What's his D&D alignment?

What's his D&D alignment?

chaotic good

chaotic neutral

Yep. We're done here.

lawful gay

He's constantly breaking laws and flip-flopping on ideologies and outlooks. Lelouch is absolutely Chaotic.


Law/Chaos isn't about laws, but about whether or not he believes order and conformity are preferable to disorder. Given his ultimate goal is to break up the major alliances and create a UN where every nation gets a voice, and his rejection of both the nobility of the Britannians and of Charles' plan with the Sword of Akasha, there is more than enough evidence to say that he's Chaotic.

Putting him on the Good/Evil axis is harder. That one's all about what the value of a human life is. Considering how coldly he deals with Clovis after he got his information out of him, and how frequently he straight up orders people to kill themselves, we can't say he's Good aligned. Even just using his Geass, which takes away a person's free will, can be considered an Evil act. However, by the end of the show, he takes a more mellow stance, and often shows regret for the people that have died. Then again, is he sad for those deaths because of their inherent value as humans, or only because they're close to him? Didn't he frequently go out of his way in his plans just to avoid involving innocents? He often times struggled with the morality of using his Geass to take away people's free will. All this being said, I'd have to say that he's not Good, but certainly not Evil. Chaotic Neutral sounds like the best fit.

So is Suzaku Lawful Neutral?

Fabulous badass

>manly useless

more like manly pedo

Isn't it the same?

Chaotic good/neutral

There is nothing ordinary about Nina's weirdass self.

Nah, good
He's doing everything to save the elevens in a peaceful and sustainable manner

Suzaku is definitely lawful, you got that right. He wants to change the system from within rather than topple it entirely. As for Good and Evil, that's harder to say. He's often shown going out of his way to protect people, even to his own detriment. The showdown where he refuses to use the FLEIJA is a good example- it takes the compulsion of the geass to override his morals. He also shows a strong distaste for Lelouch's willingness to take away people's free will in order to achieve his goals. There is a strong case for Suzaku being Lawful Good aligned.

shitty fucking nostalgia driven unconscious show

>Girl who fucked a table
>Truly ordinary

Chaotic good definitely. If he was lawful, he would act inside the the law to change the world for the better. His terrorism, while with good intentions, makes him undoubtedly chaotic.

Good/Evil is a lot more blurry than lawful/chaotic though. Just because you have good intentions doesn't make you good, and Lelouch has been show to be ruthless in his desire to achieve his goal. That being said, he doesn't desire strife and pain, they are merely stepping stones, so I wouldn't call him evil. I think has it right. He's too ruthless to be called good, but he struggles with the measures that he has to take to reach the peace he desires, so I'd say he isn't evil either.

Every girl has fucked a table at least once. Trust me.

you have to go back.

>unconscious show
What did he mean by this?

I want to go back

ITT: Sup Forums doesn't understand D&D alignments

Chaotic smug

Come on now.
He's at best CN with frequent dips in CE, he doesn't give a shit about order and will kill innocents to attain his ambitions.

Lawful Stupid.

He literally created a better future for the entire planet.

Even if it was for the sake of his imouto it doesn't change the fact that was good.

True Fabulous

That doesn't have anything to do with D&D evil though. He can strive for good with evil methods, which makes him evil or neutral in the alignment system.

>Even if it was for the sake of his imouto
That's exact definitoin of Neutral. Bc if he would need to launch FLEIJA on every densely populated area for his imouto, he *might* have done that after some internal struggle.

No one understands D&D alignments. They've been completely arbitrary from the start.

Chaotic neutral
has a goal in mind & he'll do whatever it takes to achieve it

Damn, here I was coming to post this.
Oh well, thread's over.

Chaotic Evil to the bone. He once Geasses a noble and his goons to do some stupid shit like laughing, squatting and whatever because they wanted to beat him up/kill him(?). He surely could find a more humane way to kill them but he didn't do it because he was in a bad mood. Loves to give dick orders all the time.
Responsible for tons of innocents dying in the crossfire.
Could walk in the main Brit palace and geass everybody but does it only later after deaths of gorillions, for some reason.
Kills/targets his family all the time.
Completely stripped a bigass army of people of their free will and made them suicidal fanatics.
Is very quick on deciding to kill his own mother a second time who he loved not a long time ago, even though I'm sure she did nothing to hurt him personally.

Consider this: he had a plan of overthrowing Brittania- and thus his entire family of hypocrites- before he got his geass, geass is just a useful tool for him, on par with some super-mech.
Also consider that a ruler without support of his people is not going to last.

But his goals were finding who killed his mother and making Nunally's life good, weren't they? Nunally had it pretty good in the Academy and he didn't need to drown the world in blood to achieve the first task.

>and thus his entire family of hypocrites
This doesn't make him look any better than them when he basically generalizes almost all his family as bad ooga-boogas when he doesn't even know most of them. Even if we look at people he cared about, he knew Eupheminator and really liked her. What the hell would happen to her after his magnificent plan on destroying the Royal family? I don't think he really thought about the consequences of his actions, which again makes him a pretty bad guy.

Though saying Evil to the bone might have been a bit harsh, the dude had agreed to Eupheminator's idea until the writer deployed the Twist.

i want to belive