ask a muslim/arabic person anything.
Ask a muslim/arabic person anything
Which wire do I cut?
why post pic of turk?
Why dont you go back?
Why are muttroccans such subhumans?
and do you collect neet bux?
do you consider yourself as integreted european?
What are the endgame s your people? For centuries, it has been world domination.
ask Serbs
all you towel heads look the same
Are the Ottomans going to break free from their democracy and establish the Ottoman Kingdom?
How much will that kebab be?
Do you want me to use a bide so you can rape me?
How much for a small Döner Kebab? 2.50?
How much for a large Döner Kebab? 4.50?
Is "mit Alles und Scharf" included in the price?
What do you think of space colonization?
how do you feel about all the asian massage parlors opening in your kebab neighbourhoods? I mean there's tons of kebab everywhere but now the asians are swooping in, how do you feel about it?
>One post by thus ID
How can I stop confusing peper with salt?
Can you leave my country please?
What is your favorite missile to get hit by and why is it the AGM-114 Hellfire?
did you notice your moms cliterous was missing when you were born?
go away?
Is belgium even a real country?
How hot is it in whatever middle eastern country you live in?
get out of my country now or i will kill you, to be shure i'll just kill anything that resembles you if you don't make it snappy
As if you’re really a Muslim. But if you are how does it feel knowing your religion was founded on 0 evidence and by a child rapist at that, all jokes aside fuck your religion
Why do you guys always work at or own a pizza-kebab joint?
Why don't I see sandpeople in any other jobs but those?