today i will remind them
Today i will remind them
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying praising a pedophile prophet isn't degenerate in the first
Wake up …
Wake up user…..
You are not alone…..
Minerva has you…..
Follow the white owl…..
take your meds user
come back when the larpers get back from their toilet cleaning duties
>wants a monarchy
They have similarities.
But you forgot the most crucial point.
Why this allegiance never can happen.
The alt-right are white supremacists.
Mudslimes are not white.
But muslims absoluteky love our Happy Merchant memes, doesnt hurt to share.
When will you convert user?
The final step for the alt right to take, convert to islam. What are you waiting for user?
Hey even a broken clock is right twice a day. Same with Islam.
Also we dont want a monarchy and women do get equal rights, femenists just cant handle true equality and cry foul for anything that makes them take responsibility for their own actions
>On the left
Brown radical inbreds
>On the right
White radical inbreds
Drink water
Eat food
Drinks water
Eats food
> want to return a monarchy
I'm ok with this. Aside from the fact that no alt righter I know has committed suicide bombings your comparison is pretty accurate. (Jew should be changed to Zionist, as there is a difference) But to be fair , suicide bombings are a pretty big thing to not have been included on your comparison. Is it possible (and forgive me, I don't know you) that you are a fag and are actually just butt-hurt because your horse didn't win the race? Also, sage
Reminder that the conflict with islam is over territory rather than ideology.
Wasnt the new testament written by jews?
>implying ALL races didnt fuck teens for thousands of years
>google the age of the "virgin" mary
>google the average age women got married in US 100+ years ago
stop being a cuck. its the (((feminist))) roasties that tell you cant have teen pussy
NAZI were Never race supremacists
This is another Jew lie
Rofl , I was thinking the same thing
Whats the point if you dont have any cute cousins?
That is not radical Islam, it's just Islam.
Wth i love islam nao
Seriously though, it's not exactly a good culture and religion, too much shit that hinders it, but muslims can be an ally against kikes.
Lets team up
Wipe the kikes off the map
Then keep to our own part of the world
Enjoy peace
Had to laugh at the last one. I'm a Nazi and wish Shias success.
Good job on ignoring the mountain of differences jackass.
wtf i love islam now
It says shouldn't, not should.
>wants a return of monarchy
No, we don't. Everything else is accurate. It's easy to point out these similarities, but where we differ is on the issue of race. We also have completely different cultures. Muslims are welcome to do as they please in their own nations, but if they think they can invade mine, they'll get what's coming to them.
Monarchy is one of most optimal outcomes actually. To understand this you need to see that power in society will inevitably concentrate in a hands of few and transferred as inheritance, so most effective way to harness this process is to have designated ruling dynasty that will serve an anchor for power and whose well-being is inseparable from well-being of their state. Also notice that kikes always were able to attain influence in nation only after its ethnic nobility was toppled, or if nation had no ethnic nobility in first place (USA case).
islam wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt a shitskin religion.
Leaders should be chosen based on merit, not by bloodline. Fuck off, faggot. Having a weak king ruling over you just means that I'll come kick his ass and control his kingdom. This is always what happens.
>20 fucking 18
>there are still people who believe in """""(((((democracy)))))"""""
I guess you need to educate yourself more on processes within human societies to understand what I mean.
I think you need to go back to your bottle of cheap vodka and go night night.
>they think they can invade mine, they'll get what's coming to them.
You are already getting what you deserve due to your constant interventions on their nations, not to mention dumping kikes on their lands and expect them to accept that filth.
You forget that all of this has been ordered by kikes, and that I want to kill them all, retarded faggot.
> leaders should be chosen based on merit
> proceeds to post Adolph "Second line is fine" Hitler
> the same faggot who murdered all the non meme war heroes in the movement to take the post
You don't have enough self awarenness to be human.
>convert to islam. What are you waiting for user?
not going to deny Christ and go to hell for eternity sorry bro.
So nothing to answer? Btw, let me guess, you're burger mongrel, right? Europeans are generally capable of far more intellectual communication.
So, burger mongrel, have you paid your tribute to ruling dynasty of your land today? Because this is what Rothschild family who owns Federal Reserve is. Remember when they send US into war at the other side of the world when Hitler kicked out their bank form Germany? Or when they physically removed """"elected"""" """"leader"""" Kennedy after he dared to tamper with their influence?
>no we don't
Yes we do.
Muslims are inhuman.
The fact that muslims are against immigration but are the firsts who cowardly escape their hellholes really makes you think