There is only one thing I don't get about unlimited blade works

There is only one thing I don't get about unlimited blade works.

Who was in Archers HGW war when he was still Shirou? What person took up the mantle of archer during that HGW of Archers HGW. I thought for awhile, and presumed it was archer cause of the statement later brought on by the archer vs shirou fight, that guardians exist outside the confines of time. So does this mean shirou becomes archer no matter what, do the routes not really matter and shirou becomes archer in the eventual end anyways?

>guardians exist outside the confines of time
>Archer eventually fights that shirou

Anyone got an explanation for this?

we dont know - all that is said is that his war was "similar" to the fate route

Don't see why it couldn't just be himself

I assume it would have been EMIYA anyway.
Gaia magic, I ain't gotta explain shit.

Local Redman realizes what the word "Eternal" means.

If this is true. That means at any moment throughout time there is a infinite amount of Archers fighting an Infinite amount of Shirous for the rest of eternity.

in archers timeline, he probally never had the UBW route. wouldn't be surprised if he went Heavan's Feel, or Night.

Also, what would using a misc. object as a catalyst, like idk a kitchen knife bring upon me?

It was Archer then too and you have not processed what being outside of time means. It's not complicated.
There are lots of Shirous that do not become Archer.

No association with a specific identity, you'd just get someone similar to yourself. A vague catalyst like that does nothing to pare your chances and thus may as well not have been used.

Well, the thing is. What route did the Acher's Archers HGW have. This is what I'm trying to say.

It becomes a paradox at some point, it's a rabbit hole.

I forget the interview quote, but it's Fate Route if Illya were saved I think. If Archer kills Shirou it splits the timeline a bit and nothing changes for Archer.

Computer would probably get you Charles Babbage.

it means no matter what happens to the shirou of his respective route, there will always be a shirou who became archer, even if they're not the same person

It wouldn't have been EMIYA who was the Archer in his route. I don't get why people think it would have to be him.

Guardian Archer always has to go back in time to fight his younger self because that's how he got the power to become Archer in that timeline.

I know there's a few different end results for Shirou but his fight against Archer always has to occur, right?

Otherwise paradox, etc.

It was Ajax.

It was how Archer acquire Rho Aias.

Archer qualified as Archer because he likes throwing huge boulders at enemies.

^Ajax qualified as Archer

>implying Ajax wasn't a shielder in that war.

Q: What was the 5th grail war that HS Emiya experienced in his lifetime like? Was the Archer summoned there also Emiya?
Nasu: It was a world where the conditions at the beginning of the war were mostly the same, but something was missing. Shirou summoned Saber and fought until the end, didn't save Saber's heart but understood her, and they destroyed the grail together and parted... that's the image I have.
Takeuchi: Ahh, so something like a Fate route Good End we didn't make in the game?!
Nasu: Yeah, probably. After that, it's believed he cooperates with Rin who survived, and heads to London.

Notice he didnt actually answer the question, but it is what we have

Not true. Flat Escardos summons Jack the Ripper by using a video game mail-in bonus knife from a Jack the Ripper-themed game. A regular kitchen knife could get you any manner of HS who'd used a knife.

It is similar to Fate, but Archer reacts to Illya in a way that indicates an Illya route possibility within that umbrella.

Flat's an abnormality and the Fake Holy Grail War is an abnormality, Jack the Ripper is an abnormality and he's not meant to be Berserker either.
Absolutely nothing about that summoning makes sense or can be used as a reference for normal summoning.

The summoning has absolutely nothing to do with it being a fake war. Nothing in the text says anything about the summoning being about Flat nor about it being about the war; as opposed to summonings like Pale Rider or Dumas, wherein the nature of the war or the nature of the Master explicitly dictates who/what is summoned.

He didn't even fucking properly summon him. He kind of just appeared out of nowhere.

There's no way in hell Archer went HF, since the entire route was discarding the ideals that got archer where he is

What part about the Throne of Heroes being OUTSIDE GODDAMN TIME AND SPACE do you not understand?

Like 4/14 Servants in SF were standard-summoned. That doesn't mean anything.