The Russian menace aside. Do you often get reports of your country's airspace being invaded.
I remember the Turks shot a Russian one down. I read the Russians shot an American one down during the cold war.
Do you see reports of this in your country's and what should be the appropriate response?
Russians invade uk airspace
Russian jets flown in our airspace. We escorted the planes to you guys. I heard the sonic boom of the jets.
Flew* oops
RUSSIA DID A THING GUISE!!!!! XDDDD sage this gay shit that won't lead to anything
The appropriate response is what happened, the Brits sent fighters to "escort" the "lost" Russians out of their airspace. Obviously Russia is playing a game, equally obviously no good will come from shooting down their planes.
>b-b-but our greatest ally
how long does the world have suffer these barbarians
>Russians invade uk airspace
that is a bullshit claim
the planes flew where anyone can fly
They do it all the time and we would shot them down if we had a fighter plane.
Well they don't seem to do it to other countries
>Russian planes are not known to have violated international regulations or entered any EU nation’s sovereign airspace, flying instead into “identification zones” in international airspace that are monitored for security.
So I was wondering why the uk seems to be different. The US seems to intercept them before they get too close
>close to the UK's airspace
did not invade
It also says
>French and Belgian air forces have reportedly also been deployed to tackle the situation.
This has gone on for years. Before the Annexation and shit in Ukraine.
>and we would shot them down if we had a fighter plane.
God bless you, estonian. You made me kek
Hey kid wanna buy some F-35s?
He said plane, not meme. Shit that works, like the wonderful f15.
Joke aside, russians just train for deep strike attacks, and UK actually help them in that. Not that they are wrong either. Its just a win win situation: both can brag, both get training.
Why buy when you send them for free
> F-35s would head to Europe as part of an initiative to deter Russian aggression.
My mistake
>At their closest the Russian aircraft were within 30 nautical miles (34.5 miles) of the UK's sovereign airspace, the MoD said - around 40 nautical miles (46 miles) from British soil.
Your country will disappear in an instant if that happen.
>We escorted the planes to you guys
using Belgian F16's
WoW Netherlands ! Who cucked are you? Do you even have an Air Force? You get Belgium to defend your airspace! What a joke of a country you guys are!
Last time we encountered Russian aircraft we shot down 5 including the commander, with no casualties in our side.
You dont fly out and meet them straight away, otherwise you show them your radar capabilities.
>the most glorious kike military achievment is 50 years old dogfight
Gee, I wonder why you can't end Iran existance when even glorious USSR was cucked by mighty kike.
>otherwise you show them your radar capabilities.
Are they not aware of radar capabilities?
Are some radars more capable?
>Do you often get reports of your country's airspace being invaded
literally every day
I didn't know turkeys can fly.
The ruskies are doing a test run for an attack on Europe, they did it a while back too.
This all sounds like fear mongering propaganda just like what is done in Sweden.
>D-don't look at all this foreign influence entrenchment that is going on ehhhh btw that was Russia and that isn't even a problem Russia is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dunno why the Russians do it so often, they really don't have the money to be wasting fuel like that
nope, their war planes do keep invading our airspace faggot
I thought Putin was /yourguy/?
What happened Sup Forums, you lost interest in the authoritarian manlet?
>Fear mongering
>Russia literally invaded Ukraine and is still there
You're pathetic and I'm glad the Muslims are conquering you
First and foremost in 99% of these cases the Russians are flying CLOSE to your airspace.
No one is invading shit. Also NATO has ROE for cases when they did, your input is not needed here m8.
It's probably NATO/EU propaganda. It could be some NATO/EU ally posing as Russia to make it a news story. We have had this before with submarines that """allegedly""" were Russian in Swedish waters, turned out it was some shit NATO country (Germany). So why didn't they report this? Because the propaganda benefitted NATO. Of course it could still be Russia, but lets not be too naive in trusting a government that doesn't even care about any of us in the end.
Hello, how has unemployment been recently? Did you confess your problems to your imam yet or is that later for tonight when you partake in the greco-muslim tradition of getting railed in the ass by men?
Weak NATO shill, you know exactly why they "invaded".
Happens regularly here. But why fly to UK?
Most Brits who matter in any war would probably welcome the Russians if it stopped the muslim and shit skin invasion their government is implementing with their tax dollars.
Netherlands , Belgium and Luxembourg defend our airspace together. 24/7 7 days a week.
>I-it's not Russia it's just the EU!
It has ALWAYS been Russiastan Sven, it's what they do
They fly illegally into other nations territory or with sub/boat to do recon or whatever and everyone just ignores it more or less and says please don't do it again.
Sadly the only ones with balls to shoot them down are kebab and Jews
If you cunts started shooting them down and firing torpedos at their subs they wouldn't do it anymore
Testing our response time again I see
>It's probably NATO/EU propaganda
Fuck off, the planes that intercepted them last time literally flew over my head, you tinfoil hatted paranoid conspiracy theorist.
I though UK was used to foreigners invading their country by now
You are the last person that can speak of another nation illegally entering into another countries area.
It isn't their clay, get fucked Russiboo
>Y-yes it's Russia every time.
You're just wrong. Sometimes it is Russia, sometimes it is not and then it is reported as Russia anyway because it benefits the propaganda. It's no surprise that you lack this nuance, shill.
They were just saying hi.
US and Russia have in the past and probably currently rode the line of each others airspace just to see the response. There are stories of it happening so often in the cold war the pilots started playing games with each other in the air fucking around.
Holy shit shill tactic number one.
>Guys I have read all the documents and I found nothing!
>Guys I saw the planes myself!!!! I promise!!!! Nothing else to see here!!!!
>tax dollars
>lol wut
Yeah no use in hiding behind that meme flag, your inner burger is showing, also, Russia has a huge muslim population.
We can't ilegally enter anyone's airspace because all airspace is our airspace.
98% of the world's nations have a base of ours on it, therefore by default it is our airspace.
When you own the sky you may do the same
No, the most glorious would be defeating 85 Syrian jets with no casualties.
Go back to your shed
>Most Brits who matter in any war would probably welcome the Russians if it stopped the muslim and shit skin invasion
Exaclty. Makes you wonder who is actually behind it... subversion 101.
What a weak reply haha
>shill tactic
oh fuck off you delusional cunt, you're the shill, I'm right under an RAF flight path & those jets are damn LOUD.
Is there a country the USA has not invaded or sabotaged yet?
>Muh Jew
In my experience its always the fucking americans.
>close to the United Kindom's airspace
>invade uk airspace
Relax lads
>Russia has a huge muslim population.
He also isn't completely wrong though, your people are cucks and would gladly welcome Russian occupation
>When you own the sky you may do the same
Other countries are generous enough to let you into their airspace HUR DUR WE OWN ALL AIRSPACE !
Do you claim ownership of your m8s car too when he gives you a ride ? fucking arrogant cunts the lots of you !
We have had this a lot in recent years. I remember in like 2014 and early 2000's
>muh joooos muh jooos
>Is there a country the USA has not invaded or sabotaged yet?
Plenty, if you want to find someone who has come close you should look to the Anglo
>It's always Americans
You're funny user, please refrain from considering moving here when the niggers decide that whites need to be wiped out again in SA, go to your precious England like the cuck you are. We don't want you
They probably just testing RAF response time.
Tu-160 is not a bomber, it a cruise missile carrier. So it don't need to enter UK airspace, or even fly near UK airspace to nuke London.
You know what was the biggest issue we faced in north/west africa? American interlopers destabilizing the areas and causing complete chaos. What did you hope to achieve, conquering africa? kek
The best thing about encountering your people there was that there were no repercussions putting you down, because none of us were supposed to be there in the first place.
You're one to talk kek
Again, there isn't an airspace we fly into(save for Russia and a very few select kebab lands, apefrican, and south American lands) that we do not have a military base or presence in, therefore that nations airspace is just as much ours as it is theirs.
The only way this is changing is if we canceled all naval patrol that wasn't directly to and from our clay, removed all of our foreign bases, and told you all to get bent.
But I highly doubt even you are stupid enough to wish for that to happen
whatever you're up to, cut it out !
It is a bomber, Russians are just so inept that when it was finished they realized it was far better suited for missle use.
>No really guize I shot americanz!
Larp elsewhere
Such naivety. You swedes and most westerners don't know Russia well enough. You are only aware of it in maybe last 10 years or so and have distant and distorted view of it.
Probably the worst misinformation in the west is that Russia is ''based'', ''christian'', ''traditional'', ''stands up to NWO'', '' cares about its people'', ''embraces conservatism'' etc. It moslty comes from the alt-media and/ or western ''far-right'' subversive elements., is ''anti-imperialism''.
I understand it when leftist-liberal cuck media criticizes Russia or exposes it, you naturally wouldn't want to believe them, because most of the time they spew progressive SJW bullshit/ or standard pro-migration cuck rhetoric.
But that's the point. Make people distrust their media. Provide conflicting information, mix in ridiculous propaganda, put them off the scent.
And that is called demoralization.
Ironic huh? Whilst the world was focusing on finding Saddam Hussein, you fuckers were crawling around in the forest playing rambo. I honestly don't know what your end game was but it never stopped.
Actually i was referring to the manlet in the middle. But you can also see what kind of company he keeps.
They want to know how fast the country can scramble and from where.
Media reporting on this wants to build anti russian sentiment.
The most famous incident in Canada by the Russians was when they planted a flag under "our" arctic. Lol we had nothing to get it...our one shopping mall has more operational subs than our military.
Thanks Brit bongs for you're shitty out of date diesel electric coffins!
No it isn't, Tu-160 was originally designed as missile carrier, it can't use gravity bombs.
But you can't disagree that Russia IS much less degenerate than the west. Both Russia and the West have alcoholics, kikes and corrupted officials, however only the West has transgender soldiers and feminist governments. All this warmongering and militarism stems from a simple fact that russians always need an external enemy to unite against, otherwise they'll start asking questions, like "why do we sell so much oil for so much money yet I've never seen a part of that money" type of questions, and the government can't allow that.
Arguing with balts is like arguing with the wall. They rather kill themself than agree with russian.
Thankfully there is like two or three millions of them left.
>you can't disagree that Russia IS much less degenerate than the west
мы вce пoлныe дeгeнepaты
I agree with ''less degenerate'' if we look at SJW-ism, homosexuality/transgenderism and that kind of thing.
This data is like 10 years old
Russia hasn't done anything wrong. When they do something the Globalist faggots in NATO have to freak out and say that Russia is evil.
been both the U.S. and Russia and definitely have to say that the general habits, hygiene, and outlook on life of americans is much cleaner and less degenerate than russians. srry khokarisov
> Russia Invading Azerbaijan and Moldova
The Azerbaijanis are terrible people and their entire nation should be taken over by the Armenians, and I'm pretty Sure Russia didn't invade Moldova.
I love you, Eesti, I really do and you're one of the few countries I'd be willing to die to defend, but you and Latvia need to break open your piggy banks and come to an American yard sale and buy a squadron of F-16s for a joint air force.
Why don't they ask those questions though. Latvia or the uk are not a threat to Russia. Russians should be rich with all their natural resources. You sold be driving around in sports cars like the Saudi's do.
Do Russians really believe that any European country is a threat to Russia?
Those were the times eh? Not like that anymore sadly, doesn't look good when you keep losing your jets to SAA and the russian air defense systems..
Well explain then. I thought radar was pretty old and basic technology
NATO is a Globalist Organization. Once the Warsaw Pact collapsed they started expanding into Eastern Europe, which was their first major mistake. Then they bombed the shit out of Serbia because they though Yugoslavia would be an Ally of Russia (because the Serbians were) and supported Bosnian and Albanian Terrorists in Bosnia and Kosovo. After the wars were over, they used Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, and most recently, Montenegro as NATO puppet states. NATO is a shitty organization, and I pray to god every day that it gets dismantled. They've done nothing but cause misery and trouble to numerous people.
>Why don't they ask those questions though
Because most of those who can think critically were executed by NKVD
>Do Russians really believe that any European country is a threat to Russia?
People like picrelated do. People not like picrelated understand that Israel will adopt Christianity sooner than Europe, US or Russia will go to war against each other, but those people are a minority and are either in the other country already or in the government and benefit from the stupidity of the majority
Talked with a weapons tester, there are drones that can spoof the radar signature of other aircraft, to literally every type of radar at the same time.
And after that you'll be greeting your chinese overlords.
I'm kinda with you on that, but that's not really an explanation of why Russians aren't rich and don't ask the question why. Also however expansive NATO is, Russia is not going to be invaded or anything like that. If anything we have seen the opposite with Russia invading surrounding counties
Ok, meme banter aside - from your (and general public's) point of view, how oppressed are russian minorities in Baltics? What is your media telling you?
why Russian always do something like this ?aren't Russia and Siberia are huge?
Baltic states only ever show up in our news whenever they do something to get rid of soviet past. Last things I remember is tearing down ww2 memorials, banning Russian language in schools, some Russian guy getting beaten up because he spoke Russian in a public place and stuff like that. To be honest, I don't really care about Baltic states or what's happening in them, so I never checked the facts or did any research on how actually Russians are oppressed there. But yeah, the news almost always portray you in negative light, and those who watch and believe the news most probably dislike you too.
Exactly. Russia so big because we always do something like this
The Latvian boi doesn't have an argument. Continue sucking NATO's Dick boy.