The True Redpill

The True Redpill.

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Yeah but their kids are.

The IQ and stable family upbringing pill is the true redpill.

>white doesn't exist.
>attack them anyway.

Yeah. I keep coming to this conclusion. The only answer I have is that my own kids are worth fighting for, dynasty and all that.

Why are you always on about saving white race?
You know that's out of your control right?
Why don't you just get rich and live on a nice island?

sounds boring.

look mom i used the word again

Yeah and? If you are here and don't realise this already then you need to lurk more.

Forced sterilisation after 6 children and manual labour for Low IQ and degenerate Whites. Non-whites get gassed

If you meet rural lower class whites you'd realize that. We need to push for National Transhumanism, not some "white race" shit that acts like all whites are some perfect breed of human.

t. white guy

Sure thing jamal
They are worth saving as a group

>The True Redpill

Redpill general? LGTSS

Deal with it

shoo, jidf

Aren't you somewhat bound by duty to your people as well, though Pajeet? I'm sure that even you have that tiny flame deep inside. The one that reminds you that deep inside your heart, you're ready to die to protect your right to proudly defecate on the sidewalks.

Are you kidding, WHITES are far worthier to save than kikes and mudslimes who are trash peoples.
Redpill yourself
>one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
>one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews
>one white roastie is worth 6 million burning jews


Whites are more worth saving than any other group, but National Transhumanism is what we should strive for

Only eugenics, transhumanism is kike bullshit

Why though?

>t. nigger

If you try to make humans more perfect, you will try to make them more like robots. Then it's more profitable to build a robot and thus humans are useless.

that "white" girl isn't even that good looking from a Caucasian standpoint. She's got an Asiatic eye shape and a really broad flat nose (basically she's Eastern-European/Baltic). The Jawline's okay, and her hair is too blonde, I have a feeling she has dark roots and has died it which is why it's throwing me off.

The Jap on the other hand just looks like a Jap, that nose has had work though to make it more Caucasian for sure

What makes you think a majority of whites will just be willing to accept this?

Because they won't have the choice, it's a capitalistic society.

The majority of people in general isn't worth saving. If a select 90% were to spontaneously combust, the remainder would probably be better off. I'd happily self-immolate, if it meant a new golden age for humanity.

Most of Sup Forums isn't even white
That being said, those who voted Asian gf get the bullet too
>t. white race voter

I guess replacing them with nignogs is fine then.


The majority of whites are still better than 99% of niggers and spics.
I'd take a hillbilly cousin fucker over a nigger any day.

A majority of whites is far less important than an absence of brown sub-80 IQ subhumans.

So if I to defend blacks I would be totally justified right?

>So if I to defend
You would not. Defending niggers is never justifiable. The worst of the worst of whites will always be better than the average nigger and are dealt with far easier.

Even removing 10% of the nigger population would improve the would significantly more than removing all of the worst whites.

Wow. Just wow. So hypothetically (key word), you'd accept 10 white serial killers over 10 niggers with minor drug and assault charges?

Hypothetically I would accept 100 white serial killers over 50 niggers with

Want to know why?
No one will give a shit when the white serial killers are rotting in prison or set to be executed. But kill one of those niggers and half the city he lives in will be chimping out.

A white criminal does not create more criminals.
A black criminal creates more criminals.

It isn't about saving spectacular whites. It is about not being surrounded by hordes of third world savages. It's about not being a minority in your own fucking countrt.

>Criminality doesn't breed criminality yet it does.

Make more sense man

Serial killers do not spread like thugs do. Nor is there a strong reaction from fellow subhumans when justice is dispensed.

A white serial killer is literally satan in the peoples eyes.
Not only does the nigger population chimp out after the thug is dealt with, but it also causes certain groups of whites to defend him as well. Neither of these will defend a white serial killer.

I’m not in the slightest invested in saving white trash or their meth culture.

Culture isn’t a numbers game to me.

What has the thug done, though?

The serial killer is a serial killer, he killed multiple people; but the thug's crime could very well just be a drug related small thing so people get mad when police beats the shit out of him while ignoring others with a similar record.

Do you really think you prefer more serial killers? Just remember, they kill before they are caught.

>passionate, moving words, only to end in a punchline

What you are failing to see is the bigger picture. You are throwing serial killers and thugs into a box and looking at which one is worse at that very moment.

A serial killer is worse, but the effects are short term. They are caught quickly, do not spread, and many actively call for their death. Once a serial killer is in prison or dead, all that is left is the empty spots where the victims were. They add nothing.

A thug is better, but with significantly worse effects over a longer period of time. They are tolerated to a degree and when they are arrested a lot are let free to be repeat offenders. They encourage and recruit others, and no one would publicly call for their death besides other thugs. They leave behind allies and children who will be raised by the thugs friends and family, in the environment the thug lived in, to be another thug. Not only do they leave emptiness where their victims were but they actively make the future worse by creating more thugs.

Taking 100 serial killers over 50 thugs will temporarily be worse, but would pay off in full in the future.

Even white trash hillbillies try to work, despite whatever lack of class or refinement they may have

Can't say the same for niggers

That is like maybe 5% of White people
Shhh apparently 10,000,000 - 20,000,000 poor whites is worse then 30,000,000 negroes on some form of welfare.

Wow, very underrated

you've never spent time around white trash then.


Short term effects? Tell that to every relative of a serial killer victim. Death is never shot term and is always worse. The so called thugs are dealt with when they actually commit a crime.

You just hold prejudices towards blacks because you think they are more likely to commit small felonies. It's a background thing, places where poverty is more prevalent will always have higher crime rates regardless of ethnicities.

Your average middle class neighborhood has a few black/asian/latin families yet they are no different than any traditional white family there.

Are poor neighborhoods in America largely populated by minorities? Maybe, I don't know. It's likely a result of segregation existing less than 60 years ago and a non existent public coverture.

My point, poor people are more likely to commit these small felonies, but they pay for it. However, rich people get away with fraud all the time and they actually cost millions to society. Look at my flag, I'm a victim of the later, I should know.

ok, same can be said about every single race and every single race won't hear it so they tell the whites who can and does hear it. And yet Jesus saved us all equally anyway. Can you understand why?

That Asian girl is bad as fuck

Gotta break the conditioning

Your an idiot. That’s only 5% of Whites compared to 80% of Negroes. Also when you have Rural & Suburban White Americans who vote red the same way Hispanics & Asians vote blue that is technically a monolith.
Appalachia is the poorest place in the Country and there is almost no violent crime. I forgot though spaniards are worse then Americans when it comes to Negroe Loving

It's not all about poverty and crime rates. Whites are facing discrimination and a diminishing quality of life because of ethnic pollution. What do you think life actually looks like for whites when they're 20% of the population? I don't care that middle class Chinese won't mug you in the streets. They're still communists, they still resent whites for imperialism, and they'll vote accordingly. Same for every other third world ethnic group.

Not to mention the fact that we can't have a white space anymore. You understand that when you go to a movie theater that's 20% white, that's a completely different experience from one that's 90% white? It's just gross. Everyone hates each other. You can't strike up a conversation with a stranger because that's what the crazies would do. The employees are spiteful unless you happen to meet a white employee which is like a breath of fresh air. You see one white couple with one kid and they look scared and drained when they should be having fun. Some Chinese woman screaming trying to haggle for a discount, 20 spic kids running around flinging shit everywhere. How are you not seeing what I'm seeing? Have you been to a minority white area?

It could turn around in a generation. The culture has degenerated since the the bad guys own WW2 and even more since we lost the Cold War,but it would turn around in a generation. 9.5/10 worth saving.

Actually Clinton only won Chinese voters by 7% but I understand your point. Also yes Whites in Urban centers are not just disproportionately semites but more likely to be
1) mentally unstable
2) associate with small clique
3) more cynical
And it’s spreading to suburbs slowly. Though Suburbs are still 70% - 75% White in total compared to American Cities which are 70% - 80% Non White in total

I'm not white, probably closer to the amerimutt meme as I have Latino ancestry. But I've been started to get on board this idea. At this point I just want my genes to live on. I don't really care what my kids reproduce with so long as their mates are either extremely smart or extremely good looking. Names and genes spanning generations is truly living forever imo.

But even though my race is mixed up, I still fucking hate niggers and unironically want them to be exterminated

Yet you don't like Jews I bet do ya

Brainwashed whites are our greatest impedance to progress.

Asian women are more likely to have STDs than white women and your kids are more likely to have mental problems

Thugs dont just break into your car or mug you, they breed and have little baby thuglets, roughly four to eight of them. Then those thuglets grow up learning to be thugs, have naturally low IQ because they are chocolate faces, have no opportunities and thus also grow up to be thugs. Your thug problem grows by 800% in one generation. This isn't even bringing up the natural divide they will have with normal people based on race. Trust me when I saw a black community won't hesitate to wipe out the white one if they get superior numbers.

You can hate Dalmer and co. but guys like him also rarely breed, and if they do the kid is usually put into care and learns to revile their parents, never becoming like them. Serial killers also usually have something that can be treated (paranoid schizophrenia, etc.) whereas you can't treat being a nigger.



yest, but a majority of whites is better than a majority of shitskins

>Actually Clinton only won Chinese voters by 7%
Where did you hear this? She won 73 to 24. You must be thinking of a poll conducted in China, which Republicans sometimes win.

f p b p

Asians will vote for whoever they’re told to vote for. They lack the individual will to oppose the collective.

They aren't. That's why it is a supreme act of love to save them anyway. We are in a dark place right now, but we can come out of it like we always have and be greater than before.

>Asian women are more likely to have STDs than white women
Are they?

>Appalachia is the poorest place in the Country and there is almost no violent crime.
I live in western NC and this is true. Most crime here is drug related thanks to the prevalence of meth and lack of activities for those who are not the outdoors type. Unfortunately the black and Mexican populations have started to increase in recent years so I expect that to change.


Niggers are literally shithole tier in terms of races. Its not just you, most latinos hate them too.

>a white serial killer is literally satan in the people's eyes
Absolutely not true. Serial killers are extremely empathetic in modern television. Look at Dexter. Or mindhunter. Manhunt. Silence of the Lambs.

They're seen as charismatic geniuses who kill for the challenge. They are reviled but respected.

black bois prefer goats.

Calm down. The discrimination that whites would face being a minority is the same other groups would face, and it happens because someone brings race in the first place.

Using communist as an insult is 'murican 101. It doesn't even make sense. Chinese kids born in America will be Americans because noone, neither their families or anyone can avoid the enviroment and they will vote whatever the fuck they want because that's the point of your constitution.

Do you think they aren't voting properly? What the fuck does that even mean? You vote your candidate, the rest of America vote their candidate and someone wins.

You should travel more whenever you can, honestly. It's a cliché at this point, but also the honest truth. If you dont want to go to a "third wold shithole" then go to a doveloped country. You will be a minority in some of them, yet no one will give you shit for it unless you behave like a jackass.

I have two problems here. First, I dont really believe whites are facing any kind of sistematic discrimination. All the garbage you see in youtube or any website that blames white people is just a bunch of kids in they late 10s/early 20s that haven't met life yet. Real life. Once they need to sit down and look for a way to live they will calm down.

Second, discrimination towards whites doesn't look like straight up discrimination. It seems that there's a reaction towards discrimination that they face. You don't empathize because you are not subject to that kind of discrimination, but they are and they complain. Once they complain they get a "shit up nigger" or "go back spic", and then this circle starts where everyone complains, even if they've never been a tarjet of any kind of discrimination.

Even then, there's no way you, as a white person, face any kind of discrimination, real discrimination, just because you are white. I don't buy it. An employee being an ass is not discrimination.


The majority of Japanese are worth saving. The majority of South Koreans are worth saving.

literally this and only this. if there weren't any kids and everyone was just a hedonistic twenty-something-year-old i would just off myself rather than live in that world. kids are the only thing that gives me hope


Once you actually get kicked out of a store or not allowed in just because you are white and no one does anything about it, no ever the autorities, or other people are allowed to damage your property or even kill you without any kind of backlash then complain.

Right now all you get is race jokes that are "ok" towards whites but not "ok" the other way. That's a consecuence of a large group of whites that refused to acknowledge a problem, but now is being recognised yet the tension built too much.

Say that about any other group. Sort out your own nations or you are not worth saving. Dont come to ours.

I never learned Spanish as my grandparents tried to raise an American family. But since I've started learning I came across "pinche mayate" which I think is hilarious