic related come out US was really buttblasted, because that thing was at least 30 years ahead of its time. So after there was whole wave of (((mysterious acts of suicide))), and other (((coincidences)))

Unironical communism was closer than ever.

Economic stagnation, failed reforms and treason.


Perestroika and Glasnost, also they didn't develop the internet which would have solved a lot of problems.


They were in a war economy for decades, with no war fought. It ate their budget, trying to compete with NATO that was just printing money and focusing on economics. In the end, the standards of living not improving made people lusting for western comfort. Add to this endemic corruption. They could have succeded, thats the most ironic. The hard times were behind. If instead of trying fight the US, they focused on themselves.

>Beginning in the early 1960s, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union considered moving away from the existing Stalinist command planning in favor of developing an interlinked computerized system of resource allocation based on the principles of Cybernetics. This development was seen as the basis for moving toward optimal planning that could form the basis of a more highly developed form of socialist economy based on informational decentralization and innovation. This was seen as a logical progression given that the material balances system was geared toward rapid industrialization, which the Soviet Union had already achieved in the preceding decades.

>But by the early 1970s the idea of transcending the status quo was abandoned by the Soviet leadership, who felt the system threatened Party control of the economy. By the early 1970s official interest in this system ended.

People were tired of living in cold, conrete 8x8 apartments when people in the West had houses full of furniture, fireplaces, warm cozy beds and didn't have to wait in line for their share of 12 beets and handful of buckwheat.

The Russians abandoned Lenin/Stalin

unlike China where its people and the government still are embracing Mao to this day and ignore the horrible things he did for the good of the nation.
They still have their ideology and a sense of history combined with purpose.

The Russians threw it all away and started over. they have nothing worth while left.
and that was the end of it.

The soviet union

they spent half their budget on their military.

except the u.s. had no standards


and why is this pic so comfy

the gays

>What caused destruction of Soviet Union?
Afghanistan; the high water mark of every evil empire

freedom :DDDDDD and jooz

Can you comment on theory that Stalins purges eliminated the best and brightest from the ranks if succeeding generation ?
Those left were the less imaginative and less capable... Which is what they were unable to implement the cybernetic idea?

Mao did the same, it had little effect so it seems.

That would be opposite.
Stalin purged ineffective, corrupt and power hungry.
When he died Party wouldn't be refreshed anymore. Nepotism rise and only blind loyalty to sub-faction was rewarded.

Cybernetic idea was fine. Even Norbert Wiener (the head of american cybernetic researches) admited, that USSR had shitty tech, but in theoretical research it was 20-30 years ahead of US. Those mathematical ideas and models which were developed in USSR only now can be built.

About Stalin purges - he didnt shot scientists. There was things called "sharagi" - special closed cities and camps full of scientist-prisoners. They had comfy life, all resources, they basically lived better than average Ivan. The only thing - the couldnt go anywhere.
During purges were killed alot of bolsheviks, some ex-White army commanders, and other scum like gays, libertarians and neets.

So many wrong replies. The people of the Soviet Union minus the Balts and the Galicians voted to maintain the Soviet Union and not break away, and some republics didn't leave the union until after RUSSIA left. The biggest enemy of the Soviets was Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Gorbachev for being politically inept, putting all his eggs in one basket by liberalizing scociety while needing economic reforms (all the problems of the system can be talked about by your enemies good job!) and this terrified the communist elite, who tried to coup him but didn't have the leadership or balls to do so, most of them were old fucks from post revolution generation, the boomer generation of the Soviet Union who held onto senior positions forever at the expense of the youth.

The public was dissatisfied and thanks to glasnost thought the union was run by clowns, but they still wanted the country around if they could choose, but were apathetic to Russia and Yeltsin dissolving the country after Yeltsin understood that he had more political power and mandate than either Gorbachev or the Soviet military hardliner boomer fucks who were dying. Yeltsin lost a popular election against the communists in 96 but just had committed voter fraud and shot tanks at parliament, by that time he had enough of his allies mafia in the military and government he and his band of merry men could just rob and pilfer the country and not worry about a counter coup from a public that was too defeated by the collapsing economy and fleeing Russia to care about politics or reestablishing the Soviet Union.

I'm almost certain that when America breaks apart it'll be met similarly, dollar collapses, California or Texas leaves first followed by a bunch more opportunistic state political machines, and most of our people would be too apathetic to care because we all know the system doesn't work and hate each other's fundamental realities. We don't think we share the same world view and politics to some extent is divided on race, the last real tribal identity schism that our suicidal cult to the individual couldn't take away.

It'll be better than the alternative Jew Caesar ruling over Mulatto Romans at least.

That is if we could choose to keep America we would for our collective nostalgia. But political circumstance will realize the opposite.

>But by the early 1970s the idea of transcending the status quo was abandoned by the Soviet leadership, who felt the system threatened Party control of the economy. By the early 1970s official interest in this system ended.

So the CPSU didn't want to create their own internet because it would threaten their grip on power? Well....

This is why communism will ALWAYS fail.

Oil - economic collapse
Afghanistan - military collapse
Chernobyl - moral collapse

Yeah, you can.

Yeah, but it will be shit and have extensive shortages because it can't price commodities correctly.

There's no such thing as a perfect system. I never said it's preferable, I said it can be done because it has been done.

Communist Party.

Precisely. The issue was allowing shitbags like Gorbachev to have the power.


Exactly. And I should have added that a free market system is not perfect either. If the market were perfectly efficient, then no one would make money or loose money speculating.

Thing is that it is a better and more dynamic system. However imperfect.

Perfection is impossible. This is why the American founding fathers set up a system of competing powers, a system of controlled chaos and controlled egos. We need systems that deal the best we can with human imperfection. A system of consent where everyone can pursuit their selfish desires, only within the consent of those they do buiness with best checks human imperfection and allows economies that satisfy the most diverse wants and needs of different types of people.

The USSR may very well have survived to this day if it weren’t for Gorbachev fucking it up.

Granted, it wasn’t entirely his fault. Brezhnev made a lot of the really stupid moves that fucked the USSR. Economic mismanagement, corruption, and defense overspending were major factors that kicked off under Breznhev. Brezhnev was also responsible for Afghanistan, which played it’s own role in the collapse of the USSR. They mainly sent Central Asian muzzies to fight instead of actual Russians, which caused a lot of Central Asians to turn against the USSR

Andropov tried to save the USSR by engaging in economic reform without political liberalization but died before he could do much.

Gorbachev liberalized too fast, allowing everyone to finally see that the Soviet economy was shit and allowing nationalists to take control of the republics, and allowed the Warsaw Pact to collapse, making him pretty unpopular. He also ignored warnings from the CIA that a coup against him was imminent

Even still, most of the USSR wanted to preserve the Union until the coup. The coup really fucked everything up. It allowed Yeltsin to take control and destroyed support for the USSR - everyone realized it was a sinking ship by that point

It is somewhat telling that the only way for communism to survive was as a totalitarian dictatorship and once they tried to become democracies they collapsed

Except they accidentally forgot to put in the ability of a state to break apart into smaller states if the majority want to. And they forgot to specify how the courts were going to be independent, so that an unconstitutional federal court could violate the 10th amendment flagrantly and create smaller sub courts that also override state and even federal government with unelected officials who rule for life and can't be forced out by an elected body without causing a constitutional crisis. Also they go to the same law schools as law makers and executives who are also lawyers.

Andropov also knew how to solve Afghanistan: kill all of the Pashtus and urbanize the Tajiks into south Tajikistan, ban Islam and remove all traces of Arabic culture.

Then again the Afghan government lasted longer than the Soviet one so... Victory?

Andropov should still be a vodka.


Nobody wants to party with gommies, everyone wanted to party with america and friends SO TO PARTY WE WENT


Retard nigger jews at the top bankrupted the country by trying to compete in the "space race" with the USA, while neglecting short term things like taking care of its citizens or keeping the store shelves stocked with food.

Then they all left for Israel en masse, leaving noone capable of running things, because most Russian intellectuals were wiped out by ((them)).

This , basically.

They said "let's quit this failed experiment" and either migrated to american universities to become teachers or moved under the wing of already stablished jews in the US. A few remained in Russia to not lose the power completely and that's it.

Very true. The most intellectual ones were at first killed off, and in the Stalin years, separated from the rest of the population.
This succeeded in making a big mass of alcoholic, poorly educated retards, who were NOT capable of running things once ((they)) deserted to israhell.


Communism aside, from what i understand every republic believed Russia is stealing their shit so they must secede and be rich and shit. And they had a reason to believe so, as they all had decent industries and resources. Ironically all republic are now poorer than Russia and locals go here for work. Except Baltic states that managed to jump into another union and get gibs from there.

Pic is ukranian secession propaganda from 1990 - we not moscowian colony, we work like europeans but get 7 times less, we wuz, we will be be rich and shit. To be rich we must be independent!

>toxic masculinity

Wasn't there also a sort of similar but opposite view (held by Yeltsin and others) that the republics were all leeches and Russia would be better off without them?


They hated the thought of a strong state, independent of their global banks.

this did
they took it seriously and threw everything they could at having their own version
this is why they asked for us to get rid of our warheads in iceland they thought we had actually built it.

reformation in a weakened state + pressure from outside (mainly the US)

Yes, something like "let us let out lazy minority scum (muslims, armenia, georgia, baltics etc) and keep comfy slav federation".

Fun fact - belorussians never even voted for independence and secession like other republics, their local commie leaders just decided they'll do better on their own. Can't let democracy stand in a way of chosen people liberty wishes eh.

>no apparent reason
>US and Soviet Union were constantly on verge of apocalyptic war
>no apparent reason

all these redpills on soviet union keep em coming

Weak economy and weak leaders.



Trying to compete with the USA.

Brilliant people had option to make $3000 a year or $300,000. You can't retain these people with shit pay.

The Berlin wall came down after a person misspoke and they just said you know what, fuck it, we've had enough and that was pretty much it.

>Rejected prices
>Inevitably results in corrupt, despotic central planning
>Rejects voluntary hierarchies
>Inevitably results in corrupt, despotic involuntary hierarchies
>Resulting horribly inefficient society is full of starving and oppressed people ready to overthrow

Fucking duh.

>What caused destruction of Soviet Union?
destruction?? are you mad?? it just moved on to the next tier and expanded into europe and usa

after all.. THE UNION became the world

we all live in a total commie soviet union with all the indicators

Literally no one said it had to be perfect.

It had to be functional, and it had to be sustainable. The soviet economy was neither.

I simply don't understand how so many people starved in the soviet system. How? Didn't europeans spend the past two thousand years figuring out how to farm?

How did it all go to shit so quickly? Is communism truly that inefficient?

The civilized world wouldn't be plagued by fucking sandniggers and other shitskins, faggots and generally liberal degenerates doing whatever the fuck they want if what you say was true.

The USSR had many, many faults, but this wasn't one of them.

It was Gorbachev's socioeconomic reforms that caused the collapse. Russia is oil rich remember.

>The USSR had many, many faults, but this wasn't one of them.
bulgarian you are insane. ussr brought so many niggers all over the place

they were the original multicultural state and approved the race mixing

have you heard about 80s olypics racial experiment in ussr?

they brought like a couple of tens of thousands of niggers from africa and they lets those niggers fuck russians to produce the special offsprings that they would later on educate and use in all sort of walk of life

also they cross bred a lot of different races..

and you can actually the the results in former soviet states which are governed totally by mongrel offshoots from the 50s

actually bulgaria was mongrelized as well.. you are prolly a half nigger mongrel yourself

actually all europe was mongrelized very heavily in the 50s

i remember spain and portugal being quite fucking white with blonds not being a rarity

but now this is hardly the case.. especially blonds are almost non existant